Friday, 19 February 2010 23:04
♥ Live Your Life.. ♥ Hellooooooooo..! it's been like an ages (really?) I don't updated my blog..! That's normal as for me because I don't think that I've any coolest or greatest stories to write off here.. So today.. emm many things happened..! which heaven (Y) ya'll..! like dang idk it would be a heaven day for me today since I got into trouble in a couple days ago..? shits I can't recall.. but whatever.. =) And yet I have my new 'adik'..! he's handsome..! seriously..! I know him whiled we jamming together.. and I kept contacts him so that he'll teach me guitar.. because he's damn expert and I do envy like gila babeng dengan dia.. hahaha.. xD So today he teached me..! yedayeda..! (uncontrolled hyper now) he's spent his timed like one and a half hours with me.. it's not call a date but still haihh.. >.<>
Sunday, 14 February 2010 17:15
♥ Jamming..! ♥ Friday and Yesterday was an AWESOME day's..! Had ALOTSA fun with Amar..Shidi..Adli..Fikhry and Man.. :D Let's start with Friday's.. hung out with my beloved adik which is Fakhry and his friend Man.. Fakhry came to my house and asked me out with him.. so I said okay but I asked them to go first and I'll go later.. then watched them played bowling then karaoke.. and Amar came to me whiled we karaoke.. then my adik said that they wanna go home and I said okay.. so left me and Amar and we make our moved to Kapitan... had our 'yam cha' there.. (Y) And yesterday I..Amar..Shidi and Adli went for JAMMING..! oh Lord..! we'd much..much fun there.. go crazy and had some photo shoot for Amar assignment .. Adli and Shidi played a guitar and ZOMG..! I totally envy with both of them because they are really great guitarist..! T.T me and Amar turned wacky by played a drum and also a singer.. LOL.. BUT..BUT..BUT..! I hate them laa.. dyeowg bawak moto giler laju..! sangat..sangat laju.. and they left me behind..! tak gentlemen langsung..! sigh.. =.=" and Shidi almost accident for twice because of that.. So conclusion, I'd ALOT of FUN with all of them.. and the jamming was great guys..! nanti kita pergi lagi okay..? haha.. that's all.. bubbyee.. <3>
Thursday, 11 February 2010 16:19
♥ Sucks..! ♥ I having a problem with my laziness which for me it's was a super-duper-highness-laziness..! seriously..! I know there's something wrong with me and I don't even want to change it at least be better than now..? fuck..! ALOTSA things happened in my life's.. and it pissed me down and gave me a damn shit..! and it's getting worst and worst until yesterday.. okay to make it simple.. yesterday was a HOLY FUCK ASS PATHETIC day's.. It started right when timed shown 12AM.. and my bad day's started.. it started with 'you' then 'you' and 'you'.. no clue isn't it whose I pointed my figers off..? so let tell tell whose these 'you' 'you' 'you'... First 'you'.. I texted him which an asshole for me because texted him..! then things that pulled my back up when 'you' said can't you used celcom..? WTHF huh...?! and I replied back.. why not you used maxis huh..? and 'you' said "hp mxs I hilang.." bullshit laa you...! eventho you have maxis number you never text me which that number aren't it..? fuck..! but I'm satisfied once I said "sorry sbb dah bazirkan ur 36sen sbb msg dgn num mxs..xpe laa bila i beli num cel or i dah jumpe num cel i msg u..bye" you have no idea how it feels once I said that to 'you'.. Second 'you'.. we planned to hung out and everything's was okay.. I thought..! which was I'm totally wrong..! it wasn't okay but it ruined like shit..! don't you guys get mad once we say that we willing to take our friends because you think you and your friends dah lama tak hang out together and your friend house like jauh dari rumah you and once you arrived your friend parents say that your friend can't go along with you..? padahal you already in front your friend house..! shit does it..? they can say "sorry aku tak leh pergi" 30mins before you wanna fetch your friend.. not when you say "aku dah nak kuar" but it's okay laa.. WHAT YOU GIVE YOU GET BACK.. just remember that..! Third 'you'.. I'm 18 and I have life's..! don't treat me like I'm a kids..! which I'm not kids ANYMORE..! it's up to me what time I wanna go home or what..! I don't like balik lambat giler macam pukul 12AM ke ape ke..! I already said I would came back before 8 and I maked my promised..! damn on you..! I know I act like a bitch now so SHUT UP you LOSER..! you no nid to do all that because I'm teens enough to think what actually the best for myself..! and to be frank.. I can't wait to get out from this house..! and I wanna see how your life gonna be when I'm not with you anymore..! That's all..! for those who wanna talk like a loser do once you have finish read this post out.. let me whisper to your ear.. DO IT..! I don't even care about it..! because you not perfect at all plus maybe you guys being more worst than this.. adioss L..! |
Yours truly, <![]() Your profile here :D With Loves, Materialistic, Click for my wishlist!
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