Friday, 30 October 2009 23:29
♥ kedai kopi... ♥ Today was happening gylerrr..! me,my mum and my sis were lepaked together in my room... hahaha... we'd a chit-chat that we rarely do...talked about my sis wedding that will hit us all in 21st November 2009... for those who read this blog... sorry to said... but i'm not welcome you to come because our guest are limited and only my nearest friends are welcome... :D I'm not going library today because of heavy rains and i wanted to said "i'm apology scha can't accompanied you today.." Yeyy..! i'm texted with my dad just now... huhuhu... he'd promised to gave me a Dollar money..! shopping..shopping..! haha... kid..! and tomorrow i'll see him..! :D sunshine please come out early tomorrow okay seems i soo excited to meet him up... :) With his guiltless and innocent and a pure as the driven snow face... that guy texted me today..! fuck..! wanna know something dude..?? if i were you, i would totally ashamed with myself because being a LOSER human in this mother nature... owhhh... what a hell you're ASININE...!! Damn..! i felt extremely happy as Larry once i said like that to you.. :D proud with myself ya'll and GTH laa b*b*..! btw. plainly speaking... both of you looks great to be together... seriously..! no joke.. because both of you just like _______________________..! hahaha... kid..! :p Talks crap..! adioss **LOSER...! note: "________ " is just to that couple and have nothing to do with other people out there who no nothing about it...so chill and have a cup of coffee.. :)
♥ pass by... ♥ Yesterday kinda a happening day for me... started from school until a next morning... i mean, around 1 something like that... it just... fun..fun..fun..! :) School... phewww..! we talked sooo muchh..! hahaha... as usual it would start with talking non-sense things and its getting meaningful after that... hoho.. :p example... at first we'll gossip..! and after that we'll start our revision for our exam... Then, Cikgu U wanted us to helped her cleaned up the hall for our '1 Malaysia' event... so yeahh..! pissed off lol..! because we all studied like gyle2 and we'd to stopped it..! hell..! after finished up... we'd our conversation... best..best..! :D At night.. i'd maths tuition... while arrived there.. i saw Remy car... and i laughed like hell..! haha... owh why i'm laughed..?? because Remy BOTAK already..! agaga.. :p its all because Arif faults... no idea either its true or not... but that's what they said... Suddenly, Remy texted me... wanted me to be his BFF and i'm just okay dude..! :D let's we be one of the rock BFF ever..! **wink** then i took a looked at my sister's Tissot wrist watched... its awesome..! i want it one.. :( but i can't..! i cannot wear wrist watch because i'm allergic with it... ** you can't hidden yourself from me honey.. cause i'm your vampire that will always hunt you down..!
Tuesday, 27 October 2009 21:49
♥ kiss me once... ♥ Today kinda like exhausted day for me... i'd rushed to library just to accompany Zik's... can't believed this is me..! hahaha... i mean... i know he'll annoys but still i take it like nothing... =.=" Zik didn't studied..! okay a little laa... but more to his lappy.. am i right zik..??? wekk..! :p Then balik... we had a little fought that i kinda used with it...! that's Zik... the annoying and tuttt i'd known... wakakaka... :D Shena kept an eyes on us like we're couple..! eeuuww..! nonono...! then she's asked who was that... and i said "kawan aku.. *with a faked smiled*" I'd download SLEEQ songs..! they're awesomeness...! love their songs that kinda r&b genre... huhuhu.. will follow their shows after SPM... maybe i'll go down to Singapore just to watch their concert...!! but currently they at Malaysia... gooddd..! :D Saw something that make me curious..! but lantak laa kan they're nothing for me.. hoho... sometimes be a back stabbers make me feel GREATTT...! xD
Monday, 26 October 2009 15:33
♥ library... ♥ I'm at library now... yeah on9-ing here... my house doesn't have wifi now... no idea where 'em go... hahaha... :p So yeah... i'm stealing Tasawwur paper for tomorrow..! wootwoot...! xD not gonna write from where state but in Malaysia... hahaha... nanti orang tau laa... **meanmean.. ):-D Currently, i'm taking note for tomorrow exam... and for sure HAFAL...! muahaha... shits..! am act like a bitch..! hahaha... suka hati aku laa... gtg.. see ya'll...
Sunday, 25 October 2009 21:58
♥ why i smile...? ♥ I keep smiling every time i saw his picture... texted with him... and heard his voice that soo sweet macam gula tu..! haha.. owh.. i LOVE this feeling... please don't take away this feeling... :) But somehow i know you're not for me and so am i to you... hard right..?? yeah i know... it hurts too... but i know you don't cared about that because am the only one felt like that... Can you tell me... am i fall in love with him..?? did he took away my heart..?? cause it hard for me to understands my own feeling or it just me that want to deny the truth my feeling towards him..?? I'm confused... and i'll...
♥ unknown... ♥ SAYANGKU FATIN FASIHA..! HAPPY 7teen BIRTHDAY...! may GOD bless you... make a new wish for your new number okay... xD btw... hopefully 4 of us can succeed in SPM that just around the corner and will meet us soon... HaaHaa..! I'm too tired with all these drama (insert name)... i mean... be youself please..! don't be hypocrisy..! your not good enough for those that... being a fake person is just like you show your own feebleness that can't be hidden..! you know what i mean right..?? I WISHED YOU READ THIS POSTED OUT SO THAT YOU CAN KILL ME..! TRY ME... CAUSED YOU UNKNOWINGLY KNOW HOW MUCH I MEAN IT LOSER..! Should we as a friends care about our friends if he/she doesn't care of him/her-self..?? i mean, we just worry about their condition and so that but they act like they uncared about what and how worry we are as friends... we can act like a uncharitable person right..?? but they were our friends..! so how could we do that to him/her... I'm tired and i need some nap now... where my pillow.. teddy bear and my blanket..??!!!! owhh.. there they are.. :D need a peace and quite place for my nap and buh-bye monster...
Saturday, 24 October 2009 17:58
♥ now i realized... ♥ I just done watched "Homeless To Harvard"... I suggest to you to watch this film too... it's a great movie...! the storied about a girl's who lived in unconditional life's as her parents was a drugs addicted... she don't go to school but she a genius girl... she took cared of her mum that had an AIDS... after her mum passed... she realized that she must looked forward and left the past behind... so, she went to school back and became a top students in her state... and finally she make her dreams came true as she can continued her studied at Harvard University... From that stories... i realize that as long we want to achieved the succeed... there will always have a ways... but it depends to ourselves neither we want that or it turns opposite... It also show about a family... where it kinda like same with me... but luckily not that tough... but still i don't grateful with what i have... sigh... :( However... that movie had inspired me and make want to study hard to prove to people out there that i also can get what i want in life... that movie almost make my tears droplet...
♥ it's hurt... ♥ Today was a tired day... just finished cleaned up all the pinggan mangkuk and others stuff... oh yeah... just now TV3 Groups was hit up my housed... they gyle2 kecoh especially EADY..! he's totally kinda like a girl's okay... seriously i tell you... mulut dye xde insurens..! Enough about that... lately i was like sad and blue cos' many things happend non-stopped... won't list down what had happened cos' i prefer make it as my personal probs... even to my friends... :) I missed him... who..?? my only boyfriend and my sugar daddy also had be known as my bank..! for sure it would be my dad... seriously... I MISS HIM ALOT..! but did he..?? cos' i don't think so... he already had his new life's.. so for what he want to miss me as he already had his new life that perhaps he dreamed for... but i just want him to know that... "DAD I MISS YOU INDEED NOW..! IT WOULD BE NICE IF YOU CAN HEAR WHAT IM SCREAMING OFF NOW... " :'( Texting with Inamul and Wan now... btw... Wan called me just now... kinda weird... but i hate him..! he said he missed me... he make me want to cried without unknown reasons... i just hate him by saying like that..! i know you'll not read this post out... but i still want to said... "PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT SAYANG AS YOU KNOW MAYBE YOU DON'T MEAN IT EVERYTIME YOU SAID THAT THREE WORDS WHICH WAS I MISS YOU..." Damn..! i know i was emo currently... sorry... but i just wanted to wrote what i felt as i don't had any greated places to shared my probs with... i don't fucking care if you guys wanna talk back like immature person do n act like your great and awesome-ness human... because that's shows how LOSER you are..
Monday, 19 October 2009 18:18
♥ angel... ♥ ![]() i don't know you... who are you..? can you speak out loud..? i can't hear you... wait for me... i know you're my angel... please don't go..! i'm begging you..! tears droplet suddenly... wishing her angel with her... brighten her life's up... when the darkness had took the happiness... she felt alone... and fall asleep... lunar effulgence... with elf around her... she wake up... there a sounds whispered on her... with a little muddle-headed perhaps... she lend an ear... go find your happiness... find your amorcus... and change your destiny... i'll always be by your sides... and the sounds disappeared without a note...
Sunday, 18 October 2009 21:04
♥ pretty jerk..!!! ♥ Today will be a day where i was totally in a doubtful mood...! if last night my posted was about him went to UK... but today i was suspicious on him... especially went i had a little conversation (not really a little) with Dyans... so i was curious on him... btw, i think me and Dyans can be a friends as we can get along together... :D Example.. i asked him what timed now... and he said 9 something which was not..! on that timed... it was 8 something and NOT 9 something...! got it..??? and about the rest... i would let it be a secret as i don't wished to share with you guys who read this post... ...But i've some advise to you guys there... Either we realize or not... social networking is not a good place for us to find our soul mate... i mean, not all... but MOST of it... is NOTTT..! and i damnly mean it... because it happened on myself and i don't want you guys through all these shits too... If you guys know each other doesn't matter through friends or what... then maybe its would be okay as you wish him/her to be your soul mate... but if not... then i want to advise you BETTER don't...! or you will regret after that... im not try to make up a story or what... only facts here... So yeah... that's all for now... see you soon in my next post... bye...!
Monday, 12 October 2009 21:12
♥ arcane... ♥ Today was a fun..fun day..! :DD why ima said liked that..?? okay... let me list down what happened today at school and just now... 1.Gossiped..! xD 2.Maths classed was HOTT..! 3.Scha make her "macho looked" posed in front teachers room..! haha... 4.Me and Scha we're played GUESS..GUESS MEANING... cool... :DD 5.Wan's called me suddenly...! OMG...! We laughed too much while played GUESS..GUESS MEANING...! hahaha... i took Scha money which was 20c for each questions that she could not answered... HaaHaa..! e.g: *to talks through one's hat=(meaning) *lunar effulgence=(meaning) It's pretty cool i guessed... we'll play it again tomorrow... can't wait for sunshine... :D Lol..! Wan's annoying me okay while he called me..! euww...! sick with it laa bro... can you please..PLEASE or i BEGGING you please laa don't do like that again..! it kinda like a retarded men okay..! you just pulls my back up when you reacted liked a jerk men...
Sunday, 11 October 2009 20:53
♥ why..???
♥ stranger heart... ♥ I watched 'Stranger's Heart' just now... not really just now cos' it started around 5.00 and ended around 7 something... that movie was totally touched my heart... it's about a girl that lived in happy a family and everthing turns opposite once her mum had an accident... and her dad don't took good cared towards her... and she felt lonely and alone... and much2 more... watch it by yourselves if you guys wanna know the ending... haahaa.. :D Hush... and let me talk... currently, im thinking to whom i can talk about or hear or share my problems... yeah... i'd ALOT of friends... but, would they understand about what i would say about... cos' i don't think so... they don't understand... even they say they would... but the truth is they not... and yet... everything gonna be upside down just b'coz of that shit things that ruin up my life slowly without we realise... Mum backed home and make some noised about dad... yeah, DAD... sighh... she's looked stressed and with her unknown dispression that nobody knows... she tried talked with me and i knew she wanted me to heard what she thought about... but i refused... cos' things will getting worse if i find out something that can hurt me badly enough... sorry mum... I totally was out of mood... Wan's texted/called/miscalled since a couple days ago... now i know why GOD took or make me careless by left out my cellphone at a.Hafez car's... things always come with reason... and i damnly understand that now... Can i cry..?? can i make some noise..?? can i be a bad girl..?? or should i laugh..?? and pretend like's everything fine... and be a faker person just to show others that im okay...??? that's not me... but somehow, that's what actually im doin now... so, you guys should call me the best actress ever cos' that's not an easy things to do i guessed... ** i got my phone back...! :)**
Saturday, 10 October 2009 13:51
♥ mish ma phone... :( ♥ Went to Penang yesterday... 1st of all... we went to NONA shop took my sista stuff for her wed... then lepak-ed at Old Town around an hour because we waited a.Hafez backed from his office.. Then, went to Pacific... bought perfume and straight away to Gurney Plaza... to bought M.A.C makeup... after all that, lepak-ed again... at Island Red Cafe (if i'm not mistaken) then balik... Suddenly, i noticed something... "GOSH..! my phone...!" damnn..! i left it out at a.Hafez car...! what a **** am i...! how come i can left it without noticed...! shits..shits...! So, currently i'm not using a phone... agak siksa... but serve me right laa kan... sighh..! :( K laa.. gtg... daaa~
Wednesday, 7 October 2009 23:25
♥ feel gooddd... ♥ Feeling turns into zero on him...!! Gosh finally...! :D **proud with myself yaw..! I'm super-duper-happy now... can't write by words about that feelings... :DD Mann... i found out something that i literally don't believed okay..! for all this time, he's just lied on myself hidup2 okay and make a faked about everything... yes, EVERYTHING...! what kind of everything..?? okay let me list down some of it... 1. he said he love me... 2. he said he needed me... 3. he said he cared of me... 4. he said he turns jealous when i mentions about other guys name... (much2 more) But the truth is... he's only needed me to hilangkan dia punya boring...! GOSH...! HILANGKAN DIA PUNYA BORINK...! owhh... that's too much WAN's...! and wanna know something... thank God that girl's doesn't fall in love with you... serve you right laa kan... coz' you do that to other people too... And i still remember when you said "jangan kasi i harapan klo u xleh 3ma i" owhh... you know what...? I don't... but you did...! don't you realized that honey..???! and the most I anger was when you said “pkai celcom..xleast I ada pemsj yg setia dgn i” WTH laa you..! so for all this while,I’m just like tempat hilangkan your boredom laa ek..? you such a jerk or kinda like a LOSER EVER laa.. When I asked you why you liked that girl’s and you said… she’s kinda liked an Islamic and a religious person… it make me felt worst okay… coz’ I realized that I wasn’t like her… but at least, I want you to know that… doesn’t mean she looked alim,kuat agama or other kind of ever wear tudung and all that stuff… she’s was good enough as human being…! Coz’ according to my information… sorry to said but I must say that orang yang nampak alim niy kadang2 lagi teruk dari orang yang nampak jahil… am I right Mr.Wan..?? You desperate to find your Mrs.Right..??? what..? owh... with degree oversea... hah..? your dad asked to do that..? pity boy...! LOL... like i care jer..?? owh did i..?? LOL..! it's all fake laa dear... coz' i kesian dengan you... if i don't do that, dunno what would happend to you laa kan... biasa laa... life's orang kaya... always like that kan..?? kesian... I know if you find this post out... you will turn into harimau yang kelaparan...! but i don't care... mad at me..! or kill me..! coz' you the one who started it first... you make me fall in love with you... but the reality was you just wanna played some games with me... dude i enjoyed it..! no doubt... THANKS...! Fuh...! it's kinda like i'm too much wrote about you... but IDFC... coz' i love it and i said it on your poker face dude...! no HESITATION...! besides i don't think we're compatiable... we INCOMPATIABLE...! i don't wanna be your friends any longer... so are you right..? Gooddd..!! :D Sorry if I wrote too much about you.. I just want you to realize your mistake and all the shits you thrown on me…
Monday, 5 October 2009 18:46
♥ my camera kena rampas..! ♥ School's was sucks gylaa...! i mean, GOSH...! cikgu A rampas my camera...!!!! owhhh nooo...! im died...!!!!!!! :( scha fault...!!! am i ryte SCHA..??? scha laa duk snap-ed pics sampai tak perasan cikgu A was there... owhhh... i yelling at you now...! cpt mntak maaf through topup...! :p sebab nama aku dah masuk BUKU DISIPLIN...! n your NOT... (xadil weyhh..!) Currently im using Zaty's number... so that nobody's can find me... except for my nearest friends... :D why am do that..?? owh... it's all because of him.. yes him..! YOU laa...! :D haihh... (p.s: have a great life's ever without me kayh sayang) NAk out dulu... buh-bye..! :DDD
Sunday, 4 October 2009 23:32
♥ a new chapter of life's... ♥ school liked always... except friends always being with me to shared the pain-ness and the happiness... they're supported me from back and gave a good advised how to through all my shits life's... and i think it worth it k..! ILOVEYOUGUYS...! tomorrow no more wan's in my life... at least around a week like that... because i want him to know how hurting it is when someone's we love do liked that on us... playing with our feelings and other shits things... so chayok2 EZANY...!!!! that's all for now... will be update later about the progress..! hahaha... daaaa.... (being honest is not the best thing to do..!)
♥ luahan... ♥ aku rse mcm sumthing missing jer r niy... sumthng yg sukar untuk aku tafsirkan... yang membuatkan aku keliru mengenainya.. kenapa manusia suka memainkan perasan kita..? soal hati dan perasan seolah2 satu permainan yang tiada nilai ertinya... mungkin ianya suatu jenaka untuk mereka... tetapi tidak aku.. iya.. mungkin aku keliru dgn perasaan aku sndri... tapi, itu tidak bermakna aku tidak mempertimbang mengenainya... munyukai dua lelaki yang punya daya tarikan tersendiri bukanlah mudah untuk aku memutuskan mengenainya... kini aku sedar... kejujuran itu bukanlah keputusan yang bijak... mungkin kita berniat baik...tetapi kebaikan sentiasa disalah ertikan oleh sesetengah manusia... mungkin pengalaman membuatkan mereka menjadi begitu... tetapi tidak sedarkah mereka akan ketulusan hati kecil ini untuk menceritakan sesuatu kebenaran yang tidak dapat disangkal...??? kadang kala terdetik hati ini untuk melupakan semua yang pernah aku lalui... tetapi adakah itu jalan penyelesian yang memberi kepuasan kepada mereka..?? kepuasan..?? suatu yang sukar untuk dipenuhi... aku tidak mampu memberikan kepuasan yang mereka inginkan... tapi cukuplah sekadar aku mencuba sebaik mungkin untuk memuaskan hati mereka.. tiada siapa dapat memahami hati kita... itu kebenaran bukan..?? mungkin ada yang tidak setuju mengenainya... terpulang... pendapat setiap manusia berbeza... kekeliruan ini mengusut fikiran yang sedia kusut... aku ibarat intan durjana... kosong... itu yang bermain di fikiran ini pada detik ini... menjadi hipokrit dengan keadaan sekeliling amat memeritkan... menjadikan aku pelakon terbaik diantara yang sedia ada... |
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