> Withlovees,

♥ Through it all,
Tuesday 23 June 2009 22:57
♥ friends ♥

To my dearest friend... I know how you feel right now... the pain that never less... the sorrow that always be your best friend everytime you feel lonely and alone...

Even I did not through all this thing now... but someday I also will lose the one's that I love the most... it actually feel bad as it can when we losing the one we love... people may not understand... but I know...

Actually... deep down inside of your heart still didnt believe that you had lost Akmal... you can say it that im ridiculous! but that's the truth that you cant deny it... even you didnt said it... but the way you expressed yourself through the poet...words...and also your body reaction... it tell everything...

It hard to let go someone we love... but we cant change the fact girl's... all the living things will die and same goes with us as a human... but the difference is... whether it fast or slow...

Me as your friend even the others also... we want you to know that we love you so much... and no one's cant seperate it..! your sadness is ours too... so wake up girl's..! your journey didnt over yet...


List 4 names of your bestfriends. 2 guys and 2 girls.

How long have you know them? The date if possible.
1.January 2006
2.january 2005
3.May 2007(I guess)
4.May 2008

Where did you met them?
3.Through friend(SARAH!)
4.Through friend(SHAH!)

When is their birthday?
1.5/7/1992 (coming soon!)
4.November(forgot the date!SORY!
Do you remember your first conversation when you met them?
1.masa tu f.2 n marebut cari tempat duduk.!huhuhu
2.masa hari pendaftaran sekolah dec 2005
3.sent msg to him n said "hai..?" :D
4.he's sent me a msg sounds "hai..leh b'knlan?"haha

Do you know their favourite food?
2.nasi goreng(kalo x clap :D)
3.mee kung fuu

Do you know their favourite colour?

What is the craziest thing both of you ever did?
1.macam2!sampai tak ingat yang ne satu paling best :D
2.pekena owg.haha.best lol
3.duduk dalam keta sampai nak dekat setgh jam coz xtau nak g mkn kt ne!hahaha
4.gaduh xtantu pasal!best sgt!especially bila time mengaku salah sape.gua2 nk kt diri dia truk.haha

Do they love you?

Are they single?
1.For now single!
2.Nope!taken already
3.Single but dont think he's available :D
4.Taken.but there something behind that

Did you ever had a fight with them? If yes what's the reason & how long?
1.yes.but dont remember we fighted about what (just for awhile)
2.yes.because of the loser Izzati Khatim! (3 weeks i guess)
3.yes.because he's wanted to couple with me.sounds funny!huhuhu :D (a year!)
4.yes and always.we fight just because a small things! (3 months)

Last time you met them?
1.just now at school :D
2.just now at school :D
3.a couple weeks ago
4.feb 2009 at smk panglima

Describe them in one word.

Describe how much you love them.
I love them more than they love me!

Which one of them do you love the most?

If you're in a boat that almost sank & you have to make a choice, choose only one of them who can stay with you in that boat.
I will drown with all of them! :D

If there any possiblity that number 1 & 3 will be couple?
wakakaka! kiamat dunia :D

2 & 4?

If both of your best guy friends are falling into you, which one will be your choice?
I will find another one!hahaha (adila and aisyah will totally disagree with me!)

If both your girlfriends are quarelling, you'll be on which side?
both of them aku kasi free kaunseling!hahaha

Who is the last person you hug among all of them?

Who is the last person you talk on the phone with?
angah aku!sibuk jer called time aku ngah tido

Among these 4 persons, who is the last person sending you a text message?

Who is understands you the most?

Who is the best in listening to your problem?
adila and inamul

Last words for all of them?
I love all of them damn much more than they love me!

no one! :D

Monday 22 June 2009 23:17

L.I.F.E... what actually it maens for..??? what is the main reasons we as a human being had to through all this particular life's..???

we can see... some of people around us had a very joyful life's even sometimes it didnt... but if we want to compare with the other people that live in very naive life... I think we much better than them...

life truthly shows to us that not all of us have a good luck but doesnt mean we didnt have the opposite... each of us have their up and down's which is normal because human had been created originally like that...

Sunday 21 June 2009 23:47
♥ sorrow ♥

i felt like i have nobody's... like all my friends left me and let me being alone every single times... start from the one who I live untill to the people's that have no connected with me...

I do I miss all of them really much right now... but nobody's hear that..! even you have scream until out of my lung... the results that I will get it just like I shout out to the mountain and there's no change...

I wonder what would happen to me if say this situation keep on continued... maybe my life's would totally sucks as it can be...

Oh Lord...! help me..! I dont want these keep hunting me and I dont want these happen to me... sometimes I begging to myself to stop thinking about it... but I cant... and it stuck me down maybe until my last breath... I donno...

father's day

to my beloved dad...
even we didnt spent a lot of times together...
but i want you to know that...
I LOVE YOU so muchh...
and it didnt less even 0.1%...

Saturday 20 June 2009 22:26
ghost season 2 on 8tv

GHOST (Musim ke-2) bermula selepas 2 tahun kes pembunuhan Zack Imran berlaku. Kehidupan Eza berjalan seperti biasa. Kerjaya sebagai wartawan semakin berkembang dan kehidupan peribadinya juga berjalan dalam keadaan yang baik. Baru-baru ini Eza sibuk menyiasat misteri kehilangan Alicia Soo seorang gadis cantik anak kepada seorang peguam terkenal Edmund Soo.

Berpandukan petunjuk yang diperolehinya, Eza akhirnya bertemu dengan Harum. Eza berasa cukup pelik kerana dapat meilihat Harum yang sebenanya sudah lama meninggal dunia. Kini, Eza cuba menyiasat misteri kematian Harum pula.

Pada masa yang sama, gambar-gambar mangsa pembunuhan sering bermain di fikiran Eza dan masing-masing mempunyai satu persamaan iaitu mempunyai ukiran hati di pergelangan tangan masing-masing.

Siapakah pembunuh yang dicari-cari Eza? Adakah beliau yang bertanggungjawab dengan apa yang terjadi kepada Alicia dan Harum?

Eza berusaha untuk menyelesaikan kes yang rumit ini dan mendapati semua kes itu berkait antara satu sama lain.

just for fun

♥ the sad.ful.ness ♥

I needed you guys now...
I was so lonely at this moment...
they left me without noticed...

I wonder what gonna happen next...
on my destiny...

♥ halo ♥

hye U..!!! sory for not updated my blog for a few days... malas LOL... even i'd many stories to shout off but the laziness maked me felt "better i postpone the post tomorrow...!" huhuhu...

ok... the title dont have any relationship with the story i gonna write... my weekend was totally sucks more than what you can imagine... I quarrel... talk bad about the other people on MS... lonely... and so on...

they cant stop me for being who i am... cause i have my own life's that people may not maybe being like me... so they cant jugde me only by its cover without knowing who really am i..!

i dont want to be someone's else... i want to be me..! i have my own style to express myself and i can think which one's is the best for me... so back off and dont bother or even critic me..! cause you guys are nothing..! except my family and my nearness friends...

i do friend is the most important thing in our life's... without friend's... life's maybe didnt meant anything... but to find friend that really connected with us... is difficult... you can have a billion friends in season time... but did they really the best to us..?? think about it and refresh back your memories... from there... you can get the answer...

♥ time just pass away ♥

the days just past too fast and sometimes its too slow for me just like the other normal days... I cry.. laugh.. emo... sick... bitchy... and it continued every single days of my life's...

people may not understands us more than we understand ourself... even sometimes we get lost in our own way... but that doesnt meant they much better than us...

people do make mistakes... like people said..."nobody's prefect..!" and I agree with that...cause people must do make mistake to learn and be a better person as they could...

Wednesday 17 June 2009 23:18
what a world..???

GOSH..!!! Lord help me..!!! ari niy hari kapel sedunia and hari num sedunia or what..??!!! i'd been through all these things last day... just bayangkan... owg yg dh berbulan tak msg ngan kita... tb2 leh antar msg kt nk kapel..??? sounds crazy for me..!!! dan macam2 lg laa... sok de latihan netball... malas gyle wey..!!! gtg... daaa

Tuesday 16 June 2009 16:50
skul life's part 2...

today just like the others day's... but both of us which is me,adila,scha and zaty still in sorrow mood... especially when ezaty remaind us about akmal... i cant stop my tears..!!! even i didnt show it out... but all of us felt the same... we cried... we shared the loliness together... during tasawwur classed... ezaty wrote somethings that touched our hearted... tough... she's shy... but we understand each others...

Monday 15 June 2009 18:38
skul life's

skul best owhhh today... :) wanna know why..??? cause we didnt have any worked to do... plus teacher's are busied with their marking papers... huhuhu... so we just wat hal masing2... :D adila still didnt came to skul... cause she's had a fever... hope she's getting well as soon cause we have many things to shout out..!!! ;D today teacher jannah wanna us to cleaned up our classed... we do it... but just around 5 minutes..!!! huhuhu... me and my other friends just looked around without any compromise with others just stayed at my placed and had a conversation... we sang together... usik people's and zZzz... for awhile... owhhh yeahhh... almost forgot... scha cried while me and zaty talked about akmal..!!! i thought she's heartless... cause she's the one that act like a brutal girl in our class... agama classed was fun..!!! hahaha... even i was really2 tired and assleep but im still listened of what the topic about... and the evening... we had teknik menjawab for agama paper... totally bored but thnk God we finished it earlier... around 3.30... the normal time is 4.30... so dats all... daaaaaaaaaa..........

Sunday 14 June 2009 20:40

kalimat cinta...
itulah tajuk lagu yang amat menyentuh hati kecilku ini...
lagu yang memberi 1001 makna kepadanya...
orang yang aku maksudkan ialah izzaty...
lagu itu menjadi temannya ketika mengenangkan akmal...
lelaki yang telah pergi untuk selamanya...
walaupun wajahnya ceria tanpa duka...
tapi aku tau...
keperitan yang sedang dilaluinya ketika berbicara mengenainya...
penuh dengan makna disertai dengan tangisan yang tidak diluahkan...
pada kawanku...
kerana ini adalah sebahagian daripada kehidupan yang perlu kita lalui...
aku tahu ianya tidak mudah...
aku akan sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaanmu...

ikhlas dari teman
yang sentiasa menyayangimu

its all about skul...

uurrgghhh...!!! skul sucked today but wasnt worst at all... arrived at skul andddd...
"wey...asl glap sgt niy clazz..???"
"elektrik xda laa wey... ckgu lupa byr bil lektrik..hahaha"

idiot..!!! so go to my placed and started talked about the holidays... their holidays quite cooled unless me that didnt goes anywhere..(i guess..???) thank God teacher dont nagged like always..!!! but suddenly, ckgu hamisiah said that we had teknik menjawab from 2.30 until 4.30.. GOSH..!!! WTH laa... y did I didnt I knew about that hell thing..??!!! everyone's liked.. "HAH..??!!!" which was normal for me cause it wasnt knew to us when they react like that... entered the classed liked usual and studied about this and that...fuking ass i tell u.. huhh... so thats all... wanna take my bath now... daaaaaaa.......... =)


Friday 12 June 2009 18:06
cerita hari ini...

ok...aku potong rambut semalam... hehehe.... mule2 2 nk teman akak aku jer g potong rambut...
last2 aku pon potong gak rambut... huhuhu... owh yeah... aritu g ambik mak aku kat airport... smpai dlm kul 11.30 trus naek atas makan mcd tgh2 mlm.. huhuhu... kul 12 lbey mak aku sampai dr istanbul... aku pon turun laa bwh g ambik mak aku... then mak aku kt lapar... so g laa c gate makan... sumpah mknan dye x sdp... tp air dye cdap... ngee... tp kan..tp kan...
de laa sowng mamat aww niy(pondan) hahaha...lawak gyle siott..!!!
mamat aww:makcik mai dr mana..???
mak aku:kulim..makcik bwu blk dr istanbul niy...
mamat aww:oowhh 2 kaa..kmi owg kuala ketil..leh p umah nnt noohh...
mak aku:haha...xyah laa...wat pening pala makcik jaa...

aku ngan akak aku mmg glak gyle arr...
mamat aww:makcik...mai num tel...leh tel kalau kami p sana...
mak aku:xpyah laa...

then mamat aww 2 pon blah...
hahaha....sgt2 laa lwak...
soo....lepas mkn...ktowg pon blk laa...

cerita hari ini...

Tuesday 9 June 2009 15:43
hello world...

i miss u a lottt blog..!!! life's sucks since im not on9... ok jom aku citer pe jadi sepanjang aku tak on9 niy...
seriously im said..!!!
and yeahh... i'd told wan already about what had happened *not gonna write*... thank God he's understood...

Yours truly,
With love♥

Your profile here :D

With Loves,


Telling you about me doesn't make any difference... if you says i'm a swagger... yes i am... i'm not a double-faced person's... being a hypocrite is not me... i play with my own rules... either you like it or not... there's nothing to do with me... i damnly fucking for those who love to fetch other people's things that not suppose belong to undeserved people... backstabber make me sick... i love be a bitchy girl... believe it or not... i can be a holy terror... yup,i can... i love being myself... and i don't need someone to be my role-model... because i paint my own life with my own colour on it... my style... my games... and it's tremendous... so, kiss me goodbye loser..!


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