> Withlovees,

♥ Through it all,
Saturday 30 May 2009 19:14

macam2 manusia aku jumpa ari niy...


skul holidays...!!! but x best langsung cuti kali ni...!!! coz my mum nk g istanbul dan kitaorang tak ikut lorh... tp kalau boring maybe ktorng lepak kL jer kot... ngeee... and yeah... my bf was so annoyed...!!! nme dye keje sklh..!!! hahaha... clap..clap.. so dats oll...daaaaaaa...

Tuesday 26 May 2009 20:46
just pass by...

bosan tahap reban ayam arr...!!!!2 days not goin to skul and im already get bored with it...!!!seriously im just stdy lyke hell and after that,i closed the book and watch a tv back...and tomorrow i MUST go to skul...!!!!ok stop bubbling Zany..!!!
honestly...i dunno what 2 write out...there's nothing happened xcpt i msg back inamul...after 3 to 4 days not texted him... =D serve him ryte..!!!sakitkan aty aku lg...padan laa ngan muka u..!!!hakhakhak...
gosh..!!!tomorrow sivik and my group didnt do anything for the stupid foliooo...plus i dun care at all..!!!it juz nothng..!!!huhuhu... =p
so that's all i guess...wanna contineud reading comic title:"Hana-Kimi" daa... =)

Sunday 24 May 2009 20:57
funny and thanks..!!!

im just received a called from wan..hahaha..a little bit funny coz he's called me just wanted me to heard he played his guitar...and wanted me to gave comment on his new song...honestly...it bored..huhuhu...sory dude..!!!or im the one who dont really listened of what u played of...=)
but whatever it is...thnx for that k...




hello world...

semlm ari yang amat bz tuk aku...huhuhu...coz xtvt terlampau padat and sangat penat...seriously im almost fell down while im at jj last nyte...here the xtvt goes...
woke up around 6.45 a.m plus sgt2 mls nk bgn coz ngantok siot..!!!tido lambat bgn awl...menchi2..
bgn awl pon coz pg 2 kne ikut ckgu g smk tmn selasih coz de pertandingan pidato piala diraja...
and its totally bored...!!!!menyesal gak laa g but things happened already and cant do anything...so pasrah jer laa...T.T blk around 12 and arrived home around 12.30 plus...here's the pixca...

tertido dlm sepuluh minit anddd.......... "zany..!!!p bersiap nk kuar p jj"... bushhhh...!!!!!tersentap aku..!!!bawu nk daydream -.-' ngan mls nye aku trun bwh..buat muka coz xlrat...then mak aku kt klo xmo p sudah...tp aku nk g sbb nk mkn mcd..huhuhu...so aku g laa naek ats mndi and bersiap...

Friday 22 May 2009 22:26
♥..cinta 3

cinta yang tidak kesampaian
akan pudar mengikut peredaran masa
mungkin sesudah itu
dia akan bertemu dengan
kebahagiaan yang sebenar...

cinta 2

jika tidak sanggup menerima
cinta sesiapa
janganlah dengan mudah meluahkan
kata-kata sayang
lalu membawa kesedihan itu
nun jauh di angkasa
dan sesudah itu
hilang ditelan gelodak
dalam sekelip mata


dalam saling cinta-mencintai itu
sama-sama menjadi bodoh
akibat terlalu ghairah
menggunakan cara tersendiri
sebagai modus operandi
perasaan masing-masing
yang tidak tergapai
menjadi perih
maka anak-anak
silalah belajar
walaupun ada perasaan
yang tidak dizahirkan
ia juga dinamakan
sebagai cinta...

Wednesday 20 May 2009 17:43
♥ realize

By this moment
I realize something
That fallen in love with you
Was a mistakes!
But,I don't regret it
Because that was
A gave to me...

♥ suasana ♥

suasana sekeliling begitu sepi sekali
yang kedengaran hanya siling kipas yang girang berpusing
semuanya begitu tekun sekali
melakukan peperiksaan kali ini...

Tuesday 19 May 2009 21:57
♥.. messaging..♥

Alan balik kulim ari tuu.. (: a little bit shocked went he's sent a msg that he's said he's was here..!!! berbunga-bunga hatiku ini yee... ngee...!!! =P

Alan: Oit..!
Me: yeah...np..???
Alan: jom jumpe..
Me: huh..?&*$#$
Alan: jom laa kuar...sy nk jumpe awk...
Me: wat lawak ke pe huh..???wak kan kat kL..???
Alan: sy kt kulim laa...jomMm...
Me: o0oo...sy nk kuar laa..xleh jumpe...nnt2 laa k..???
Alan: alaa...xyah kuar..jumpe sy...wndu awk laa...
Me: hahaha...lwk2...
Alan: pe yang lwk cyunk oit...btol laa...jumpe kat umah wak..line clear..???hihihi...
Me: my parents de lolx..!!!
Alan: alaa...xpe..xksh...
(ye laa 2 xksh..!!! i dun even believe it..!!! (:)
Me: gtg dear...bubbye..!!!

and its contineued and i was sooo hate it actually..!!! He's really2 itchy..!!!lustful..!!! haiyaa.. =.='

im freeee.... (:

yeahhh... im free from the exam..!!! fucking ass i tell you..!!! examination was done not really well but just okK..!!! there's not much i can say but hopefully the results will not dissapointed me.. (: after a couple weeks struggle for the exam and wasnt online for a many days...

Sunday 3 May 2009 15:57
cuti-cuti... =)

ok..3 ari cuti skul bersempena ari buruh...so akak2 aku semua blk umah n a lot of xtvt yg ktorg wat...hahaha...me tipu jer... =p

bgn lmbat weyy cam biase...hahaha...so aku stdy jer laa coz nk exm mid term...but at nyte...ktorg kuar lpak kat png g night market...sgt2 best caz duit aku bnyk abis...T.T ... but enjoyed...hahaha... then ktowg pusing2 pdg kota and blk around 1.10 a.m... fetl very..veryyy... tired...!!!

duk lpak umah jer coz xjd g alor star... xde pe sgt ptg tu...coz mak aku g knduri and aku stayed umah ngan k.jie aku...then cam biase stdy...stdy...!!!!bored wit it xtually...hohoho...but ptg 2 tb2 akak aku ajak kuar tgk x-men...sebagai seorang yang bukan kaki wyg atau movie coz aku prefer music..aku rse citer 2 best..!!!ktorg grak dlm kul 6 and blk dlm kul 10...best gak laa...huhuhu...

stay kt umah jer coz akak2 dh nk blk kL..bored laa aku pasni but its ok leh aku stdy ngan lbey tekun...hehehe... =D ...so dats all for now...byeeee....

Yours truly,
With love♥

Your profile here :D

With Loves,


Telling you about me doesn't make any difference... if you says i'm a swagger... yes i am... i'm not a double-faced person's... being a hypocrite is not me... i play with my own rules... either you like it or not... there's nothing to do with me... i damnly fucking for those who love to fetch other people's things that not suppose belong to undeserved people... backstabber make me sick... i love be a bitchy girl... believe it or not... i can be a holy terror... yup,i can... i love being myself... and i don't need someone to be my role-model... because i paint my own life with my own colour on it... my style... my games... and it's tremendous... so, kiss me goodbye loser..!


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