Wednesday, 30 September 2009 14:42
♥ she's super power isn't it..?? ♥ Urghh...!!!! why huh..??? why huh..??? lately, i say this out not because im turns into jealousy or other shits things laa kan... but why i always heard/saw (insert name)..??? shits..shits.. started with nothing... to something... and everything ABOUT HERRR...! pissed off laa weyhh..! shuhhhshuhh...! (Insert name) always turn my life into trouble...! tho we DON'T EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER but (insert name) will always been as an extra actress (in a bad way for sure[?])... maybe i owed (insert name) because she's make us knew each other... but, can she get out/adioss from my life..? bull shits..! HATE (INSERT NAME) NO JOKE OKAY..! I DAMNLY MEAN IT..! THANKS (INSERT NAME) BUT KISS MA ASS AND GTH LAA BEBEH..!
Tuesday, 29 September 2009 16:18
♥ you and me... ♥ Be honest with me Caused I do the same too Aren't that what we need Honesty in a relationship I never thought it could happened A can of worms I learnt from mistake And it teach me a lot I love you It just a word tho But it mean something That only I know how deeper it is
♥ im bleeding now... ♥ No one understand me... I mean, why people always want to accuse something that I don't even know... maybe i'm not good as a person/daughter/friends/girlfriend or any kind of ever... but it doesn't mean you guys can do anything/expecting something from me... Okay maybe I lied when I said no one... but lately, everything I done in my life... it just like I make a biggest mistake for myself... regret..? yes I am... but,I done all that for their own good... so,it this my own fault if I'm told them the truth..? I missed my dad... but did he..? wan's said maybe he missed me too... but I don't know... could be right..? mom... sigh... she always with her bad thought on someone's... maybe she pressure... but doesn't mean she can do like that on us... but I'm used with it... so,tho it hurts me...but I'm okay... I want to cried... but tears it's not my friends... ego..?? I don't think so... I'm a LOSER...LOSER...LOSER...! fuckin up myself...! shits on me...! I'm nothing...! and I mean it..! you can't understand my feelings now... no one..! I repeat... NO ONE..! :'( I missed them... but they don't... I tried to be someone that they want me to be... but I can't... I'd tried not even once... but 578398 times...! but I just can't... I'm sorry... SORRY didn't shows anything... I know... But at least, I said it on your face...
Monday, 28 September 2009 18:43
♥ don't scared... ♥I LOVE YOU... I LOVE YOU TOO... SO COME TO ME... I CAN'T... BUT WHY..??? I'M JUST TOO SCARE... ABOUT WHAT..??? THE RESPONSIBILITY YOU GAVE TO ME... I DON'T HOPE FOR SOMETHING... BUT IT REMINDS ME... BUT... I DON'T WANT TO HURTS PEOPLE FEELINGS... BUT YOU'RE NOW... SORRY... I'm not like her...believed me...when I said that i'm not a good girl...doesn't mean I was like her...I'm not type of girl like that...you know me right..?but I know you scared because of your past...I don't blamed it on you...caused I know how it feels...so,yeah...I pisssed off know... (unstable mood since 3 day passed...had a headache that kill me now..! shits..shits..! need some rest...)
Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:53
♥ i need you guys in my life..but somehow.... ♥ Currently... my head was totally messed up with this and that... everything I do... it just liked I wasted my timed... IDFK why I felt liked that... IDK that lately, I'd been jumped up into a probs... but that should not be an issued because human always have to face the reality even it hurts but still... I know reality maybe would not be same of what we dremin off tho... I WANNA BE A LESBIAN..! but I know I still a normal girl's... so, it's POSSIBLE.. It's not an impossible if we fallen in love with TWO guys at the same time..! but, we'll have A BIGGEST PROB EVER once you've to decide which one's is the best for us... so yeah... I pissed off now..! ptffff.... so, I decided to asked 'em why and what make 'em fall in love with me and who am i for 'em... **FOR NOW THIS IS WHAT THEY SAID** Avby's said: "Hmm.. Cmne ek? Xtau la wak.. Kdg2 mcm gf sndri tp bla wak ckp kt kwn je.. hmm.. Ee..ntah la.. Tplg pd wak nk cmne.." Wan's said: "Sorg adk pmpuan.yg need sum1 bg attentn kt u" **Should I smile..?? Should I cry..?? Should I laugh..?? or Should I ignore all that stuff..??** And if I do... what should I do for the next steps..? for God sake..! (migraine suddenly) I wished I could invisible myself caused I'm tired with all these hell..! it ruin my life's all of time..! I know it's exceeding but that's the truth...
Friday, 25 September 2009 03:28
♥ i miss you... ♥ ![]() I missed those memories... You and me we were together... I missed your hugs... I missed your smiled... And I want it now... Can't you heard that..? I screaming on you now..! But somehow I know... I'll never get it back... Past is past... You had a new life's now... And I'm just here watching from back... The pained was good enough I think... So... I take my steps to move on... Live a new life's for a new chapter... And let you go... (happily) And I'm alone... (sadly) Thank you for everything...
Thursday, 24 September 2009 14:36
♥ Does something good always come out of something bad? ♥ Nothing to update i guessed... currently im using celcom num... so yeahhh... had fun with it... :D text wan and inamul gf shima..!! agagaga... so maybe we'll be bff... who knows... right..?? :) Tadikan-tadikan... *bling2* abang dgn fuad came to my housed... yedayeda... :D but we not talked so much.. its just liked senyum2...talked nonsense things and blablabla... Then what huh..??? *thinking* tu jer kot... tgh melayan wan ngan shima... wanna have some fun with both of them... (actually patut jiwang mlm niy but seems dyeowng make me smiled..so dah ilang mood jiwang 2) soo... daaaaaaa~
Tuesday, 22 September 2009 16:29
♥ quick posttt...! :D ♥ Malam Raya: started received sms raya wished... ramai gyle sent sms dekat aku and i was liked... SUDAHHH..!!! sakit telinga weyhh dgr msg alert tu... so i said to myself... "fine..! jap aku nak cari sms raya" **nk wat sndiri dah mls** so i got one msg thats quite cool and sent it around 20 something to my friend..! puas hati aku.. so mlm tu cam biase laa smbng2 all and watched tv but i dont even felt that raya... no answer why i felt that way.. hurmm.. :( Hari Raya Pertama: hoyeehhh...! kinda sucks but overall goooddd..! :D where huh we're goin..? **thinking** yeahh... Alma and continued with Pasir Gebu,Penang... best2..! what kind of best..? while we at Alma.. gyle excited weyyhh nak g Alma... bukan nak jumpe makcik Nab aku but nak jumpa kucing parsi yang tersangat3 chumil...! fall in love with that kucing already..! **wink2** :D and know what..? that kids.. i mean my cousin (kot) she's annoyed me okayhh..! benci gyle when she asked me "akak rase abg tauriq ngn abg shafiq sp hensem lagi..??" wtfffff la weyyhhh budak tu...! she baru i think dalam 10 or 11 y/o liked that... but i felt raya laa when we were there... sebab happening gyle... ! :D Hari Raya Kedua: went to pmtg.pauh...butterworth and sg.petani... happening gak laa... especially at unty fauziah housed..! :D oh yeahhh... the muffin was soooo super yummy...! xD i want it more... :( then straight away to SP... goshh..! Qayyum changes ALOT..! he's style now like Awira OIAM..! o.0 dan kebetulan aweks dye ade..! wootwoot.. haha... had some chat then kitaorang **me actually** basuh pinggan... ngeeee!.. **rjin ak..?** :DD pastu g umah pakdak and balik umah dalam kul 10... on9-ed... kejap jer sebab penat sangat... Hari Raya Ketiga: do open house now... not really la just makan2... semue kwn akak aku and currently abg ayub aku kat umah sekarang... just dpt texted dr faez..! he odw to my house..! goshhh... gtg now... daaaaaa.....
Saturday, 19 September 2009 22:52
♥ it's a secret love... ♥ Hurmm.. hai... no idea where should i start with... currently, im not in raya mood or whatsoever..! probs just love me like hell..! sigh.. sorry.. need some fresh air... Okay im back with a same mood... i'll start my story from thursday... by that morning, we (budak yg ambik exm tas) had tasawur paper 1... on that day, kebetulan our school dah started cuti... so tak ramai orang laa kan... while we all bertungkus lumus menjawab paper 2... i always kept my eyes on a viewed yang memang cantik gyle... i dont know why im saying like that but that's the truth ok..! so whatever laa kan... like you guys care plus know about it kan..?? then, most of us dah selesai menjawab soalan (siap awal biase laa nak kata dah studied gyle2..haha..) so i took out my phone and snapped a pics+texted shah.. haha.. (bagus2..ish3...anak sp laa kan..?haha) then antar paper terus balikk..! :D Then, petang tu ada maths classed... so just wanted tunjuk my rajin im goin okay... thought at least ada laa gak makhluk yang datang caused scha and fakhry cant came so yeah i was absolutely WRONGGG..! urghh..! im all alone okay..?! can u imagine it..? i just liked urghh..! so i was date with my sir amir...(sebab 2 orang jer) and i texted scha about it butttt..! for god sake laa... aku tersent that msg to avby so..! i was totally no idea what im got had to do..! (sebab dye cepat jealous..itu negative side laa) so yeahh..fought a whiled then ok balik.. haihh.. Friday everything was okayy untill friday night..! its not liked gaduh laa but i'd hurt wan's... i gave him headshoot okay for his question..! he said to me that he loved me ang sayang me so ima liked o.0..?? then i asked him backed.. why..??? does you love reeha more than me..?? and by that second.. he didnt gave any feedback for my msg..! i felt damnly idiot by said it liked that.. but things happened and i must pujuk him back so that he'll be okay.. almost 1 hour okay..! and right now, i telling you that i was out off cradittt..! Saturday, kemas rumah (sebab 2 x suka raya sebab kena kemas rumah) disebabkan x puasa so i can took my meals... agaga.. :D nikmat gyle arr kan timed makan tu.. tak usha kiri kanan dah i tell you..! lapar+penat punye pasal... petang sikit ym dengan safwan,shah,avby,abang and bape orang lagi laa... malas nak mention banyak2... on9-ing... hurmmm... Today (sunday) raya... but i dont even feel that raya mood.. almost every year laa cam niy... tak tau laa... bila orang tanya raya mana or and other question yang cam 2... felt liked gyle malas nak jawab or layan... hurmm... but eid still eid... but as for me.. it just like the other normal day... no raya or what... but whos know maybe tomorrow i'll feel that raya mood kan..??? :) Sorry post kali niy panjang sebab lama tak update... tho i'd skiped many of stories... huhuhu.. avby... cayunk wak ketat2..! today my love for you no doubt... so proud with it okay..?! haha.. off now.. time showing 3 am and i must3 sleep now or i wont wake up tomorrow morning raya.. haha... goshh..! alomost forget... tak sabar nak pergi saloon esok gunting rambut khas untuk raya ja..haha..(tau poyo..xD) bubbyee...! ms and ym bored like hell..! and people who on9-ing now bodoh gyle..! BENCI..!
Friday, 18 September 2009 00:24
♥ heartbreak... ♥ That's a song title from Tiffany Alvord... she's awesome..! that song's she wrote by herself..! go find it at utube.. I'm bored..! cant say it by words... sorry... tho many things wanna said.. but i'll keep it first.. out dulu... daa...
Thursday, 17 September 2009 14:45
♥ doubt... ♥ Lord..! why i must felt this feeling..! am i jealous with her..?? (dont you guys guessing who is that..!) it should not being like this... and i tell on your face now this feeling is totally worst ever..! felt like... i wanna cry like a baby now..! shits..! its too harder for me now... tho i indeedly know the real situations but i cant take out this jealousy far miles away..! im speechless cause words never easy to write... that feelings comes again when i saw her on your top friends... sorry...
Wednesday, 16 September 2009 00:37
♥ love you...GAH..! ♥ Weyyhhh...! gyle penat setengah mampos today..! ALOT of activities we're doin... Pertama: Exammm..! Perdagangan paper 2 (esei)... thank God the question was not too harder and not too easy for us... in other word, boleh jawab..! abih exam kitaorang lepak2 (sebab dah xda paper)... and yeahh, some of them balik..! aku budak baik so stayed jep...! hahaha... (tp balik awal gak laa.. :p) Kedua: Balik umah turned on the tv and... yeahh..! citer korea... bahaha... tho tak minat sangat pon tapi layan sajep... :D then mak aku balik dalam pukul 1 cam tu... ingat nak kata aku bawu balik ntah camna kata "kul 12.30 td balik.." =.=" (p/s:pengajaran jangan nak tipu orang tua..!haahaa..) then sambung tengok tv balik kali niy mak aku pun joined sekaki... :D Ketiga: Sesudahnya perkara yang tidak patut aku lakukan... aku ke toilet dan mendapati... (paham2 sendiri...) so dengan rakusnya jari jemariku ini mencari makanan yang bersembunyi di sebalik almari makanan itu... lalu mencapai meggi asam laksa dan memasaknya lalu masuk ke dalam mulutku smbil berkata "nikmaTtt... :D" (harap maaf kerana berlaku kurang sopan..haha..) Keempat: Sedang khusyuk aku menikmati makanan itu tiba terdengar bunyi kereta di luar rumah... dan mendapati akak aku sudah pulang ke rumah... tidak ku peduli aku terus makan dan makan dan makan...! hahaha...xD Kelima: Petang tu dalam pkul 5.45 keluar dari rumah pergi ke QB... aku,akak ku dan juga tunangnya,abg Hafez aku... kami bertiga menuju ke penang agak lewat tetapi sempat berbuka (walaupun servis gyle lem..!) kami agak kasihan dengan budak disebelah kami kerana sedah kami menikmati juadah berbuka (ehemm..! aku x..haha) budak tu sedang menunggu hidangannya... :( so pity him laa... Keenam: Paling bestt... SHOPPINGGGGG...! gah..! brought some stuff such as Levi's... Converse... Hot Wind... F.O.S... Vincci... and etc... and im pokai now..! damn laa weyhh... (salah satu habit buruk..! Shah kata leh wat novel tuk sekolah sebab hidup aku ada banyak pengajaran..!hahaha) tak try lg baju2 tu... penat... maybe esok..! cant wait for a sunshine... kuikuikui... :p Ketujuh: Tag again..! babeng..! pissed off laa weyh people at Tag..! some of them was really2 lifeless's..! ingat diri bagus sangat kot.. boleh mati tepi jalan laa... K laa off dulu.. mak dah bising..daaaa
Sunday, 13 September 2009 20:38
♥ all i want is you and only you full stop. ♥ Setiap hariku tulis Yang Ku telah jatuh cinta Tapi ku rasa bersalah Tidak ku nyatakan ... padamu.... Adakah engkau merasa Apa yang sedang kurasa Kepada tancap asmara Harapnya kau dah terima Maafkan aku kerna menyintamu Maaf jikaku tak padan denganmu Tapi ku berjanji Kau juita hati Akan ku jaga hingga akhir nanti Maafkan aku terus memujamu Maaf aku yang terlanjur merindu Didalam hujan renyai Aku mengintai langit Mengharap engkau akan setuju Menyintai aku.... Menyanyi dan bisikkanlah sayang Baiknya kau dalam jiwa Tak tahan rasanya menanggung kasmara Agar dapatku lelapkan mata... Mengkhayalkanmu, bermimpikanmu sepanjang malamku... nak sangat sayang dengar lagu niy... coco-mengintai langit L.O.V.E
Saturday, 12 September 2009 23:15
♥ i need drugs... ♥ Since im not updated my blog for many days... so, here im back with a new story of my life's... :D Things officially unstable now... i mean if we can predictable our life... then im sure that maybe we won't have to face all these numbness things in our life or at least we know how to manage it... but seem we're not... so, we just follow the flow that had been fixed on us... Words never easy to say... think it for a while... we can say many things in our mind or write a script tho we don't have too... but why the words that we think won't came out when/while we're in front of that person's..??? it kinda strange... Sometimes, when i said I LOVE YOU/I MISS YOU... sorry to say... but im out off idea whether i said it just to build up a conversation or i damnly meant it... it's hard... i can understand myself sometimes... it kinda hard for me to admit that YES IM IN LOVE WITH YOU... im not try to make fool of someone's or what... it just that i... *mum* i don't know... sorry But, somehow i believed indeedly that if you was my rights... then im all yours... no doubt about it then... let's just pray to God that if we're make for each other... then maybe there's a happiness in the end of it... sayang,its true that in this moment..all i want is you and the only you... L.O.V.E
Wednesday, 9 September 2009 21:05
♥ beutiful nightmare... ♥ I miss my old time... i mean my first time me and him met or having a conversation... its soo perfect and everything looks under control... starting from FS and to YM... goshh..! how lovely it is... and if i could pay for thousand Dollar just to turn back time... i willing to do it..! But dreams will just be a dreams... time can't turn back and it will just go like that passing all over us... *sigh* sometimes i wished i was there with you... and everytime you texted me or someone mention your name to me... i felt like there's a butterflies in my stomach... That's feeling was so adorable and i pray to God that i'll always have that feelings... maybe i'm too much said or wrote liked this... but this is one of my way to express or shows up my feelings towards someone's i love... it is too much..??? Somehow... fall in love with you was my greatest mistaken that i ever do... i'm sorry... but i can't force myself from stop loving you... the pains was soo hurts...! and it's bleeding now... no one know how it feels..! but i... i know how it feel..! I'm wrote this down just want you to know that im wrote this with my melancholy truth... feels bad know... but a little tranquil... one words i wanna say for you is that im not regret for knowing you... but i was thankful to God for met us up... im sorry goodbye sayang... xoxo L.O.V.E
♪♥ nineteen by Sara and Tegan ♥ I felt you in my legs before I ever met you
♥ my life would sucks without you ♥ Ever heard that title..??? yeahh2... from Kelly Clarkson... i don't really like that songs actually... cause i'd fall in love with Sara and Tegan songs title nineteen... found their lyrics at Lesyha's blog... then turned on Utube and find the songs... pretty awesome i tell you okayh..! you guys should listen on it too...! :D Nothing much to update tho... but still i wanna write something here... yeahh... sounds lame... i know2... haihh... =.=" owh yeahh... didn't went school today... agaga... :DD Life's retarded somehow... people keep talk something back behind us eventho our friends... i don't said it to anyone's but that's the truth that no one can deny it... live in your way and make it perfact because that's our life and we're the only one can paint it on... so stay cool..! ;) Love..?? i don't need it indeed right now... my life was too greated and awesome..! everything pretty good although its not really... but being single was much..much fun and i totally enjoyed it..! :D Talking crap now... wanna offline and back to study... agaga... tomorrow Maths for both papers... wish myself best of luck... haha... adiosss... :* p/s: im not so desprete to make you as my bf dude... tho ily but currently ihy too... so kiss my hands and bye2...
Tuesday, 8 September 2009 22:01
♥ LOSER...! ♥ Damn laa weyh..! fucked up Tagged laa...! there's too many motherfucking... idiot... and much..much.. more..!!!! arghh...!! cant think positively now...! Why people kept asking me this stupido question... "pose x ari niy..? :D" bodoh..! for sure laa aku posa..! dah nama pon bulan Ramadhan...! ngok laa weyhh..! if you guys just try to make a conversation by asking that idiot question... listen here honey madu sayang..! kiss my legs and gth laa weyhhh..! I dont know him anymore... he'd changed... maybe so am i... nahh... i dont want to messed up my head right now... there are many things i can think off than thinking of you sayang... Felt numbness and dumbness now... hate this feeling... *sigh*
Sunday, 6 September 2009 18:08
♥ i love you and i tell it on your face..! ♥ Crap..crap... im talking crap right now... Just wanna say I LOVE YOU...! Kiss me goodbye bebehh..! Cause im on my way to dying now..! Dying because of your love..! That meaningless..! Adiosaaa...!
♥ i love youu..and your the greatest thing that had happend for me ♥ Weyyhh..! aku malas nak taip laa weyhh... camne..??? haihh... ok laa2... aku update cikit... trials cam biasa... td ada sastra... nasib soalan tak susah seperti yang dijangka... :D Aku dah tau sapa motherfucking yang always 24 hours duk kacau aku tu..! fucking up laa weyyhhh...! aku tak nak msg or layan ko... biar arr... yang ko bergedik nak kacau aku tu pehal..?? bodoh...! Enough then... td kuar g kulim then ternampak Alin dengan Amer (bf dya)... ngok..! wat tak kenal bley... agaga... (aku pon :D) Okay laa... malas dah niy... esok exam PD dengan SC... nak study japg... byee
Wednesday, 2 September 2009 17:06
♥ Trial Day 2... ♥ Exam was okayyy...! :D hoped getting A's for English... English papers was quite easy but i totally had no idea why i cannot managed my timed fixedly..! i dont had enough timed while doin' my essay... maybe because im too over excited wrote down my idea on section B until i dont had enough timed for my section A... haihh... (learn from mistakes) =.=" Then Sejarah paper 1 was quite tough i guessed... many of the questions that i done in my excercise does not came out..! a little bit frusted but paper had done and the only thing can say now is "tawakal" :D Continued with English paper 2... i tried to scored as many as i can to covered my paper 1... thank God the question was s0-so and hopefully can achieved my target... That's all for now... wanna continue study... having Sejarah paper 2 and Pendidikan Islam paper 1 tomorrow... daaaa..
Tuesday, 1 September 2009 17:24
♥ Trial Day 1... ♥ Today dah start trial for SPM..! the question was sooo susah..! (i guessed) but overall B.M papers just now was so-so... B.M p.1 :Bahagian A- huraikan pendapat anda tentang kesan negatif filem kepada remaja... Bahagian B- tuliskan sebuah cerpen atau drama bertemakan "konflik remaja" then i was liked wth laa question ni...! so as usual skip bahagian A dulu and done bahagian B first... haihhh... =.=" B.M p.2 was quite tough but still can do it... even we dont know how to do it... but still we must do it..! agaga... so, i'd done my BM papers and tomorrow B.I papers and Sejarah paper 1 is waiting for me.. Oh yeah.. today went school with my sis and my mum fetched me at school... gosH..! i'm so tired waited for my mum... felt liked tugu negara while i studied for my sejarah... haihh... =.=' then we went to Mak Timah stall brought some food for puasa and my mum said to me that we were going to Giant to brought some stuff... Arrived home at 5 p.m and felt deadly tired now... need some rest.. bubbye |
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