> Withlovees,

♥ Through it all,
Wednesday, 14 April 2010 20:47
Take Back Your Negative Shit..

I just don't understand why people nowdays can't accept whoever that having a relationship like your BF is more younger than you.. Because for me, I don't see any problem with that plus age is just a number and you can't say "He's not for you because he too young and he's not mature yet.." just because of their age..!

I think it's not about your partner younger than you or else.. Because as long as you know how your partner I think it should not be any problems.. But the issue now is WHY SOME OF THEM BECOME OR BECAME SO HYPER OR GIVE A NEGATIVE SHITS ABOUT IT..? I mean when your BF/GF more younger/adult than you..? (I said this in general) Because seriously I'm tired with all this shallow minded thinking..

Friday, 9 April 2010 16:29
♥ Happy Birthday To You..


Thursday, 8 April 2010 03:08
♥ Emo-ish..

♥ Interview..! :D

Thank God I got for the interview..! :)

♥ FaceBook..

Khairul: hai
Maisarah: Hi ;);)
Khairul: ur cute xD
Maisarah: Tq.. who's this btw? kawan bebi ke?
Khairul: a'ah.. mcm ne tau..? =/
Maisarah: Look familiar.. yg selalu wc dgn bebi tu ah.. kan?
Khairul: dulu laa.. time dye leh wc..
Khairul: emm.. k.mai tgk through pic tag tu ek..?
Maisarah: tgk apa?
Khairul: i mean mcm mna tau ktowg webbie..? prnh t'nmpk ek..?
Maisarah: Haha I was there when u guys tgh wc.. masa kenduri Rahmah tu la
Khairul: serius meyhh..??????? >.<
Maisarah: :P:P
Khairul: malu+segan semua da niy.. LOLOLOL
Maisarah: Hahaha chill la :P:P .. Urm. Nk pggl apa ni eh?.. Khairul Ezany bkn mcm nama lelaki ke.. huhu
Khairul: a'ah.. mmg pon.. xD col me ezany
Maisarah: hee ok.. so, nice to know u btw ;);)
Khairul: me either..! ^_^^_^ xtually tgur sbb nk kt sis comey jer.. hahaha xD
Maisarah: hahaha.. thank you ":):)
Khairul: my pleasure ^__^"

See guys..! How crazy I am when I was so not really admire but I just love her.. She's cute for me.. And I can't even stopped myself from told her.. So I buzz her on FB and said it out.. haha.. xD

Wednesday, 7 April 2010 12:39
♥ Take My Hand And Fly Away..

I miss the moment you held my hand
Like there's no tomorrow

I miss the moment you held my hand
Where you hesitated to took my hand off

I miss the moment you held my hand
And your hand sweat because of nervous

I miss the moment you held my hand
And I feel your love towards me

Tuesday, 6 April 2010 20:27
♥ Look At Me.. I Love You..

Sometime I wonder what actually LOVE for.. What the real function of LOVE and why people want LOVE so badly.. I know it sounds weird why I'm saying like that.. but it's strange because some of people dare to kill their self just because of LOVE words..

LOVE.. For me LOVE is something that can't be describe by words.. But we can feel it.. And the feeling is so beautiful and make us fly in the air.. How lovely LOVE is.. Especially when we give our LOVE to the person who really deserve our LOVE..

But LOVE sometime is a murder.. Slayer that kill human from inside.. Deep inside our heart and it is pain enough for people to accept it with sane.. Because lots of people become or became defectiveness when they broke up with their one's.. Especially in their first love..

LOVE actually is an energy of positive and negative.. LOVE has a lot of positive charge but lots of negative too.. When people in love.. At first sight.. There all heaven which what actually most of us wants.. But every each of things has their own contra.. And so in LOVE..

Am I in love now..? LOL..! Because I think I'm not.. Yeah eventho I said I Love Him but did I really mean it..? Because I was so confuse with my own self.. But I do feel lone when he's not around.. I miss him badly when I don't give a beep to him.. It's that a sign of love..? Save me..! I'm stuck in my dimension world..

But as a results.. LOVE actually is a gift from Lord to us.. So take a good care of it..

Yours truly,
With love♥

Your profile here :D

With Loves,


Telling you about me doesn't make any difference... if you says i'm a swagger... yes i am... i'm not a double-faced person's... being a hypocrite is not me... i play with my own rules... either you like it or not... there's nothing to do with me... i damnly fucking for those who love to fetch other people's things that not suppose belong to undeserved people... backstabber make me sick... i love be a bitchy girl... believe it or not... i can be a holy terror... yup,i can... i love being myself... and i don't need someone to be my role-model... because i paint my own life with my own colour on it... my style... my games... and it's tremendous... so, kiss me goodbye loser..!


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