Friday, 31 July 2009 17:07
he's the reason for my smile... ♥ Kinda bored actually today... had a chat with shah..avby.. and some other rest... shah maked me laughed non stoped while we chat... hahaha... lol... then, suddenly avby online-ing... a little bit happy but... nahhh... I no idea how to discribe about it... I real wanted to be honest with him... but I just cant... I dont know why... and I hated myself for being liked this... sigh... I want to tell him that I love him... I real dead missing him... I miss his good morning wished... and everthing about him... I was missed..!! Right now... Im watched a real funny video... damn funny laa... and the babies was real cutee..!!! :D love it laa... they make me wanna smiled a whole day... and forget for a while my probs that im created by myself... :DDD gtg now... bubbyeeeee...
what a mess... ♥ 1. Where is the boy/girl you like now? - Shah Alam.. :D 2. What were you doing Friday night? - Emm. home sweet home. :) 3. Name something you did yesterday? - Tution. :D 4. Last person you text messaged? - My friend. Remy. :) 5. Who was the last person to call you? -My sister. she's woke me up. 6. What are you doing right now? -This survey. 7. Next time you travel out of the country where will it be to? - Colorado. 8. What color are your eyes? - Just black. 9. Are you allergic to anything? - I guess no. 10. Are you dating the last person you kissed? - Nope. 11. Last place you ordered food from? -No where... my mom n sis cooked at homed. :D 12. Who was the last person you shared a bed with? - My sis. 13. What color is your hair? - Brown kot. i think. 14. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? - Twinkle..twinkle little star. =_= 15. Who knows a secret or two about you? -I have no secrets. :P 16. When was the last time you lied? -When i was doing question 15. :D 17. Do you like fire? - No. I don't. 18. Did you have a nap today? - Nope. baru bangun jer xkan nk tdo lg. 19. What is your favorite drink? - Hmm. any type of drink. 20. What do you wear more, jeans or sweats? - Neither. 21. Where did you get the shirt you’re wearing now? - Summit ? 22. Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? -God no. 23. Is anyone jealous of you? -I don't think so. 24. Have any regrets? -Sometimes. 25. Where were you 1 hour ago? -In my living room. 26. Where were you 8 hours ago? -Atas katil. zZzz. 27. Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than as a friend? -Maybe. 28. Is cheating ever okay? -Never. 29. Who was the last person you rode in a car with? -My sis. 30. What are you looking forward to? -Study for trials. 31. What are you listening to? -The show-Lanka. 32. Favorite Sports Team? -Of course my team, netball <3 33. What song do you want played at your funeral? -No song, thanks. 34. What were you doing 12 AM last night? -Chatting with my friends at YM. :D 35. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? -Shit. Die. Exam. 36. Who will you be with next Saturday night? -Next Saturday , probably with my mom. 37. What woke you up this morning? -Remy. Thank you :) Just in time. haha. :p 38. Is tomorrow going to be a good night? -I wished. 39. Did you kiss or hug anyone today? -Nope. 40. How many myspace accounts do you have? - Just one. I'm not retared. 41. Do or did you like school? - Never do , nevel will. 42. Would you take a bullet for anyone? -Depends. 43. Where would you like to live? -Colorado please. 44. Whats your favorite thing to do? -Chatting , blogging, text messaging. 45. Do you have a crush on someone? -I guess. 46. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? -Work. hopefully. 47. Have you ever thought about getting your lip pierced? -Sometimes. 48. Does a kiss make your cuts feel better? -Haha. No. 49. Have you ever passed out on the bathroom floor? -When i was ten. 50. Can you cook? -Maybe.? 51. What shoe do you put on first, left or right? -Depends. 52. Have you ever brushed your teeth while in the shower? - Yeah , multi-tasking is healthy. :D 53. Have you had more than 3 boyfriends/ -No. Again, i'm not retarded. 54. Have you ever thought about your death? -Kind of. 55. Whats your hair color? -Brown kot? Wtf. 56. Where do you put your towel after taking a shower? -On a hanger, to air it. 57. What color is your shower curtain? -I don't have one. 58. Have you ever had stitches? -Nope. 59. Are you straight? -Obviously. 60. Did you believe that girls have cooties? -Haha. Gross. 61. Do you know how to use chop sticks? -Yes. But i think i'm doing it wrongly. 62. Can you finish the phrase, “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? -Spongebob Squarepants. =_=' 63. Do you sometimes believe that guys have PMS? -Nah , it's just their ego. 64. Who was the last person you couldn’t take your eyes off of? -Cant remember. 65. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? -Yes i have. 66. Have you ever run over an animal? -I think yes. 67. What is your favourite cereal? -Honey star. Yum. 68. Have you ever had an Oreo with peanut butter? -Nope. 69. Have you gotten a text today? -Yeah. 70. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced? -Dont know. 71. Where’s your favorite place to be? -Somewhere alone. 72. It’s Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually? -School. 73. Who were the last four people to send you a text? -Uhm.Remy.Irfan.my sis.
3 at the morning... ♥ People keep asking me why its so difficult for me to find my soulmate... it is because im too choosy..?? scare to fall in love..?? or im just dont find my right one's..?? no answer for that cause im also dont have the answer... I love to see and heard my friends stories and how their boyfriend treat them... it kinda funny with a different story and a different colour... it makes me think to have a boyfriend but at the same times my heart said noo... I dont even know whats wrong with my heart and why im so hard to accepted other people even the one's who I love the most... the way im think and the way i felt make me confused with my feelings... I do I had love someone's... but im scare if im not the right one's for him... It kinda like beuty and the beast... and im the beast... huhuhu... I admit that I love the way he's treated me... I love the way he called me sayang... I miss a wished of good morning msg... I miss his mms with "ayat jiwang"... in other words... I love the way he are... :( I always wish that one day's... he know about my feelings towards him... and when the day and time have come... I'll be the happier person's in this world... I wish..!
Thursday, 30 July 2009 23:40
spent time :D ♥ if you're a guy- post this as my kind of girl.. if you're a girl- post it as my kind of boy.. 1. Do you need him/her to be good looking? I guess so. 2. Smart? As long as his have an education at least diploma then its ok. 3. Preferred age? Not young but not to old. (but my friends said i just love young age =.=') 4. Preferred height? Tall :) 5. How about sense of humor? If he can't make me laugh then i don't see what's the point. 6. How about piercings? Oh i don't min.but if can no. 7. Accepts you for who you are? Yeahh. for sure! 8. Pink hair? Awh adorable. No. 9. Mushy or no? Mushy? Okay but don't go calling me cupcake or bunny. Gross. 10. Thin or fat? Neither. Just okay. 11. Black, Brown or White (skin color)? Uhm. as long not yellow or blue then its ok. :D 12. Long hair or short hair? Neither. :) 13. Plastic or metal? Wtf? 14. Smells good? Yum yum. 15. Smoker? No. 16. Drinker? No. 17. Girl/ Haha. I don't mind too. 18. Muscular? Not a body builder please. It's scary. 19. Plays piano? Oh em gee. That's so hot. 20. Plays bass and/or acoustic guitar? Swooonsss. ~~ 21. Plays violin? Omg. I'd lick him all over. :D 22. Sings very good? Wow , a full package huh ? Nice. 23. Vain? Lol. Like me?(people said me that hahaha) :D 24. With glasses? I don't mind. Really. 25. With braces? ^^ 26. Shy type? Nope. I don't really like shy guys , nor too socially exposed. 27. Rebel or good boy/girl? between 28. Active or passive? Active. 29. Tight or bomb? Haha. What? 30. Singer or dancer? Uhh. Singer could be better. :D 31. stunner? Stunner? haha. 32. Hiphop? Haha. why not? 33. Earrings? Nahh. 34. Mr/Ms. count- Why the fck ? 35. Dimples? Awhh :) 36. Bookworm? I don't mind. :D 37. Mr/Ms. love letter? HAHA. no mushy stuff please. 38. Playful? Playful ? =D 39. Flirt? Just to me, then okay. 40. Poem writer? Awh :) 41.serious? When it's the right time to be. 42. Campus crush? eh? 43. Painter? Sure. 44. Religious? Ermm. 45. Someone who likes to tease people? No. i dont like it. 46. Computer games geek? Or internet freak? God noo! 47. Speaks 20 languages? Whoa? :0 48. Loyal or faithful? Loyal and faithful. 49. good kisser Woo. :P 50. loves children? Of course.
just say it... ♥ Fuckin up laa with cikgu M... she's wanted us to do 10 same essay and sent it by tomorrow morning which mean today..! I just slept around 3 hours caused make a very stupido essay... things are not pretty good for me actually in past few days... Life's was okay as it been... miss him but sometimes no... but if I could tell him that 143 with him... I think these world was mine...! :D but I know im just daydream and it too possible...! caused I know who am I and who he is... That's all for now... wanna take my pillow and sleep peacefully with my hoping to dream of him even though it's possible... sigh... current mood: I wish you know how much I miss you right now...
Monday, 27 July 2009 20:52
boredom... ♥ ![]() **Still waiting with a patience of heart for his msg... sigh I was too lazy to updated my blog since three days ago... even though there were many stories but I prefer to kept it first and write on it later... the days past usually with the differences of stories... and it mess up with the happiness and the sadness... Friday to Sunday such a pretty days for me... we had a conversation and talked crap about this and that which was normal neither for me and him... we sent a mms such as love pictures and our own pictures... miss it :( Last night Inamul came to my housed with "Laici Kang"... yumyum... :D am the one's who asked him to buy that stuff because my stomach maked a "Bboy dance"..! we chat for not a few minutes BUT around 30 minutes by stand..! :0 my neighbours was soo kepochi..! they maked an annoyed sounds liked "tikus"... pity them cause maybe the might be jealous with us... whos knew... :D Monday was darkly for me... no good morning msg nor a simple msg from him... but im loyalty waiting for his msg cause im kinda miss with his funny and our craps talk... sigh...
Friday, 24 July 2009 00:31
♪♥ Masih Jua lyric ♥♪ ♥ Di sini ku menanti... Aku menanti... Dalam tidur... Ku terjaga dan terasa sunyi... Kedinginan semata-mata... Menyelubungi... Masih jua... (Aku menanti...) Masih jua... (Aku menanti...) Masih jua... (Aku menanti...) Masih jua...
Thursday, 23 July 2009 23:37
borink.... ♥ Actually i dont have any idea what to write... YM with my bros now... we watched the "Indonesian Idol Funny Part"... hahaha... LOL... we laughed together with crazy wayy... wakakaka.. :D today tution quite fun with our crazyness and they really fuck off the new student that perasaan HOT..!!! wakakaka... My angah was soo annoying...!!! he lied to me..!!! I thought I really YM with my abang but actually I was YM with my angah...!!! LOL... tertipu lagi aku... haihh... =.='
Tuesday, 21 July 2009 17:14
Love+Hurt=??? ♥ School just okay as it been... had a chat with ecah before returned back homed... she's asked me and wanted me to thinking about who actually the one's that I love the most..!!! Shesshhh...! no time laa weyh to think about it... haihh.. =.=' But however I admit that sometimes I had think about it... which mean I still have heart and feelings...! wohwohwoh... :D but it's not too deeper and im actually not desperate to have a boyfriend right now... :D And yet probs still love to make me sick and die on it... just now had a chat with Am... that's not the issue... the issue is he asked me to couple with him..!!! goshh..!! not again...!! =.=' he gave me timed to think about it... it is important for someone's have their special one's..??? maybe yes for several people but NOT ME..!! :) but right now... am really need my friends now...!! sob..sob... current mood:study for quiz tomorrow... chayok..chayok..! :D
Monday, 20 July 2009 22:22
hello ♥ Lalola... today holiday's... :) nothing much too write... today went to bazilah housed and we studied maths... cool babe but a little bit of tired... but its okay... :D actually today am supposed to go somewhere else... but i did not... so i'll plan it again for the other days... Not gonna text or replying his msg..!!! my heart still bleading and am still mad on him... tomorrow school.. haihh... =.=' current mood: ym with shah... :D
Sunday, 19 July 2009 22:43
dear day... ♥ Lately ALOT of things happened without I noticed... it kinda bitchy actually but I still can managed it with my back up supported which was my truly friends..!!! love guys... muacchh..!!! Had a conversation with shah just now... oohhh... he's the best person I found to talk with... he understand me and always give me an advice that motivate me... am so proud that he's my friend... :D we talked many things and the best part was when he sent me a song lyrics which I guessed was P.Ramlee songs... here's the lyrics that he dedicated special to me.. :D Barang yang lepas Jangan dikenang Kalau dikenang Tentu menangis Barang yang lepas Hai jangan dikenang Kalau dikenang Meracunlah diri Tiap insan hai tidaklah kekal Tentu kembali dimana berasal Janganlah sedih hai janganlah pilu Serahkan pada allah yang satu Ooo dunia ibaratnya roda Naik turun tiada hentinya Sama juga hidupnya manusia Ada yang riang Dan ada yang duka Barang yang lepas Hai jangan dikenang Kalau dikenang Meracunlah diri Ooo tak guna menangis memilu Makin sedih menambah derita Lupakanlah semua yang lalu Tidakkan mungkin Kembali semula Barang yang lepas Hai jangan dikenang Kalau dikenang Meracun diri Hahaha... dusshhhh..!!! truly to me laa this lyrics... hahaha... :D Goshhh... lately I realised something which was I always texted Shah lately compared to Faeez... no answers if you asked me why it happened liked that... :) Right now am msg with Inamul... hush... dont know how am gonna write this out... but its really hurting me... I was really heartache... heart-break... and my heart-broken when he said to me that he went out with his adik angkat... cant understand what actually goin on with me now... but its okay... im used with it... no doubt...! :') Continued with school life today... nothing much happend unless today around 10 people's didnt came to school..! haihh... =.=' and the best part was Rozha accepted my requested...! hehe... :D soo happy...! even not really but it still yeahhh..! hehehe... Lord... I cant think stright right now... im confusing with myself... the test that you gave to me was extremly strong and difficult for me to fact it... am not strong enough to deal all this kind of things... :'( but I still promised that i'll try to deal things by myself... even its hard... but i'll try... :') yeahh... no more acap after this... but i cant promise it..!!! :)
Friday, 17 July 2009 20:33
♥..cinta 6 ♥ Titis-titis hujan seolah-olah memahami diri ini... Diri yang tatkala ini sedang sendiri... Diulit mimpi-mimpi duka yang berbisa di hati kecil ini... Lalu berharap agar mimpi-mimpi duka itu sebahagian dari ilusi mimpi...
♥..cinta 5 ♥ Hancur lalu menjadi abu di hati kecilnya kini... Akibat permainan yang sengaja dicipta oleh si teruna dan dara... Permainan yang pada dasarnya begitu menarik sekali... Kini telah melukai hati si dara... Si dara yang begitu tulus menyayanginya... Tapi apakan daya si dara untuk meneruskan permainan itu tanpa si teruna di sisinya... Seandainya permintaan si teruna adalah untuk menamatkan permainan ini... Maka kini tiada lagi permainan seterusnya... Kerana pernantiaan terakhir telah mananti si teruna dan dara untuk permainan yang berikutnya...
♥..cinta 4 ♥ Benar dia yang ku cinta... Benar dia yang ku sayang... Tapi apakah makna semua ini... Seandainya untuk dilukai...
as I promised... ♥ ...This was a conversation between me and him... ezany: Ai adk..adk b honest ngan sis lh x..xtually np ngan adk?klo adk xsk sis msg or col adk..adk juz gtau je..im not mind at all...but plz jgn wt cm niy kt sis..nmpk sis cm owg bodoh je..sis mntk maaf klo sis de skitkan aty adk but im not mean it..sis nk mntk maaf gak klo mmber2 sis msg adk tye sal sis..myb they juz wory at me..so..sis wnna say sory again for anythng or evrythng dat i had done 2 u..sory him: I noe u mesty baek..tp makcik hkum acap 2,2 mnggu sekali je die bleh pgang fon...cbb msg die ade 4 failed...mak cik suh die blajar die xnk,so,mak cik trpaksa ar hkum die... ezany: Owh..sory auntie xtau..xde la..i col him n text him but didnt get any feedbck..so dats y i thought like dat..so sory auntie.. him: Oke2...nk makcik kyi salam kt die...nnty makcik yim salam kn...k...dun worry... ezany: Bley gak..mkcik kim slm dkt acap ye..thnks makcik.. hurmm... suddenly i felt of something while im wrote the msg... i guessed it was acap actually... cause the way the person's wrote the msg was same liked acap... fine than... maybe its our ending story...
Thursday, 16 July 2009 15:23
♥ hye thursday..! ♥ Oohhh.. so many days im not updating my lovely blog... many things happened around this week and yeahh ALOT of unlucky things i guess... so let's start with sunday and monday... it's just a normal days on school's and i had been punished from cikgu M because i did not finished up my BM homework that i think it was so0o many..!!! so i gave an excuess to her that i wasnt brought her booked... and she's asked me to stayed at the corner of lab door for two periods which mean until she's finished our classed... Tuesday was the day i didnt went to school's..! :D it's not because im lazy or what... but it just that i havent finished up my homework..! but i think hardly bad about it whether i want to went to school or not... and the answered of it was... no0o...! :D Wednesday and thursday... quite an awesome days... we had quiz for perdagangan which was real funnn bebeyh..!! Cikgu S begun our classed with chapter 1 form 5 quiz... and it contineud with chapter 2 and lastly our new chapter... on the afternoon... we had ceramah about "isqrah dan miqraj" if i was not mistaken... kinda bored but it was okayyhh... today we had solat jemaah and bacaan yassin... owh yeahh... im done doin SSQS... the questions was about ICT and the most i cant forget was "Adakah anda kerap menggunakan makmal ICT anda untuk melakukan kerja sekolah atau aktiviti pelajaran?" lol..! im using my own laptop laa if i wanna do something about school or whatsoever... and my answered of it was..."2 minngu sekali" which was totally not and im lied on it..! :D Today have tution and cant wait for it..! :D ohh almost forgot...! im asked Rohza for being my adik angkat..! huhuhu... i knew i was too rushed but am just love her... so what can i said... :) tonight i'll call or text acap to ask the truth and be honest with me about our relationships..! i cant stand with it anymore... i've feelings and im not heartless to let it go just like that without any reasons... so i'll be update in my next blog to state the results for tonight... current mood:Mushroom soup..! yummy..yummy..! :D
Monday, 13 July 2009 23:51
haihh... =.=' ♥ What a day laa today... extremly tired..!!! bm homework didnt finished yet... and am give up right now... maybe i'll continue it later... skull sucks..!!! dats all... ngantok gyle dah niy... bubbye...
Sunday, 12 July 2009 20:24
♪♥ Deeper Conversation lyric ♥♪ ♥ Is your favourite colour blue? Do you always tell the truth? Do you believe in outerspace? And im learning you Is your skin as tanned as mine? And if you dont mind I let my guard down for you if you dont mind if you dont mind Deeper Conversation
♥ welcome sunday ♥ Yeah... a cloudy day with a sorrow and the day had painted something's to all human in these world... so as mine... the day was just like the others but it still have a little bit of differences... many students didnt came to school today for example our classed... nine students didnt came to school with 3 reasons that we had suggestions... 1.raining day... 2.sunday normally is our holidays too even its not... :D 3.didint finished their bm homeworked... And me one's of those girls that didnt finished up my homework but im still came to school what... proud..proud.. :D perdagangan was okay and its continued with sc... maths... learned plans and elevations which was my favourite topics... :D then agama and RINGGG...!!! BALIk... :D Comment with Am right now... huhuhu... oh yeah... mention about that name... today i was tried to kept away from Amirah Syakila... LOL... but still saw her faced... damn it laa... and she's was smile at me and me do that so... GOSH..! current mood: listening to Yuna songs... Deeper Conversation... damnly love this songs..!!! :)
Friday, 10 July 2009 22:10
how has the days been treatin you ? ♥ Day been treated me badly as it can... there's no words can i wrote to said how much it was... family... friends...even ppl around me... sighs... im alone today... but thanks to shah... he's had cheer me up even for awhile... we talked about my problems cause im quite comfortable to let he know about my probs...cause he's a good listener... so thanks shah... :) And the times past slowly as it can... to kill ppl like me now... no one's understand me... no one's care about me... no one's wanted me to be happy... but whatever it is... am strong enough to deal things by myself... and i promise i will always be... :') Actually i totally was out of mood... life's make me think like that... always... it ruin my life's a bit but i still have to face it... not just today... but until my last breath...
Thursday, 9 July 2009 21:37
♥ happy thursday..??? ♥ and the answer for the title is NOOO...!!!!!! skul just like always and kinda bored...fun...rumors... and many else... today's i was soo gedix at skul..!!! hahaha... i will always be like that went im getting bored... i was read form 4 poet with a very gedix way and it annoyed me actually..!!!hahaha... :D then talked with ecah about perlis again...and again...and again... but it never bored to me... :) but it kinda hurted me a little went we were talked about acap's and our last day at perlis... miss it..!!! :( owh yeah... almost forgot... last night was the greatest night course we had done our planed successfully more than what we thought... hahaha... pity zakirah but at the same times served you right... ):D right now im in unstable mood... my mind was thinking on acap's even i knew he's didnt think about me and im the one who "terhegeh2" thinking on him... i screaming on acap name right now but no even one's heard about it... i really...really miss him.. :( no words can discribe how much i miss him... can i call him..??? but my heart beating fast without reasons went i want to call him... and im thinking extremly hard right now whether i wanna call him or not... haihh ok... im done... i had called acap..!!!! and the results....... he's hung up and for the second timed he didnt picked up my foncalled... ok... im used with it... it didnt hurt me... im a strong girl's and i had through it many times on my life's.... so... sighs... no words i can write now... fuhhh... i felt sucked and wanna cried now...!!! GOD help me... :'(
Wednesday, 8 July 2009 18:38
♥ like i care jer kan..??? ♥ ppl always want to be other ppl... dont they have their own style and their own way..??? shame on you if you say it yes..!!! ok im talked nonsense...!!! school like always... hate being at school especially when i have to face to face with the shallow minded group..!!! today our school had an events which was public speaking kulim states... about 24 school's had entered the competitions and i dont have any ideas whether our school had won or not... cause i dont even care... today night... me,dila and scha was planed to strike zakirah which is one of the shallow minded group... ):-D gosH..!!! cant wait for the night... :D mean..mean..!!! hahaha... wanna stop now... take my bath and get ready for the action..!!! daaaaa
me.saja.suka ♥ TEN RANDOM THINGS 1. Are you single – Yes , it's staying that way. 2. Are you happy – Nope. 3. Are you bored – The pit of boredness. 4. Are you fair – Depends. 5. Are you Italian – Nope. 6. Are you intelligent – I don't think so , i'm just ok. 7. Are you honest – Depends. 8. Are you nice – Depends too. 9. Are you Irish – Nah. 10. Are you Asian – Yea. TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Have you ever been in love – yeah i do.but not since now. 2. Do you believe in love at first sight – Yes. 3. Do you currently have a crush – Hmm.. 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally – Yup. 5. Have you ever broken someone's heart – Yes..most of time ): 6. Have you ever had your heart broken – Loads of times. 7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them – Yeah..!and i a little bit regret ): 8. Are you afraid of commitment – Sometimes. 9. Who was the last person you hugged – ezaty. 10. Who was the last person you said I love you to – my bff.. (: TEN THIS OR THAT 1. Love or lust – Lol , love :) 2. Hard liquor or beer – Hard liquor. hehh. :D 3. Cats or dogs – Cats. 4. A few best friends or any regular friends - A few bestiess. 5. Creamy or Crunchy - Hmm.. both. 6. Pencil or Pen – Pencil. 7. Wild night out or romantic night in – Grr , both. 8. Money or Happiness – Happiness deffinetly. 9. Night or day – Night. 10. MSN or phone – Phone. TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out – Haha no. 2. Seen a polar bear – In the tv yeah. 3. Done something you regret – sometimes. 4. Bungee jumped – Oh i wishh. ): 5. Eaten food that fell on the floor – No gross ! 6. Finished an entire jawbreaker – hahaha , nopee. 7. Been caught naked – Loser much. 8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back – No thanks. 9. Cried because you lost a pet – Yeah ): 10. Wanted to disappear – Everytime. TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER 1. Smile or eyes – Grrrr. BOTH. 2. Light or dark hair - Dark. 3. Hugs or kisses – Both pleasee. 4. Shorter or taller – Taller. hehe. 5. Intelligence or attractive – Intelligence. 6. Topman or Zara – Zara. 7. Funny or serious – Balanced. 8. Older or Younger – Older. 9. Outgoing or quiet – Outgoing and quiet. 10. Sweet or Bad – A mix of BOTH. TEN HAVE YOU 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd – Yes , sometimes. 2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour – =_=' 3. Ever tried walking on your hands – i wish. 4. Ever been to a rock concert – Of ourseeee. 5. Ever been on a cheerleading team – no im not. 6. Ever been on a dance team – i wish. 7. Ever been on a sports team – yes i am.netball 8. Ever been in a drama play/ 9. Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley – gosh , no. 10. Ever been in a rap video – no. TEN LAST 1. Last phone call you made – hafify. 2. Last song you listened to – Sober-Pink 3. Last person(s) you hung out with – Hung out ? when a last day i hangout..?? haha... 4. Last time you worked- depends wht kind of work ? 5. Last person you talked to -my mom :D 6. Last person you IM'd – no one. 7. Last person you texted – Faez 8. Last person(s) you went to the movies with – nobody's. 9. Last person/thing you missed – him. 10. Last website visited – random browsing.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009 18:07
hello tuesday... ♥ skul like hell today... it was totally bored..!!! plus with the bad situation that had happened since last week... it worst for me... i dont think teacher's and also the others such as the "shallow minded group" should make up a stories or any issue about our class... we understood about the project of PSV that teacher must do now and we knew you needed the classed for a couple weeks... but please laa dont just because of that... students and teachers had a arguement about this and that until both of it dont feel any connected whether student-teacher or teacher-student... and one more thing... be matured and dont be too childish like a baby..!!! for example... i can felt liked teacher right now was like anti with az and fathiah... and so of them... tommorow our skul will have a debate and many skul will come to our skul... so we must behave ourselves and pretend like a good girl's...!!! hahaha...
for you ♥ ok.... from now on... i will try... as could as i can... to forget acap... i know its difficult... but this is the bast... not only for me... but also for both of us... and people around me... especially my friends... that had totally cared... gave me a motivated... and be my back bone... while im having this fucking situation's... i know it quite tough... but it also for my own good... anyhow i dont see another choice... except doing like this... and live my life's... normally as usual... *the end*
♥GOsH....!!! many things happened since yesterday... ppl act like a bitchy... shameless... restless...and all the fucking ass laa..!!! yesterday stayed back at school until 3 something because i thought no one's at homed... so me,scha,dila,zaty and also az went to the stall shoped to buyed something's... suddenly zaty said to us that she's wanted to buyed "perencah bubur Meggi"... so i looked out where they put it... she's said she wanna cooked for four of us... :) then backed to school and went to canteen to taked our lunched... such a hell laa that stupidopido mamat..!!! i knew that's a bihun soup but i just wanna asked whether it was or not..!!! what an idiot you are loser..!!! after that... i took the initiatived to studied with the others friends... but its just for awhiled coz i cant waited back homed... :) and the days goes... today was one of the worst day laa gak... ppl kept talked about this and that which i think they dont have to get involved with it laa... they such a busybody and love to cause others to fight each other... shame on you laa weyh..!!! xyah laa nk menyibuk nk ambik tau hal owg laen yg xde kne mengena ngan korng..!!! kalo aku segan weyh..!!! korng x segan ke..??? dont act like loser keyh cause u're a loser..!!! in fact, a biggest loser you ever been..!!! so back off and jg ur kain sndri laa... xyah nk masuk campur hal owg tue...
Saturday, 4 July 2009 22:42
♥ melayang ♥ ♥ me epy sgt2...!!! bawu pas gyut ngan acap...!!!! :) thnk God...!!! he's picked up my fon call..!!! mule2 aku rse cam berdebar2 gyle jantung aku niy... nak col ke xnk... but... i braved myself to col him and yeahhhh...!!!! happy ending... :) acap dekat Melaka skrunk... maybe rewards champion premier hari tu kot... dye skrunk nk msuk night safari... mase col td ngah beli tiket... so ok laa... xnk ggu dye... aku pon kt laa kt dye "later sis col acap laen..." :) and as usual "bubbye...miss you...muacchhh" :) like always before we ended up our conservation... malam niy aku tido bermimpikan bulan dan bintang laa... hahaha... :D thanks God for gv me the opportunity...!!!! 143 acap..!!! :)
sorry..... ♥ i know this is not me... and lately i'd been acting like her mother lose her son..!!! i really dont have any idea what actually goin on with me..!!! but since i got back from Perlis... i can felt that im changed extremly..!!! you know... life's such foolish and my mind always on him...!!! and it continuely non stop..!!! sory guys... i know this is not me and i know you guys want me to change... but for now... i cant..!!! please dont force me... you can say anything's you want... but the situation will keep goin on and time is the cure...
Friday, 3 July 2009 22:26
rindu acap sjep..! ♥ezany: acap... acap still marah sis ke..??? acap: mrh 4 wut..?? ezany: xde laa... sis col acap2 wat xtau jer... so sis pk acap still mjuk ngan sis laa... acap: xde2... but acap mmg pokai laa... ezany: owh... ok then... sis rndu gyle dkt adk... xtpu... acap: i miz u 2 cyunk.. ezany: sis miss n luv u more than adk... acap: i luv u more than i luv myself... ezany: hahahaha... no deal then... muacchhh acap: muackx.. but i tnggl 42 sen je..sumpah.. ezany: xpe... later klo adk xtdo lg sis col adk k... acap: oke.. ezany: k laa... sis 2syen niy... later kt smbang laen...bubbye... muaacchhh... hug n kiss...daaa
me.epy.gyle.gyle ♥ gyle epy plus happening gyle semalam dkat 2syen..!!! ohhh yeahhhhhhhh.... acap msg wif me back lolx...!!! sgt2 bahagiaa..!!!!!!! 143 acap...!!!
Thursday, 2 July 2009 17:16
loving you was my favorite mistake ♥ HATE MYSELF FOR HURTING YOU..!!!! BUT TRUST ME DEAR... I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU..!!! NO JOKES..!!!
Wednesday, 1 July 2009 18:43
you know how much I miss you..??? ♥ Oh Lord... i'd been totally sucked since I back homed a couple days ago...!!! miss Acap my adik... actually I have a lot of stories to shoutout and its begin now... THURSDAY yeahhh... hari niy ktowg akan pergi ke Perlis untuk sukan netball premeir yang diadakan di Politeknik Syed Sirajuddin Perlis... ktowg naek bus ngan budak2 St.Patrick... semua laki coz dyeowg budak bola... so for sure xde gurlz... it quite tired and bored sbb ktowg xleh sembang kuat2 n gelak cam owg gyle..!! so semue kne berpura2 jadi budak baik tuk sementara waktu..!!! hahaha... once we arrived there... ktowg diberikan kunci bilik...setiap bilik 4 owg... aku duk ngan ecah...kuna and teah... sampai2 jer tukar baju and trus aku tdo sbb ptg 2 xde game lg... hari tu agak membosankan and kebetulan bnyk lagi skul yg xsampai... so paham2 jer laa... huhuhu... but later... fikri (bdk st.xavier) msg aku tye aku kat ne... cam pelik gak laa coz aku dh lame xmsg dyye alih2 dye ,sg aku... so aku kt laa aku dh sampai and dye kt dye bwu nk smpai n nnt kt jumpe... aku cam ok jer laa... and xde pe sgt.... mlm lepak2 then tido.... zZzzz..... FRIDAY bgun awal coz ktowg de game ari ni... kul 12 ang kul 4 ptg... lawan ngan 2 buah sekolah iaitu St.Gorgest and Convent A.S... but xde rezeki and ktowg kalah... so its ok then... but de sumthing happened yang wat aku sgt2 bad mood sehingga menyebabkan aku nk balik malam 2 gak..!!! ckgu marah aku just b'coz aku pkai lips gloss..!!!! stupidopido tol..!!! aku pkai pon sbb lips aku niy kering sgt kan sbb nk ngorat laki keyh ckgu..!!!!! huh... malam tu ktowg kuar nk tapau makanan coz ktowg x dinner kul 7 tu... dalam kul 8 or 9 lbey laa kami semue trun g cafe... lpas dh beli smue... kmi lpak kt slh satu pondok yg de kt c2... suddenly... de laa bdk2 frees skul dtg kt ktowg... aku malas nk layan mule2... but they kept asked qstion so aku pon lyn laa... n de laa sowng bdk niy duk tp aku... dye kt laa dye f.2 bdk bola... so ok laa... dh lame smbng2... dye mntk num... mule2 cam xnk bg... but at last aku kasi gak... oh yaeh...aku jumpe fik b4 msuk bilik...huhuhu... and the days continued... SATURDAY xde game and masing2 bgun lmbat...!!! huhuhu... we gyle2 rest all out arr... ngeeeeee.... as usually bored day... timed niy mmg miss gyle2 kt rumah aku..!! hahaha... acap msg aku kt nk jumpe mlm 2 and i said see first laa coz kinda bz... even it wasnt... aku just segan nk jumpe dye... but at the night... aku turun ngan teah...mahirah...rozha...and nonoi... then acap dtg kt aku... segan beb... bukan pe coz nnt mmber2 aku kt aku gedik laa... so xnk laa kan klo smpai jd cam 2... tp dis day mmg memberi kesan dan pengajaran buat aku..!!!! malam tu semue ok... sampai laa aku jalan ngan acap and acap tye aku... "np sis cam xnk lyn adk jer?" Im really speechless..!! bukan aku xnk ckp but aku pon xtau laa np ngn diri aku...!!! masa aku ngan acap jalan... aku terserempak ngan fik...(xtually mmg dye ngah tunggu aku) and aku trus xlyn acap...!!! dalam 5 mnt lpas tu... bwu aku ingt acap but at that time acap dah tnggalkan aku kt c2 ngan fik... by that timed mmg aku jd serba salah and cpt2 nk g dr c2... but I dont do that..!!!! lepas 45 mnt aku cari ecah and aku nmpk laa ecah kasi signal kt aku... smpai2 jer aku kt sna... teah...rozha.. and nonoi kt acap dh msuk bilik coz majuk ngan aku..!!! Ya Allah..!!! hanya tuhan je tau camne aku rasa saat tu...!!! menyesal yang tiada sudahnya... aku dh jd cam owg gyle... even aku xnangis dpn dyeowg... but dalam hati aku menangis semau2nye...!!! then ecah tolong col acap n everthng settled... SUNDAY bgun lambat cam biase coz msng2 tdo lwat mlm 2... everthing's looked ok by that day... but it turns worst and worst sampai ktowg balik... aku ingat acap dh ok ngan aku... but I was totally wrong..!!! he's still mad at me...!!! and I dunno what else can i do to make sure that he's dont mad at me now... :( Im such a fucking ass and dumb..!!! and I really meant it..!!! no joke..!!! last sekali aku jumpe acap dkt gurun... and last sekali dye ckp nagn aku mase dkt dlm bus... aku smpai umah dlm kul 10.30 and many things had changed lolx..!!! tu bwu aku g 4 ari... ish3... =.=' smpai2 umah aku trus cari laptop... on9 jap... and tidoooooo...... zzZZzzz... MONDAY NOT GOIN TO SKUL BEBEYH...!!!!!!!!!!! :D BUT MISS ACAP's..!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( TUESDAY goin to skul with the laziness...!!!! ecah still xtgd sklh... and miss team netball 2009... but the most that I really miss was acap...!!! GOSH... acap's always on my mind until I got stucked with it..!!! no one's else in my mind excpt acap...acap...acap...!!!!!!!! me in crazy mood actually..!!! WEDNESDAY acap..!!!!!!!!! where had you been my adk..!!!!!!!! dont you know how much sis miss you until sis cant control myself...???? please laa acap dont do this to sis...!!!! I still waiting for your msg and ur fon call...!!! :( oh yeahh... today we do poco2..!!! hahaha... real fun bebeyh..!!! :D |
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