Monday, 23 March 2009 21:15
holidays...holidays...!!! =] ♥THURSDAY... hari niy..aku ngan family odw g kL... malas giler nak g..!!!bukan pe...coz timed 2 x packed barang lagi so dats wut maked me lazyyy..!!!so..pagi itu agak kelam-kabut..!!!!woke up around 9.30 a.m wif messy hair andddd "maa...!!!mls nak pergi..!!!"but they juz ignored me..!!!huh..so me bangun and kemas bilik ang packed baju pastu mandi and bersiap...pagi tu me x makan coz malas..!!huhuhu... (: around 1 o'clock ktorng gerak g kL... and sampai kL kat umah my sis lebey kurang kul 6 lebey .. FRIDAY... today ktorng gerak g Genting...dh lame me x g Genting..!!xcited gyle..!!!!kul 11 a.m ktorng gerak menuju ke Genting Highlands...mase g 2 jalan x bz and traffic lancar...ktorng tid0 dekat First World Hotel...parked keta and naek lif..walked and..........GOSH..!!!! a thousand of ppl waited to chcked in hotel..!!!! crap... my sis g counter ambik num giliran... and we must waited until one and a half hours before ktorg msuk bilik...so my advice.. jgn g mase cuti sekolah..!!! masuk bilik letak barang and resttt...felt gud dat timed...snap pix and sembang2 wif my sisters and all...dalam kul 3.30 kot cant remember...ktorg jalan2 lurking around...cari kasut...pastu me ajak my sis maen bowling and me belanja..walaupun satu game but we had fun babeyh..!!!kareoke lyke gilew2 mmg bestt...not only dat...ktorg gak naek "naga" yang pusing2 dalam mall 2...xtau nme pe bnde 2...and finally ktorg g makan kt Kenny Rogers..pastu balik bilik around 9.30 p.m. dalam bilik ktorg which me..k.eja and k.ayu decided nak kuar maen indoor games...my mom and lil bro x ikut coz kepenatan...so dalam 10.30 p.m. ktorng maked a moved..sejuk gyle mase tu...bestt :) samapi kat tmpt games 2 kitorng bahagi2 duit nk beli token...and we started played..!!! wohooo.. best tapi penat...huhuhu...ktorng balik bilik kul 12 lebey and tido0...=] SATURDAY... buka2 mata jer one word yg terlintas iaitu..."SEJUKKKKK...!!!" and malas nak bangun..hehehe...tp disebabkan lapar so me bangun gak laa nk g brkfast...lepas siap ktorg turun bawah and bile sampai banyak makanan dah abis sbb terlampau banyk manusia and ktorg tiba agak lewat...jalan2..pusing2 tgk makanan yg de mase tu and pilih tempat nak duduk...Q gyle nk ambik makanan pon..tension2...!!! skip2.. lepas makan ktorng masuk bilik coz nak packed baju sebab nak chcked out awl coz nk g maen outdoor games plak...huhuhu...11.30 a.m ktorg kuar and g simpan barang dalam keta...lif penuh and teramat penuh..!!!xsk..xsk..!!!tp tunggu gak laa..lepas ktorng dh simpan barang ktorg naek balik g beli tiket nk masuk maen..mmg best sampai me pening gyle2..!!!tp yang xbest satu game kene tunggu sampai setengah jam walhal nak maen 5 minit jer...hurmmmmmmm....and ktornf balik dalam kul 7.o0 p.m. SUNDAY... me x g skul..!!ponteng2...!!!hahaha...pagi 2 bangun brkfast and g swimming...dalam kul 1 lebey g jln abd rahman coz my mom nk g gulati's beli kain...borink weyhh tunggu..!!!lyke org gyla..!!!pastu g makan..antar my sis balik and ktorng pon gerak balik umah dalam kul 4.3o.. the end... =]
Wednesday, 18 March 2009 14:30
update...update.... ♥ hari 2 (isnin) aku..dila..n scha kuar g JJ...mmg best tapi memenatkan..!!!!1st time ktowg naek bus g JJ...mmg lawak...!!!dr kulim naek bus 506..ok laa...dengan girang ktowg memulakan perjalanan...tiba2... dila:"wey np bus niy x berhenti?" scha:"cpt laa tekan loceng k'on(me)!" k'on:"aku plak?mne de tmpt nk tkan loceng kat aku" bus makin jauh meninggalkan tempat yg kitowg nk pergi tu...sebelum bus tu pergi ngan lebih jauh scha terus tekan loceng dan berhenti akhirnyaaa...!!!!mak aaiiii...jauhnyaaa nk jalan..!!!masing2 merungut... scha:"tu laa hampa aku dah kata tekan loceng xmau!" k'on:"relax arr..bukan selalu." scha:"wey,ang taw ak jauh!" dila:"jalan jaa laa." lebih kurang 15 minit berjalan di bawah cahaya matahari yang terik kami pon sampai..!!!dalam perjalanan tu sempat lagi tngkap gmbar...kata scha bg cpt sampai..!!!hahaha...pe2 je laa...lepas ktowg sampai..ktowg cari toilet dlu..!!!hahaha...make-up balik...=p ...setelah 5 jam berada di situ masa untuk pulang... dila:"wey kita naik bus rapid tau" k'on:"tau laa" scha:"bus tu berhenti kat summit kan..??" dila:"yup" bus Rapid Penang pun sampai...dalam 10 minit ktowg sampai laa kat summit... k'on:"wey..nak naik bus apa..?CityLiner ka 107..???" dila:"CityLiner mahal laa." k'on:"lantak arr janji sampai" ktowg pon mencari2 bus CityLiner...xde pon..!!!kalau ade pon g tmpt laen...aku pon swuh laa scha tye owg2 kat situ...tp dye segan...(sejak bila..???ntah laaa..)..so aku pon g laa kat pakcik yang menjual kat situ dan tya... k'on:"pakcik..bus g kulim num bapa..???" pakcik:"xda bus p kulim" k'on:"owh..ok.." waaaaaaaaaa....!!!!xda bus g kulim kat sini..!!!siott betol..!!!dah laa hujan timed 2..!!!aku pon g laa kat scha n dila gtau tentang ketiadaan bus di situ...masing2 dah buat muka...sebab penat ditambahkan pula dengan hujan..!!!so ktowg pon jalan laa meredah hujan pergi station bus di seberang sana...setelah sampai ktowg terus duduk dan buat hal masing2 sbb kepenatan..!!!dalam 12 minit kot bus pon bergerak dan akhirnya kami tiba di lokasi yang ingin ditujui..walaupon penat tapi pengalaman itu amatlah berharga...=] Labels: patutnya di post r 2..tp bz soo ari niy bwu leh post
Thursday, 12 March 2009 16:57
SPM RESULTS...!!!!! ♥ ari niy results SPM dah kuar.... tahniah kepada yang mendapat straight A's...!!! macam2 reaksi aku tgk time 2... ade yg epy... ade yg menjerit... and xkurang gak yg sedey... mmber2 aku kebnykannya xde yg ambik SPM taun lepas so aku xantar laa msg cbuk nk tye kan... huhuhu... lagipon aku pon mls nk tye gak coz mls nk ambik tau... (sebab taun niy aku SPM and t'amt2 takut..!!!) so aku dh insaf ckit slepas melihat gelagat2 org ambik results... Adiosss...!!!
Monday, 9 March 2009 13:41
I Don't Need A Man ♥ I see you looking at me Like I got some things for you And the way that you stare Don't you dare 'Cause I'm not about to Just give it all up to you 'Cause there are some things I won't do And I'm not afraid to tell you I don't ever want to leave you confused The more you try The less I bite And I don't have to think it through You know if I'm into you I don't need a man to make it happen I get off being free I don't need a man to make me feel good I get off doing my thing I don't need a ring around my finger To make me feel complete So let me break it down I can get off when you ain't around Oh! You know I got my own life And I bought everything that's in it So if you want to be with me It ain't all about the bling you bringing I want a love that's for real And without that then no deal And baby I don't need a hand If it only wants to grab one thing The more you try The less I bite And I don't have to think it through You know if I'm feeling you I don't need a man to make it happen I get off being free I don't need a man to make me feel good I get off doing my thing I don't need a ring around my finger To make me feel complete So let me break it down I can get off when you ain't around Oh! Let it go Let it go Let it go Let it go [Repeat 4X] I don't need a I don't need a man, I don't I don't need a man I'll get me through 'Cause I know I'm fine I feel brand new I don't need a I don't need a man, I don't I don't need a man I'll make it through 'Cause I know I'm fine Without you! I don't need a man to make it happen I get off being free I don't need a man to make me feel good I get off doing my thing I don't need, a ring around my finger To make me feel complete So let me break it down I can get off when you ain't around Oh! I don't need a man (I'm over you) I don't need a man (I'm over you) I don't need a man (I'm without you) (I'm over you) I don't need a man I don't need a man I don't need a man Oh!
His Totally minE...!!! =D
Sunday, 8 March 2009 23:29
hujan renyai-renyai.... ♥ ok...td dalam pukul 8 lbey aku kuar ngan Inamul mkan Pizza Hut.... huhuhu... mule2 aku mmg mls nk g sebab hujan yang agak lebat dan kadang2 renyai2... membuatkan idup aku berada di awang-awangan kerana kesejukan terlampau...!! hehehehe.... mule2 2 ingatkan dah xjadi sbb xda transport...alih2... mak aku nak antar plak... so on jer laa... (plik tol ngan mak aku niy...=.=') so sesampainya aku di situ... aku pon tercari2 kelibat makhluk itu dan "oit..!!!"(tanpa dipelawa terus aku duduk...hehehe...=x) dan aku menyuruh dya memesan pizza...punye laa lme tunggu akhirnya pizza yang dinanti2 tiba...walaupun kicik kerana tersilap order... tapi aku xkisah... janji lahap sebab ngah kelaparan...lepas makan aku kuar jalan2 cari topup jer pon...terjumpe laa mmber dye (laki...nsem...=) hehehe) n dye ingat aku awek inamul... cishhh... tidak benar ye rakan2...huhuhu... so lpas dah jumpe topup kitaorng jalan balik ke tempat asal untuk tunggu mak aku jemput... punye laa lme...adeh... cian inamul kne tunggu aku plak... thnx ye... =) sembang punye sembang dalam kul 10.10 mak aku sampai...n ktorng membawa haluan masing2 sambil berjanji akan bertukar number fon mmber dye yg ncem 2 ngan mmber aku...hehehe...
Thursday, 5 March 2009 23:17
what Xtually life's for..???? ♥ ![]() BORED...!!!! ini laa hidup aku... sentiasa bersendirian and keseorangan... np laa nasib aku mcm niy...???? sick of it...!!! ari niy aku betul2 out of mo0d..!!! nothing can make me happy... even ppl who i love... dunno why... hurmmmm....... aku tak tau bande pe yang sedang aku pk kan sekarunk.... and im tired with it..!!! myb ppl lyke me dont deserve to live in the world dat full of mystery because im not strong enough to through all dis pain and loneliness... Labels: kesedihan melanda
bitch of you guys..!!! ♥ The fucked day of the year..!!! buat malu aku and also for the others..!!! ari niy sekolah aku lwn kawad dekat SMKTPB... everthing's was not under control for me started from dis morning earlier... tapi aku tak kisah sangat laa kan and xtually aku mmg dah malas nak g disebabkan mmber2 aku sowang pon xde yang g... tapi aku menguatkan semangat aku untuk melangkah pergi jua... bila dah sampai sana lebih kurang pukul 8.0o pg... ade laa sekumpulan manusia yang sudah menunjukkan aksi GEDIX mereka...!!! bukan semua tapi sesetengah daripadanya... aku dah laa xda mo0d timed 2... tp aku amat2 menyumpahi mereka2 itu dalam hati aku..!!! 1st word yang kuar adalah perasaan KESIAN..!!!! sbb ape..??? sebab dyeorg mybe tak pernah tgk laki kot..!!! owg pergi nak kawad bukan bergidix mcm korang..!!! posing sane posing cniy bagus sangat laa kot perangai 2..???!!!! itu laa masalah klo orang xsedar diri+perasan bagus=buat orang sekeliling menyampah tgk...!!!! who they think they are..???!!!! they just a "biggers LOSER"..!!!! hahahaha... serve them ryte...!!! sbb dyeorng budak Convent nmpak gedix..!!! no wonder laa org sk ckp bdk convent gedix...!!! now im believe on that...!!! so thank a lot to ppl yang dh berjya buat sklh convent nmpak gedix..!!!
Tuesday, 3 March 2009 21:39
raining day..and im still thinking of you... ♥ im sorry people.. im not a perfect person. i know it sounds lame but it's so true. i am my own bestfriend i am my own trusted friend i am my own true friend i am my own friend for life. it wont be a problem if im alone where ever iam coz i have my "friend" i'll go some where, some where to leave this all behind. im sick of being good, im sick of being silent i'll start it over in a new town, the town where no one knows me. only me, myself n i. maybe i'll find a lover, n live happly ever after just like a fairy tales.
Sunday, 1 March 2009 15:38
unlucky day... ♥ uuggrrhhhh...!!!! such a bitch..!!!! what the fucking day today..!!!! guess what..???!!! im an xcdent...!!!damn GOD..!!!! luckly im ok..!!! thank 2 GOD...!!! xtau cam ne leh xcdent... it's just 2 fast...!!! SAKIT..??? xyah cakap arr... sampai2 sekolah jd cam patung... senyap menahan kesakitan terlampau... pastu aku pon panggil laa mmber aku ecah and dye laa yg menolong aku... walaupon xbnyak but x least meringankan beban aku...thnx ecah..!!! :) after dat... aku nk col akak aku swuh datang sklh...bodohnye public sklh x function..!!!aku pon msuk laa pjbat mntk nk gn tel(padahal aku bleh gn nset aku jer but aku mls) and ckgu **** bangang 2 xkasi aku gn...!!!stupid0 tol..!!! thank 2 GOD once again sbb public blkang leh gn...so aku dengan berbekalkan 2o sen tel laa akak aku...selepas disoal siasat oleh polis yg x bertauliah aktorng pon balik umah...antar moto and g klinik jumpe doc and x-ray...semue selamat cume doc 2 pesan esok aku myb akan bertambah sakit so jgn bnyk wat kje sgt... the end.... Labels: klinik... |
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