Friday, 29 January 2010 21:16
♥ Fullstop.. ♥ Hello love... I'm not really in blogger mood.. so yeah it will be a short post and idk what should I write down here.. Yesterday was a LIFELESS day's for me.. and I mean it..! who can stand like I do send me a smile..! haha... okay yesterday I woke up around 2pm and I went slept around 4pm.. then I woke up again around 7.30pm and I slept again around 10pm.. then I woke up AGAIN..! and slept around 4am.. Can you guys see how lifeless I are yesterday..? plus I didn't took my meal but I just drank a mug of milo around 8 something.. and so are today.. =.=' Oh yeah.. I'd much fun today..! I mean whiled I at my classed.. Sir teached us to played 21 Guns song from Green Day.. then I met Vivien's which for me she is a very sweet girl and i <3 her..! haha.. Wendy's cousin actually.. we don't talked much except intro ourselves and talked about music.. but I think maybe both of us have a same interest in music.. idk.. :) So that's all for now I guess.. have an awesome day's okay..! adiosss.. <3
Wednesday, 27 January 2010 20:48
♥ OMG..! ♥ A tiring day's today.. went out with my LESBIAN partner which is Izzaty..! huhu.. we had a real damn fun..! i mean ALOTs of fun..! hahaha.. :D So I picked Izzaty up around 5 something and straight to KLC.. then make our moved to my favourite placed which is karaoke centre bebehh..! hahaha.. <3 I'm just sang four songs and Izzaty one.. I don't mind she only sang one song because it take times for me to coaxed her to sang.. then Izzaty wanted me to played bowling with her.. which i don't want at first because I'm not expert on bowling.. but then yeahh I played.. and won..! haha.. xD Then had our 'yam cha' at Kapitan as usual.. we opened a lot of stories that make my ass laughed non-stop..! haha.. (Y) oh yeah..! forgot to mention.. before we done our activities me and Izzaty went to Pizza Hut at KLC and ME took an application form..! ZOMG..! I don't even believe I can do that..! I mean idk why I took them seems I know I was busy with my own activities..? oh hell.. but whatever it is.. I'll hoping that I'll get a job there.. :) So yeah just pray that me and Izzaty will get a job.. caused I want to get an experience how to earn money by ourselves.. huhu.. that's all for now.. take care of your awesome self okay..! <3 **Norelle Jane had make me addicted with REAMONN songs..! it's a great songs.. do belief me okay..? haha..**
♥ Can You Just Stop It..? ♥ It's about myself.. I mean the title was for me.. it pissed me everytime's my mind keep thinking on 'you' and I don't care about myself anymore.. like I rather hoping for something which I know it won't happen than go on with my life's... What else I expecting from you if I can see a CLEAR PICTURE that we're not gonna be together..?! isn't that show how stupid I am..? it just like am a fuck cow who no nothing except YOU..! congratulation because you'd changed everything in my life from nothing to nothing.. NOTHING TO NOTHING..? weird aren't it..? Can any of you tell me the PERFECT way to forget someone's..? like drink any poison or collide your head to wall..? =\ because I need to do something with it... I'm hurt enough for all those fuck problems.. I can't even do any work.. okay I can but how you can concentrate yourselves if your mind is not with you..? I hate being an emo fuck like NOW..! what's the point if I'm the only one think about you but you don't even think about me..? why I'm still waiting for your call and message if I know I won't receive any..? why I keep looking at your profile even though I know you don't even do the same thing..? why I'm smiling when I see you happy with anyone's else even the truth is my heart hurt..? can you guys see..? how pathetic I are..? For God Sake..! don't you realized what happen to yourself now..? you don't let 'you' go even for a second but you kept thinking on 'you'..! I want the old you.. person that full of joyful and don't think about all those shit..! wake up girl and move forward.. life must go on.. doesn't mean you fail to get that 'things' your life is OVER..! I LOVE YOU and I know YOU LOVE YOU TOO right..? just let that 'things' go.. I'm always here with you and I'll pray for your happiness.. AMEN...
Monday, 25 January 2010 17:59
♥ Someone Shoot Me..? ♥ I don't update my blog like for ages..! I'm just fucking lazy to update eventho i'd ALOT of stories to write off... but then again the laziness had conquered everything so yeah.. now I'm here for an update... :) Last Friday's I'd an awesome day..! at least for me.. lol.. who doesn't feel happy if everything is free and our job just having fun without worry of anything like 'our money don't flow away'..? I know sounds like I'm used them for my own good but that's wasn't my faulted hundred percents..! because they willing too.. so shut your lips up okay..? and yeah.. life's isn't unfair sometimes so deal with it okay..? Oh forgot to mention.. have anyone's had watched Legion..? it suckyyy okay..! bored and shits that's not a really great movie to watch.. for me at least.. its your problem if want to deny it okay sayang..? I de trop whatever your opinion.. :) Then what..? emm.. oh yeah I had told you about guitar classed in my previous post right..? I love that class... I mean eventho playing guitar is tough then I thought.. like I've to soften my fingertips and my fingertips get hurts but it just for temporary and hopefully I can at least play like three songs..? hahaha... gila berangan padahal baru belajar... =.=' And the other days I'm just doing nothing which I'd my relaxing day which heaven (Y) for me babeh..! hahaha.. on Saturday's I went for theory classed.. kereta laa.. it was totally BORED and HELL that air condition was tried to killed me..! its exceedingly cooled and I was shivered all the timed..! and seems I was too bored with that ceramah I took out my phone and I absolutely no idea from where I got an idea for my new poem..! it kinda like an ages I haven't do any new poetry... the last time was last year in August kot..? can't recall... Aren't it annoyance when someone's keep bothering our life's..? like call you all the time without a good reason and you guys talk nothing plus at the same time it pissed you off..? that's what I felt currently... it doesn't mean I don't like him/she or what.. it just that 'can you call somebody's else and try not to call me like a millions time in one day..?' plus your not the person I want to speak off too.. :) Does all copycat's realize that someday or sooner they will be seized..? doesn't matter whether intentionally or not... but that's not a tremendous idea..! you stole other people's things or ideas and make it as your ownership..! whoaa.. great huh..? I don't mind if you want to copycat mine writing.. my idea but don't too obvious laa.. it pissed me okay hun..? because you know why..? I'd found it.. :P I know I'm nothing or whatsoever.. but I've life's that I must complete before it stop.. I'm not smart.. seriously I'm not trying to make a joke here.. I'm not pretty enough.. I'm lifeless sometimes.. but that's who I am.. I'm not try to be someone else.. to be better than what I am now yes..! but be somebody else..? NEVER..! and you guys should think in that way too.. doesn't mean like our friends was HOT or POPULAR than us.. we must change ourselves exactly like him/her too... just be yourselves and be HOT or POPULAR in your own way okay..! :) There's ALOT of things I wanna write down here.. but I'll postpone it.. so stay cool and enjoy your life's..! <3>
Thursday, 21 January 2010 17:21
♥ Euthanasia..? ♥ Honestly.. idk what should I write down here... actually there's something I wanna post out but then again once I starting typing my mind will stuck automatically without permission..Hell yeah..?
I'm just done blotted my guitar.. huhu... that's mean I'm deathly bored sampai jadi rajin lap guitar tu.. :D yesterday I slept around 5.30 in a morning..! pttffff... I'm doin nothing excepted online-ed.. listening to my coolest songs and editing pictures and upload it into Facebook... Oh yeah..! guess what..? I'm having a conversation with Norelle Jane a.k.a Wan sister or twin..? idk.. =.=' and when I saw 'Norelle Jane post something to your wall' my heartbeat was pulsated faster than normal... scared..? nervous-ed..? all combined together because at that timed I thought wtfh she's sent to me..? and it scared me.. literally.. so yeah we talked nothing and it just a so-so conversation.. but hey..! it still scared me until now.. haha :D Then what..? emm.. oh yeah..! I delighted with Justin Bieber-One Time songs.. <3>
Wednesday, 20 January 2010 02:13
♥ Who Knows..? ♥ It's 4 in a morning and I'm still awake... idk why I can't sleep... okay tipu..! I can but I'm the one who refused... don't ask why because I've no answer for that.. :)
I kept sang Avril Lavigne songs title Why... for me personally that song make me think on him... I love whoever that had wrote or created that lyrics..! because it suited with me.. I mean with my emo bitch life's now... haihh.. =.=' I got 53 missed calls from Iem's..! haha.. giler laa ko missed calls aku sampai 52 kali..! the other number was from Shafiq's... hahaha... btw.. thanks Iem because you cared about me eventho I'm just fine.. :) okay... not really laa... but I <3 you laa Iem... hahaha :DD Suddenly Inamul asked me what's gonna happened in our future life's... and imma liked :( I don't want our friendships end like cepat gilerrrr seems I've nobody that cared about me like you do bro..! I can't even think or imagine how my life without you... hell..! it would be like... idk... no words can describe how my life gonna be without you by my sides... You and me... we'd a really strongerstttt 'KIMIA' that I don't found towards anyone else..! you can read what's on my mind without words been spoken... you're the one human in this mother nature that can stand with all my behaviour tho I know I'd hurts you liked 2324w55566 times... I know you had promised me that you won't leave me no matter what happens unless death that the only thing can separate us... so are I... I will always be your budak kecik okay even one day I've become some one's wifey...! huhu... =') It almost 5Am so I think I better offline now... sweet nightmare dears... <3>
Tuesday, 19 January 2010 17:23
♥ Unwritten ♥ To many post in one day is nothing for me.. this is my third post for today... I watched Martin Luther King Tribute yesterday... and I'm cried... it because i can feel how hard Dr.King worked to achieved a justice for Black people's... his hard work, sacrificing and loads more he'd done just to get a peaceful to world... he didn't used a violence way but he tried to show to people how fondness can against ferocity... I proud the way he speak out to defend his race or tribe... the democracy in peace eventho it always had been misunderstood by this White people's... but the enthusiasm for the justice had overcome all the things he faced by that timed... Actually there's a lot of things about him that can't be describe by words... go further to any websites for more info about Dr.King... or YouTube... :) Out of sudden I feel like gloomy.. blues and nahhh idk... blank... Last night I saw Wan online-ed FB... but as usual he don't buzz me on Cbox... so I'm not mind with that... then i opened up his profile and ZOMG..!!!! :((( I saw this on his wall And I was damnly idk sad..? urghh..! sorrowful make me sick... I'm stressed down badly last night... so i texted all my friends... some of them tried to helped me.. and some don't... maybe they don't really felt what i felt at that moment seems... haihh.. entah laa.. i act like a bitch now..! hate myself... :( And today one unknown girl's had buzz me on ym... bodah giler sial minah niy..! she's such a jerk..! ![]() Dah laa... tiba-tiba dah malas nak update or taip panjang2... that's all... thanks for reading my ridiculous post...
♥ Hang Out With My Girls ♥ Yesterday hung out with my girls... me,Scha, and Dila... Zaty can't joined us yesterday because she's got classed to attended.. but its okay... we still had our funnn..! :D Lepak-ed at Kapitan Kopitiam as usual for online-ed.. we had an awesome conversation seems both of us lame giler tak jumpe after graduted our high school... so yeah for sure theres ALOTS of things we wanna said off... haha... yeah.. gossiped..! :D girl's lovesss gossip aren't it..? haha... Then packed out things up and went insides the KLC... pakse diaorang karaoke dengan aku..! hahaha... since i'd nobody to accompanied me karaoke because Inamul at Perlis... :( so i'd no karaoke friend's... but good news for me for sure..! Adila dah addicted sikit dengan karaoke..! hahaha.. wootwoot..! <3 Met Anis and gossiped again..! haha... then said bye-bye to each other... :) Oh yeah..! I'd registered my name at CS Music..! :D I'm taking guitar class..! can't wait for my first class this Friday..! <3 That's all for now.. adioss..! <3
♥ Hang Out With 'em ♥ Sorry for not updated my blog since a few days ago..? I'm just toooo fucking lazy to update... because every time i want to update... my mind will stuck by its own.. and I've no idea what to write on.. huhu.. A couple days ago I went out with my club friends... which is Iem and Shafiq... I'd a greatessstttt day that day...! huhu... actually Iem the one who asked me if I'm free or not.. and i asked why and he said if I'm free then lets hung out... so I said yeah sure why not.. huhu... Then I saw Iem was waited for me.. huhu... I'm late actually... :D so bought our tickets and i treated him... next time you pula okay..? haha.. saw Shafiq... he's works at BigC... oh yeah, we watched The Spy Next Door... it's quite okay laa because its a comedy movie... plus I'm kept laughed whiled watched the movie... :D Once done... make our moved to games centre... and saw Shafiq with his classmate... intro ourselves and smiled to each other and Shafiq asked us to waited for him because he still on worked... whiled waited for Shafiq.. me and Iem had our 'yam cha' around one hours..!!! urghhh.. giler lame... Then yeah... once Shafiq join us we doin nothing except talked..talked..talked.. until I droped..! haha... oh..oh..! I saw Fidi with his friends... he looked at me but i :D ignored him... hahaha.. jahat sial aku... it's not because i don't want tegur him or what it just that i malu laa..! LoL..! :DD Thank God mak didn't filled with anger once I arrived home..! fuhh... =.= kalau tidak habis laa.. hahaha... that's all... daaa..
Thursday, 14 January 2010 23:30
♥ For What..? ♥ I'm not in a blogging mood... but i've something to write down here... idk what... so my mind will take over and control everything and my fingertips will typing what my mind think... Guess what im doin' right now..? i do something that i obviously know that i shouldn't do... what..? you guys know about it... yeah.. HIM..! im lookin' at his FaceBook now... STUPID..? aren't i..? yes i are... Okay... now guess what..? HE's suddenly buzz me on my Cbox at FaceBook..? oh Lord..! what kind of games you want me to play..? im sure you know it make me sick isn't it..? but know what..? that pathetic didn't gave any feedback once i respond to his texted..! BODOH laa KAU..! Forgetting someone is just like you try to remember someone names that you know but you can't recall who it is... so my advice... don't you ever try to forget someone especially person that you love because it's not worth it... believe me... Okay this one is a latest one.. after 4 hours i guess..? currently i webbie with Wan... wth i webbie with him..? haha... he wanted that... kononnye nak kasi wasiat before tinggalkan aku selama-lamanya... selama-lamanya..? gosh.. he really make my tears wanna droplet now.. i mean.. hey..! you can't go like that..! okay my fault because late to not allowed him to go.. but hey..? i just don't got what he mean before that.. it is my fault..? again.. maybe... Looking at him... through lappy for sure... he asked me to do that... so ikut jer laa... he playing games... pes2010... i don't know wth games that... ke dia salah taip hah..? entah... and yeah... all that 'L.O.V.E' words tu memang ade... sighs.. but hey.. wanna know some good news..? i felt nothing.. i mean.. like tak tahu macam mana nak cakap... :) Okay this post is a latest one... mesti pelikkan..? so are i... thank to God because he'll not go for that stupid things... he just called me and wanted me to make a decision for him... im stuck for awhile and i said "no,please don't go..?" and he said okay.. he won't... :) This is his Skype status just now: "rechange my mind.. love you and won't left you" That's all for now.. bye alien <3
Tuesday, 12 January 2010 22:53
♥ I'll Let You Go ♥ I love you.. do believe me.. I'm not make a joke or what.. I'm serious and I mean it.. No you don't.. Your mind still on her.. she's your one right..? enough okay.. Sorry about my words just now.. I don't even mean it.. I just said what I think.. Don't do this.. I'm meanly sorry for that.. Sorry..! Pick up a phone call..! Please.. Oh God.. help me.. Thank God you answer it.. Thought you won't talk with me anymore.. I love you.. Sorry.. i don't mean to scared you.. I love you too.. but sorry I can't.. No.. It's okay.. I understand.. Friends..? Yeah sure.. We can be friends.. Where are you..? I'm waiting for you.. Don't do this.. I'm begging you.. We can't stand any longer.. Don't you get that..? What..? But why..? You said we can be a friends isn't it..? I can't actually.. Go away.. Go..! She's make her step away from him.. And so are him.. She's look back with a cup of hope that he'll look at her for a last time.. But he's not.. He just move forward without look at her.. And now.. Nothing else she hope for.. "I'll let you go my love.. Thanks for make me feel special for once"
♥ Anugerah Juara Lagu ♥ I'm not in blogging mood.. so it will be a short post.. Went to AJL24 and it was awesome... had a greats and blast day that night's that i won't ever forget... it's quite cool eventho my sit was at level 3 for VIP but i still enjoyed every each of performances... The most fucking ROCK at that night was for sure SEARCH..! they rockin the staged and the crowded..! once they finished up their showed.. all of us was stand and gave a big hand to them... After the shows done... me,k.Ayu and k.Jie went to Post Party... its awesome..! met ALOT of artist there and yeah i took some pictures with them... like Farish,Fizo,Imran Ajmain,Ally Iskandar,Adam,Kamal Adli (he's kerek ok..!) and LOADS more... That's all about my day's at AJL24
Friday, 8 January 2010 11:21
♥ Kuala Lumpur ♥ Hello guys.. currently i'm at KL... actually i don't really want to come because Inamul will come back to Kulim today.. but seems i want to go for Anugerah Juara Lagu that will hit in this sunday... so here i am... in KL... oh yeah.. i got VIP pass for the event.. WootWoot..! :D Last night was a tired night... its not because of the journey or what... but my mind can't stopped from thinking about something... and it messed me up badly... i know that i shouldn't think about that but i can't... it hurts actually to let go that feeling especially when it comes to someone's we love... Whiled my mind was thinking about him... i texted with Inamul... he said that he can't helped me because he not really good on that... but never mind because at least he tried to calmed me down... i totally fuck myself every time i think of him... because i know, he don't feel like what i feel... Shits..! i talked crap..! skip that topic... last night i watched Jumper and the other one i don't know the title but it's about werewolf... star movies channel... and i slept around 3 AM... today maybe we don't have to much activities... so i decide to go down there and swimming..! the pool is totally huge and it make me excited... hihihi... That's all now... buh-bye... <3>
Tuesday, 5 January 2010 23:39
♥ I'm Lovin' It ♥ I'd a really damly fuckinly awesome-ness time today... eventho i yawned 31243534 times but the experienced was ♥ :) okay, let me post about what am i doing today... Slept around 4 something caused i watched 2012 which for me was holy fuck..! the ending was shits laa.. everyone knows in The Judgement Day none any of us will survive.. but in 2012 movie..? oh Lord... i don't want to talk about it... Then, around 6.25AM my mum knocked my room door... and i was liked urghhhhh..! i still sleepy so get off..! so woke up and opened the door... "cepat laa bangun kata nak ikut p Penang.." at that timed... i'm seriously don't want to go.. then i slept with unpeaceful seems my mind was said "just go.." and for the second timed i woke up and took my bathed... Then went to my mum work placed and straight away to NASOM which is the Autism Formal Education place... once arrived there.. my brother was cried all out seems he not used with the environment there... so, i volunteer myself at there whiled waited for my brother... When i was there... i saw all these cuteness kids... fyi, Autism kids was born with a normal look... they're good-looking.. cute... and they always make me wanna see them again and again especially this guy... okay.. i do i'd love him... his name was Michael Cadman... same aged with me... which eighteen now... he was really.. really handsome..! am not lying or tried make up some stories or what... that's the facts... Michael maked me smiled all the timed when i was there... since he saw me and i noticed that he always kept his eyes on me so i 'usha' him... then he was liked giler pemalu... :D so in the evening... i went to his classed and sat next to him... he kept smiled and smiled which maked him moreee handsome..! ♥ LOL..! i love that guy.. no doubt okay... he make me wanna go there again tomorrow... :D At 5.30 PM my mum came and picked us up... i slept along my journey caused i'm just fuckinly tired... that's all for now.. alas.. ♥
Monday, 4 January 2010 01:43
♥ Again..? ♥ Shit..! my tear almost droplet when i listening to Ungu songs now... the lyrics was... urghh..! hate it menn... that song brought back my memories towards him... and yes i LOVE that song eventho it hurts me... but still ♥... haih.. :'( Sorry for not updating my blog... caused i'm not in blogger mood lately... oh yeah.. Inamul had safely arrived there... but he forgot to brought back his laptop..! shits... :( everybody leave me now... i've no longer members to hang out with... yes i knew i'd them... but it will totally be different..! oh! i nearly to shed tear now... hmm.. :( Idk what a feeling that kept bothered me since before... for sure it was not a happy feeling... i felt like damnly fuckinly saddddd...! no idea why... Inamul said because he had left me here so i was like sedih giler... might be... but idk... or it because something else that i pretend to ignore..? i'm stucking here now... :'( Avby texted me exactly liked when we'd our first conversation... i do ♥ that ... but it means nothing to me... let me confess something here... i admit that i LOVE call all my friends 'SAYANG' either they boys or girls... that's me... i comfortable by call them like that... yeah FLIRT... i know its not a good thing to do caused maybe we can hurt whoever feelings because they'll think like we 'like' them eventho is not... And let me say something here... i am not serious with all of them... cause half of my heart was on him... he'd took portion of my heart away... its my fault caused gave it to him without any requested from him... :( sighs... i started act like a bitch... sorry... That's all now... i keep playing Ungu songs which turns my mood to melancholy.. Forgot to mentioned.. Ungu title Dilema Cinta... and the other one is from Republik title Hanya Ingin Kau Tahu |
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