Monday, 31 August 2009 06:58
♥ i'm lovin' it ♥
on9-ing this early in the morning just to say that i'd much..much..much fun with you WAN...! hahaha... thanks for accompanied me until 2 at the morning... tho you kept disappear by doin' your worked but still i patiently wait up for you...
**short break nak tengok POCOYO :D** **ok2... sambung balik** as usual we webcam (kejap2 ptus..kjap2 ptus..gyle tension+menyampah..!) kuikuikui... eemmm... where's huh the funny ha-ha part..?? *thinking* ohh yeah... went he said: [1:50:56 AM] khairul iz: owhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [1:51:03 AM] khairul iz: ngntok..?? [1:51:08 AM] khairul iz: g laa tdo [1:51:08 AM] theterrorofdeath: x [1:51:16 AM] theterrorofdeath: gatai mta [1:51:17 AM] theterrorofdeath: u tlg r garu then he closed to the webcam and i rake his eyes... hahaha... what else ek..? hurmm... *thinking* yeah2... i asked him to do peace symbol... and also... [1:45:04 AM] khairul iz: wat shuffle [1:45:06 AM] khairul iz: wakakaka hahaha... thought he gonna do it but he said that... [1:45:39 AM] theterrorofdeath: xsempat belajaq [1:45:49 AM] theterrorofdeath: lecturer shuffle pencen wakaka..! pandai laa awak..! cikgu shuffle pencen... ngeee~ and much..much more we talked about... while that... i also texted Alan at the same time... both of them make my laughed non-stop okay with their disposition that kinda strange..! huhu... :D so thanks to both of you and the rest also cause cheer me up when there's a rain and pain inside my heart... you guys had be my rainbow that covered up my melancholy by thinking of him... that's all for now... today have an appointment with Amar and Inamul... meet Amar first then Inamul... can't wait to meet them (bukan playgirl kay..! and Alan jangan jealous.!)... agaga... that's all i think... bubbye then... nak sambung study (poyo jer gtau)... ** tomorrow trials and i'm kinda scare with it... gosh..! pray for me..! ** p/s:loving you was my greatest mistaken...!
Sunday, 30 August 2009 21:25
♥ the pain kill me now ♥ the pain kill me now and it slowly penetrate into my heart but you don't feel it because you're too blind to notice it the pain kill me now because of many reasons but the main reason is the torture of missing you the pain kill me now i'm yearning you much even you're not but that's not a big deal the pain kill me now tho' i remain myself you're not belong to me but still i try to love you the pain kill me now and i'm tired with it your love is a lie because you don't mean it
Saturday, 29 August 2009 22:21
♥kiss ma ass lol..!
Friday, 28 August 2009 22:02
♥ aloha... :D ♥ Helo..helo.. :D today was quite exciting day... we went to penang... arrived there around 3 p.m... first of all... we went to Fella Design to find a furniture... i mean my mom wanted to brought meja makan... but sudden, she also brought coffee table... =.=" Then maked our way to QB Mall... we're not shop too much... more to window shopping or kinda survey... but i brought singlet with pink and black colour... ahaah..! buka puasa at Pizza Hut... then took some walked and homeee... here i come..! haha... :p Oh yeah.. yesterday was a greated day also... ngeee... me,scha,and fakhry took an awesome pics with our gila2 posed..! agaga... :D sangat2 best... gonna do it again..! hahaha... :p almost forgot..! he's texted me suddenly... *wink* ;D **Here some pics that we took**
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 21:20
♥ who am i to said... ♥You said you love me... But did you mean it..??? I miss you now... But did you miss me too..??? I waiting for your text... But did you text me..??? I pain enough... But did you feel it..??? Sorry to say sayang... But i'm tired with all this game... ...FIN...
♥ missed...! ♥ *Bark* hahaha... I know is not a good starting right..?? well i'm too addicted on9-ing...! Gosh..! you guys had totally no idea how badly it felts..! well... to be honest... i'm sick studying for my trials... i'm stuck..! and the only thing I know is I want all these things to be end immediately as it could..! and I prayed harder for it... hush.. and you know what... I had broken my own promised that i'm not gonna be on9 at least for 2-3 weeks... hahaha... it's all because of that dreamed..! I had dreamed that I was on9 and updated my blogger... crazy right..?? I was laughed all out once I realized that... hahaha "Don't know anything at all and who am I to say you love me I don't know anything at all and who am I to say you need me" Ok... done that... now go for a new chapter... i'm missed him badly right now... whos..?? just let it be a secret... and yeah... he's didnt called me... even texted me since friday night if i was not mistaken... I know.. I know that I was to ego because i'm not texted him too... but that's what I tried to do.. just to make sure that everything he had said to me isn't a sincere... hurmm.. "Mungkinkah aku mencintaimu Sepenuh hatiku Ku harapkanmu menyanyangiku Seperti aku teman hidupmu" I just wish that wherever or what he doin' right now... he will happy always and fell better... I know that I not for him and yeah he deserved a girl like ***** because my heart said that she was maked for him and maybe it's true... even though I loved him but I know who am I... sigh... "lupakan aku kembali padanya aku bukan siapa-siapa untukmu kucintaimu tak berarti bahwa ku harus memilikimu slamanya" XOXO with love <3>
Sunday, 23 August 2009 00:34
♥ she's Ezany..! ♥ Since today "maybe" will be the last day I online... so i'll write down nonsense things that had in my mind now... 10 facts about her: ** she's not morning person.. **she's just love late night sleep.. **she's always online even she not feeling well.. **she's always text random people.. **she's kinda heartless.. **she's a good listener.. **she's care about her friends.. **she's study when she think she need it.. **she's do love snapping pictures **she's different than others.. 5 things what she dislike: **she's hate people who think they hottt/smart..! **she's hate man that have dirty minded..! **she's hate unknown number that always disturb her on phone..! **she's hate sharing other people love..! **she's hate people with shits attitude..! Things that you don't even know about her: **she's in trauma actually.. **she's a good pretender (in good way).. **she's sometimes forget about other people around her.. **she's thinks too much.. **she's love being alone.. **she's have her own world.. **she's always wanted attention from people she love the most.. **she's always smile even she have a biggest problem.. **she's searching for her love.. **she's special actually.. She's everything that YOU not full stop.
Saturday, 22 August 2009 01:42
♥ morning world... ♥ Hello monsters...! time show 3.00 a.m and i still didn't take my bed yet... current mood is thinking of them... whos..?? i think let it be a secret as i dont think there are any relationship between you guys out there..! am i right..? Finally i met my adik **fakhry** thought he won't came maths classed... but once i arrived there... he's already there had some chat with the other boys... so yeahh.. miss you laa adikku yang hensem..! haha... :p So we talked crap **maybe** and yeahh... i think Arif right... **not gonna be write down here** after think twice or more than that... i'll do it to ***... so that easier for me to find out whether ** truly like me or every single of *** msg was nothing..! :) Suddenly, i realized something when my adik said the reasons why he pity on me... and yeahh i admit on it... hush... I need love and i want to be love... but somehow i don't think that i deserved that love... you guys had totally no idea how life's without love actually... i do that i'd searched for love in every inches of place but still love don't show up...and the pains was good enough i guessed... okay... im start talkin' nonsense... need some rest now... bubbyee... ** words mean nothing if you don't really meant it..**
Thursday, 20 August 2009 18:44
♥ all about her.! ♥she's awesome... so what..?! do I care..?! lol... she's attract me... did you try to make me jealous by saying like that..? she's might like me... then what you waiting for..? she's everything I'm not.. full stop.
Tuesday, 18 August 2009 21:08
♥ super-duper-hyper ♥ Hello stranger... it had been for a few days i'm not updated my blogger... tho many stories but since the laziness control myself, so i just postponed the posted... Tuesday: went KLC with Dila... that day's was heavy rained day and that's maked our journey pretty fun... i wear sun glassed by that day's and people had a looked towards us liked we're an alien..! **actually they not looked at me but DILA.!haha..:D** brought some stuff and had our lunched at KFC... at the moment, Bazilah was waited for us at Nad'z housed... caused we had promised with Ecah that we gonna met her at her housed... everything goin' smooths until...... GOSh..! "kunci aku tertinggal bawah sit moto..!" shits laa weyhhh..! how come aku boleh lupa..? **itu antara ciri2 penyakit umo 17..!haha..** LOL..! luckily Ecah dad was there by that timed.. after half an hour i got backed my motor keys..! :') around 7 somethings i arrived at home safely.. :) Wednesday: I was totally out of mood on that day without reasons..! period..? yes am i... so what..?! got probs..? lol..! God..! i real wanted to invisible myself even just for once..! i'm sick thinking of *** and still i tried to ran away from *** so that ** know how much ** didn't mean to me... sigh... Thursday: nothing much happend except we had arranged our tables for our SPM TRIAL..! gosh... i'm dying slowly now... exam always killing me... which mean exam more cruel than me okay..! =.=" P/S: to all readers... i'll not active in ms,fs,tag or others social net. from next sunday until my trials done however i'll update my blog... **I wish I have a love-philtre so that i will give to the person that I love the most and he's will fall in love with me because im so lovelorn..
Monday, 17 August 2009 22:11
♥ stressed out..! ♥ I was really..really in unstable conditions right now..! there somethings on my mind that i can't said by words or through my body language... it stuck me pretty much now..! I'm not feeling well today... my body temperature was unstable... sometimes it was too high and suddenly it back to normal... lol..! Trial just on the corner... and i must work extra harder so that my family will proud off on me... yeah... yeah i know it quite tough actually but i must struggle for a while... Today we had a new students in our classed... she's had been kicked out from her school's because of her attitude... so for sure my opinion towards her was bad... Ustazah told us that once we had done our best on SPM and we had totally sacrificed on it... we can felt the pleasure of studied once the results have came out... Gosh..! i can't think straight now... God help me..!! i'm sick with it..! :'(
Sunday, 16 August 2009 22:42
♥ the bitterness... ♥ People always talk about this and that without reasons sometimes... People also always lie to other people even their friends about something that they do... can't they just be honest by telling the truth..? hurmm.. Love suck for some people... they were many kind of love and only one's of it is the true one... they always said that they are in love... but did they..? love actually is a miscellaneous because they did not show their own personality of what they are... Life real unfair for some people... it ruin our life A LOT..! but it depends to us on how we want to manage it and take it as what... but stay calm and be positive... take it as a challenge on ourselves so that we won't think opposite... **but went i said life was unfair..i real mean it actually.. hush..
Saturday, 15 August 2009 22:11
♥ are you..? ♥are you in love..? I don't know... but maybe... who know.. right..? are you miss him..? shits..! no answer... but i do i miss him... are you sincere of him..? always... but... haihh...
♥ wtffffff ♥ Damnnnnnnn..! i must write it back since i had lost the text before...! bodoh...! Ignored the title and that fuckin intro... today school and only 6/25 of us came to school..! shits laa... we doin nothing for bm and bi classed... but for the other subjects we doin something even it not too much... as a conclusion... school sucked today...! I brought hp today... not only today laa but everyday actually..! huhuhu... then took some pictures of the boredom people in my classed and yet they always said to me to watched out with other people around me... they just worried my hp akan dirampas if one of the stranger people knew about it... see... what a good friends they are... :D After school went to adila housed... we talked about many things..! huhuhu... best2... agagaga... :D thanks laa dila caused tak ikut mak "aku" g Jj... hahaha... then, suddenly acap texted me..! goshh... did he dream of me yesterday..??? =.=" i'm kinda speechless actually went dila said acap msg me... but still i replied his msg back... Tho there were many things to write down here... but since im kinda lazy so i'll not write today... bubbyeee.... **If only you could tell me how much I mean to you without words had to be spoken.
Wednesday, 12 August 2009 23:07
♥ "sayang" ♥ Not goin school today..! malas gila nak bangun..! then mak aku bising2 sebab aku tak pergi sekolah..! :)
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 20:05
♥ sayang... ♥ "I Love you sayang"... hahaha... LOL..! butterflies..?? nahhh... I'm not for you dear... dont you scare with that killer "words" huh... "I miss you badly sayang"... really..?? but why it didnt mean anything for me... did you real "mean" it... sigh..! "Good night sayang"... yeahh... good night... *end*
dr.fadzilah kamsah said aku... ♥ APRIL * Sangat aktif dan dinamik. * Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal. * Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri. * Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat. * Suka diberi perhatian. * Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ). * Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang. * Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut. * Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah. * Emosi cepat terusik. * Cuba kawal perasaan. * Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam. * Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan. * Kuat daya ingatan. * Gerak hati yang sangat kuat. * Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain. * Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada. * Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
Saturday, 8 August 2009 22:40
♥ all about me... ♥ As I said before... I'M NOT PERFECT..! so mind you... here's about my life's for those who want to know about my background..! I know sounds retarded but suka hati aku laa...! alang2 nak baca or selidik sangat pasal aku... nahh baca puas2..!!! (before that..my language will be rojak..!) Basic info... Im Khairul Ezany Bt Abd Rahman... SPM victim... stayed Kulim,Kedah... About me.. said whatever you want... such as bitchy... snatcher... stupid... perasan bagus... hot... arrogant... social... sexy... suka sakitkan hati orang... or whatsoever that you guys want to said because you guys had totally no idea how it didnt hurt me even a bit..! but it teach me to be more patient and be a better person as I could... oh yeah... I'm a music lover... music express the way I are and shows the insides of me and my story life... Background family... I had three families... no joke just fact..! my first family was between my dad and my first mum... as a results... they had 2 children which was my brothers... Khairul Izzat and Khairul Izzam... then, my second family was between my dad and my mum... and as a results... they had 1 daughter and 1 son... named Khairul Ezany and Khairul Izwan... and my third family was between my dad and third mum... and they had 1 son... however, I also had step siblings because my mum and my third dad wife had been married before... Kak Eja and Kak Ayu was my mum daughter and Eda was my third dad wife daughter... since I had grown up with my sisters... we're so closed and love each other... Kids life... not like others... I had no friends went I was small... there's two probilities why I had no friends... first,because my house sebuah2 and tak ramai budak kecik macam aku dekat situ... second,sebab aku tak nak kawan dengan orang... because for me... had a friends just turnin me into trouble... but my dad brought me a cats... they were cute... dad said he pity me caused im always alone so he brought it to me... not only that, he brought me ps1 (timed dulu hebat laa de ps1)...pasang astro (dulu pon mahal gak astro 2)... so started from standard 1 until 5 I had no friends... but started standard 6 I friends with everyone's... Teenagers life... nothing much can I said... because there's nothing interstings stories can I write... started wearing tudung since form 1... tu pun sebab rules... kalau tak memang tak pakai... but teenagers life's taught me many things and most of it was unforgettable time... The patience... you guys cant imagined how much I'd be patient to through out my life as me... hush... surroundings make me more patient and be more independent in life... rumors, hatred, and all that fuckin things make me believed that life unfair and sometimes not for me... but life go on and the only things I can do is be more patience and ignored that hell and the stupido that challenged me to be more calm in making life decision... The sadness... believed me went I said I'd never celebrated raya with my dad... even once... you had totally no idea how it pains was... hush... it ruin my life a bit... but since Im used with it... so it just fine... I always saw between my dad and my mum fought for nonsense reasons went I was a little kids... it scared me ALOT..! sampai dah lali everytime tengok dyeowng gaduh... so I'm kinda jealous with whoever that had a perfect family... in other words... not like mine..! The happiness... went I was with friends... that's the maximum of my happiness...besides, our families just okay and we love each others and not like some family who cant accepted their new family... even though sometimes it doesnt especially between me and eda but that's not a big deal... I admit that I was jealous with her because she had everything that supposed be mine..! even I didnt show it off but it still... haihh... Friends... be jealous with me cause I had an awesome friends that you never had... there were Inamul,Adila,Shah,Scha,Zaty,Ecah,Danial,Remy... without em'... Im nothing... I can called em' my truly friends... susah senang kami bersama... they gave me an advised,motivated me, guide me, and also gossiped..! hahaha... thank you for being my friends guys... you had no idea how it brighted up my life... I guessed that's one of the reasons why I dont really needed boyfriend... because I already have you guys that colourful my life's... Love... I never succeed in love... fact okay..! my first love was him... then Fuad... Alan... Acap... Avby...! but even how much my love towards them... I'll or never couple with em'... because I still had a choice and I believed that they are not created for me... no doubt... almost forgot, when i said i love you indeed that's mean i real like you... but dont worry, because it dont last longer... once I had bored with you, I will let you go or in other words, forget you... besides, love just created to one person and I believed on it indeed... so you guys... dont worried laa sebab normal laa tu kalau ada orang suka dekat korang... nama pon manusia punya hati dan perasaan... apa yang nak dipelikkan atau diherankan sangat kan..??? LOL.. and please laa... if you guys try to make me jealous once you guys find out that how much I love you by making up a story or talk something about the other girl's... TAKE NOTE... it did not hurts me walaupun sekecil kuman ok... Conclusion... hate me as much as you want cause I'm nothing..! life's not for me and I mean it... but somehow, I wished to all the people that I love the most live happily... even though they hate me because I had love em' or else... but that's okay... cause I'm used with it... that's what life actually meant for... I just live my life for tomorrow and the only things I can said was I just follow the flow that had been fixed from God for me... and to all my hatred and gossiper, thank you for the fuckin things that you guys thrown to me... thank you...
♥ mind you,I'm not prefect.. ♥ Sigh... things become worst lately... whether for me or a.firdaus... that's the fact that we must face if we had a stepmother... it hurt ALOT especially went our father react like we're nobody to them... but we must used with it okay a.firdaus... we're same... the only different is you much richer than me... hahaha... dont you deny it...! Sharing is not fun okay..! I knew it indeed caused I had through it... texted with a.firdaus and he said that his stepmother dont allowed him used his father car... I mean the ferrari car... gosh..! pity you dear... I know how it fell... sigh... Enough then... I admit than Im just not good enough for people especially for those who know me... but what can I do..?? its not 100% my fault..! cause people do make mistake..! besides, I know I don't desserve anything like you guys... cause Im nothing and I real meant it..! sorry...
Friday, 7 August 2009 23:16
♥ hang out... ♥ I'm just too lazy to updated my blog... and since that cased... I felt maybe or not gonna update my blog or else... things make me think that way and i guessed that for the best... not only for me but also for the rest that know me... He had read my blog... and I apology for that... cause I didnt mean anything... maybe I should not wrote about you... but what can I do..??? this is my blog and I think I can write whatever I like right..??? isnt it..??? hurmm... Went to Penang yesterday... nothing much happened except I already knew where St.Xavier school... huhuhu... :D we just passed by as while we search Line Clear nasi kandar... nothing special bout it but just okay... :) Today went to JJ... but before that... we droped by to MPSJ caused my sis had a worked... after all that stuff... went to JJ... real fun... we played games and ate cake at secret recipes... I ordered choc mud cake and mocha espresso which my favourite... :D Thats all for now... c yaa... ** almost complete reading Take Someone Like Me... :D
♥ .... ♥ I Am: Not perfect I Want: to forget my past. I Have: an awesome bestfriend. I Wish: i could fly up to space and never come down. :) I Hate: two faced bitches and snobs. I Fear: of being rejected and heartache. I Hear: my thoughts. I Search: happiness. I Wonder: about alot of things. I Regret: something. I Love: him. I Always: smile. I Usually: go through deja vu I Am Not: a lesbian. :D I Dance: to the beat. I Sing: slow songs. I Never: drunk. I Rarely: hang out. I Cry: when i'm heartbroken and miss someone. I Am Not Always: that confident. I'm Confused: about everything. I Need: a hug I Should: be prepared for a new life. I Dream: to confess my faith to the stars.
Monday, 3 August 2009 22:35
♪♥Ku t'lah jatuh cinta lyric...♥♪ ♥ Kini ku mulai bertanya (Bridge) (Korus) (Ulang bridge & korus)
♥ my best pals... ♥ ![]() Sad ending for today... Ah Jiang died because he had been shooted by Hui Luing and while he at the operation room... his altery was split out and thats maked him died... Xia Tian was cried all out and so am i... :p I had told abang about him... and he said his faced looked liked a playboy..!!! :0 wakaka... dont even cared actually... :D because I have ALOT of friends that more than enough... and no doubt about it... yesss...!!! :D GTG... need to continued study... bubbyeee.... |
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