Saturday, 27 March 2010 20:02
♥ Lickin Good.. ♥ Hello.. Well today kinda an awesome day because I'd a ton of fun.. maybe kot..? idk.. :) but whatever it is.. I love today.. Went to KLC today because Zik and Remy wanted me to go there for karok.. once at there.. I saw them had fun by doin hardcore with a combination of indie..hahaha.. you must have no idea how it be.. :p Suddenly, someone's usha us in our room.. I ignored it at first but then the face seem familiar to me so I went out and find no one.. it pretty weird at first.. then I sent a messaged to him and said 'u dekat mane' something like that and he said 'sebelah niy je' and imma like o.0 So I met him at food court.. smiled and asked a basic question like normal people do.. bla..bla..bla... skip that thing.. what I want to say is did I went out with him..? because he act totally different..! for example he'll stay a miles away from me when he see people that he known.. and he'll not hold my hand in front of public.. but today.. =/ he's strange.. seriously.. no doubt at all..! he hold my hand and admitted to his friends that I'm his GF.. but whatever it is I'm happy with it.. thank you :) Thanks for helped me again today.. thank god you sent me.. kalau tak idk what would happened or maybe I'll cry kot.. THANK YOU DEAR..! :)
Wednesday, 24 March 2010 22:53
♥ To You Love.. ♥ ![]() I felt a butterflies when I first saw you how lovely it was it started with a jocose and here are we now thank you for make me feel joie de vivre for once in my life's
♥ I'm Okay Without You Now.. ♥ Pssttttttt demon..! I'm so in love with my current life's now.. Even though it won't be like fairy-tales that live happily ever but still I love it.. :) Last Monday was heaven for me..! had a great timed with Scha.. Zaty.. Zik.. Remy.. Wan and also myself with HIM..! pssttt..! I'll make that day as one of my meaningful day in my life okay..? ;D I'm talking shit now because I absolutely no idea what should I right down here now.. so stay cool monster..! =) P.S: how come I can't forgot..? wanna know something..? my moto patrol habis betul2 depan pos office and it kinda shit okay..? but thank god he came and helped me off.. :)
Sunday, 21 March 2010 21:08
♥ILOVEYOUDAMNLYMUCH..! ♥ Hello..hello..hello..! I will not tell why I'm not updating my blog currently because I'd mentioned it liked a zillion times maybe..? idk.. hoho.. ;D
So my days had been test with ALOTS of things.. and it's muddled.. haihh.. =_____=" But the main thing is I'M HAPPY..! <3 On Thursday I'd emmm not a blast day but it kinda laa.. but not too high laa.. because *sigh* i don't want to talk about it anymore.. But on that day's.. me and Remy went to QB for movies.. we watched Green Zone and Alice In Wonderland.. it just a so-so film for me because both of it was liked.. emmm film that I can already expect how the ending will be.. and there no surprise for me at least eventho ALOTS of human said its a good film.. I mean Alice In Wonderland.. but I can give a credit on the tremendous graphic.. bravo.. *clapclap* And about my relationship.. I think everything was under control.. gaduh-gaduh manja tu ada la.. ;p but hihi :D ILOVEYOUSOMUCHBABYTUA..! haha.. That's all now.. tomorrow will hit politeknik and old town after that with them.. bubbye..! <3>
Saturday, 13 March 2010 14:30
♥ UPU Form.. ♥ I had no idea what should I take for my next steps.. so it stressed me up and pissed me too.. Here the list of my UPU Form..
If you have any suggestion just tell me..Tq
Friday, 12 March 2010 17:24
♥ Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia.. ♥ As you may known.. yesterday SPM results had been given to all SPM students 09.. so am I.. I'm still pround of my results eventho its not that EXCELLENT.. but still :D This is mine: Bahasa Malaysia (A) Bahasa Inggeris (B) Mathematics (B) Science (B) Perdagangan (B+) Sejarah (B) Pendidikan Islam (B) Tasawwur (B) Sastra Melayu (B) It's not good enough but AKU PUAS..! because I did not studied at all timed exam dulu.. haha.. but paling BEST..! I bite people eyes that day..! haha.. I mean my dressed.. :D adioss..
Tuesday, 9 March 2010 14:43
♥ You're Nothing But Somebody's..? ♥ After a very longest time I guessed..? I didn't updated my blog.. There a few reasons why I'm not updating my blog which is : 1. I'm too fucking lazy ass..! 2. For now, I don't have any wifi for online.. 3. I'm short of idea what I should type on here.. My life's was awesome (really..?) but for sure there's a rain and pain in this particular life's.. Oh yeah..! for now.. I mean at this circumferences.. my status is 'TAKEN' by fifteen years old young boy..! LOL.. cool huh..? that's me.. I prefer a young boys right now than mature man that make me sick..! This Thursday's is my DEATH DAY'S as SPM results will come out..! and to be honest.. I'm damn scare of what I would get.. mom's said "anything can happen.. so be responsible of what you would get and don;t run away once you find out the results either is bad or not.." |
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