Tuesday, 29 June 2010 20:39
♥ Lose It All.. ♥ Current Mood: Emo-ish DEVIL SAYS: Dangg..! Did 'you' notice that everytime 'you' keep quiet 'you' will become such an asshole person in a good way..? I mean 'you' will think all those negative shit and make it a biggest problem ever to 'yourself'.. Come on.. It's not the end of 'your' life yet.. Have fun and enjoy 'your' life that all human being deserve..! ELF SAYS: I know 'you' want to change 'yourlife'.. And it's kinda hard for you.. But 'you' know what, it's a good strated for human like 'you' had that sprits to change and back to 'your' own roots.. Because without that, it's hard for 'you' to change 'your' life's.. Start it slowly.. Don't rush or it will else.. Baby step.. But make sure, 'you' will achieve what you want in the end of day.. Become someone's new in 'your' own life.. **I'd have change.. I don't talk much plus I forgot how to talk nicely and properly towards other people's..
♥ Keep It Silence.. ♥ It's raining here in MMU and a gloomy day for me today.. I think Lord knew it indeed and that's why He's gave the rained.. Nothing much to write down here now.. It just a quick update because I didn't update my blog like an age.. My study life's was OKAY which mean NOT REALLY OKAY.. I mean, dangg you know when you have to do something that not really into your soul.. You will positively can't understand what had you been learned in your previous classed.. Maybe not all will have the difficulty like that.. But it's happened to me.. I do I'm not smart enough especially in all this numbers subjects that make me bloody scare and want to suicide myself..! I rather memorize something I don't like than face myself with all this shitty numbers.. I've a lotsa quiz next week..! Account,Business Math,Economics,and English presentation..! For heaven sake's..! My mind was too pressure when I wrote about it..! I can guarantee you I'll get ZERO marks for all subject's..! No doubt.. sigh
Saturday, 19 June 2010 18:32
♥ Dengarkan Aku Ku Merindukan Mu.. ♥ Hello alien.. How the day treat you today..? My current life was good enough I think since I found my friends here.. They so nice and smart too.. To be frank, I was so thankful to God because met me up with them.. Then I found this one guy.. Friends of Dyla.. I think he's a nice guy.. He treat me like idk.. I'd no word how to describe about it.. But I love it.. And yeah, my friends said that we're had scandal and blablabla but the truth was not okay..! We're just friends and I do comfortable when I with him.. I don't denial that folks.. I had a problem with Business Math.. And also Account.. God's know how much I hate numbers and now I have to faced 'em which was disaster for me..! My friends know how do I react when I in Business Math class.. It sucks but still I've to learn it for my exam.. Speak about exam.. next month is my mid-term exam and I swear to God's that I don't really into exam mood.. I mean, I still don't understand much about how the papers will look like.. the questions.. and other shit.. Which make me freaking bloody scared everytime I think about it.. >.< Yesterday, me Veera Avisha Adelyn Azrul and Jason (maybe I can't recall his name) when out for midnight movie.. Watched Toy Story 3 and it was a so-so movie for me.. But still I enjoyed it.. :) Had a Starbucks before watched a movie..! karaoke before watched a movie and had fun there..! Mak called me today.. She's just touched down Malaysia yesterday from England.. And she bought me Starbucks mug and Hardrock shirts..! :D Thanks mak..!
Monday, 7 June 2010 20:21
♥ One Life Means Nothing Sometime.. ♥ Idk why.. But I don't feel happy at all.. I mean we supposed to be happy once we enter or been in University life.. But it doesn't happened to me.. :(( Maybe I don't have any friends yet.. But doesn't mean I don't try to make some friends or be friends with human around.. It just that I don't find the click one that can be along together.. I know it sounds like I'm too demand for searching a friend.. But as a human.. We must too.. :(( I don't think people understand me.. That's the truth.. Even my room mate they're just like 'do your own business' which make me felt 'I don't have any space to be friends with them'.. Plus, they have their own friends so yeahh usually they will hang out with their friends.. And I'm alone stay in my room online-ing like there's no tomorrow and make me think 'If only I could turn back time I will change it and listen to mak stay in Kulim and just continue my study there' ='( But I can't change it.. That's the fact.. Fact that kinda hard for me to accept.. Yes I do regret.. ='(( I really miss my home.. Especially my room..! Heaven for me.. Eventho my room always messed up but still I love it and will say it my heaven..! ='( I miss Izwan..! Eventho I'm always locked up myself at my room.. (God..! why I'm crying..?) I miss K.Eja and mak punya bebel.. Even sometimes sakit hati..! ='p I miss lepak at my second home.. I miss belajar guitar with scandal.. I MISS EVERYTHING THERE..! ='(( I'm alone here.. ='((
Thursday, 3 June 2010 01:21
♥ Life As A MMU Cyber Student's.. ♥ Hello..! It's been like an aged I didn't updated my blog since I'm so fucking lazy..! But hey, doesn't mean I don't have any updated about my journey.. :P So yeah..As the title had been wrote.. I'm a MMU Cyber Campus student's now.. And not in Form 6 any longer.. Seriously I absolutely had no idea what should I felt once I received the MMU letter.. With the messed up feeling and people around me said that I'm happy and damn excited with the offered was so pressure me..! I mean wth they talked about kan because I don't even know what I felt that moment.. But today was fun..! I mean in a maximum fun..! Had a blast night with the OC's and DM's.. And I was too high just now and make me forgot that I was still on earth with humans around.. xD But still I cheer up myself by dancing and sang along with the consistence.. But the briefing part was deathly bored..! I yawned most of the timed like 5 mins once..! No joke babe..! That's all for now.. Hurry up la Friday..! =.=" |
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