Friday, 16 July 2010 17:54
♥ 16/7/2010 I Had A Blast..! ♥ I WILL NOT FORGET THIS CRAZIES DAY'S..! Hello people..! Last night was a BLAST EVER for me and I'm surely not only me but for all who together with me last night..! We planned a surprised party for Abdul a.k.a my abang foreigner ..! But it not really surprised because he knew it actually.. =.=" haha.. Zs the one who text me that night and asked me either I'm free or not.. So I said I was holy free because I was alone in my room.. Then he invited me to joined them for Abdul birthday party.. Then I informed it to Kimi and he said he can joined us.. So waited for Kimi and Redza and also Qila and make a steps to Cyberia around 12am.. Then Reshmi setup the cake's and whiled waited for couple of human.. Then THE PARTY STARTED WITH THROWING CAKE'S.. WATER such as TEH TARIK,COKE,SPRITES and other those shit.. Hahaha.. The best part was all of alien who setting out there moved inside because of us.. After that, we walked to MMU back because they planned to thrown flour and eggs to Abdul.. So we lepak-ed at HB3 playground.. And I was injured..! Because I tried to sat at the top of the monkey bar and it end up with unsuccessful results because I was skidded down.. And my arms damn hurt..! Redza the one who helped me out that time.. Thanks bro.. The pain less slowly as it take alotsa time to recover.. At that time, all of them was playing 'Truth or Dare' games.. And Ash kissed me at my cheek because he choose 'Dare'..! And suddenly, one guard came to us and make a noise to us because we stayed up there at the middle of the night.. I guess time showing 4.15am that time.. So we going back to Cyberia.. And had a drinks there.. Ash treat me that time..! Thank you bro..! I was kidding about it and you make it come true.. Hihihi.. Then we played some games whiled waited for that 'TIME'.. And we end up our party with throwing flour and eggs to Abdul and ran away..! Hahaha.. It's crazy man.. Thank God i was cleaned..! :D Whiled we on our way to go back to hostel.. Ery was injured by felt down into the ditch..! We all ran to him and checked he was okay or not.. There alotsa scar and blood but he was okay.. So the fun stopped at 5.45 in the morning.. And we all dead beat like fucking hell..! Said bye to each other and back to our hostel.. -THE END-
♥ 2/7/2010 Memories.. ♥ Hello alien..! :D I'd a ton of fun today..! I mean last night until this morning..! Eventho I was totally running out of energy but I think it worth it.. Because of the crazies experience ever..! Last night,me Redza Afi Danny Kimi and Qi was hung out at Cyberia.. Dangg..! It was fun okay.. Especially when we all not kutuk-ing Redza but played around him with his 'HOT' photo captured by Kimi in their hostel..! LOL..! xD Then I gave an idea to upload it in FB then tag people at that photo blablabla and the best part was when I wanna do 'that' picture as a birthday present gift to Redza..! xDD Oh,before that me Qi Redza Danny and Afi went to ice-breaking and BBQ under Kelab Rakan MUda and for God sake..! It was totally deathly BORED..! So we just finished up one slot and ate the BBQ (because we paid for it) and make a moved out from there..! xD Then Qi sent us to Alamanda.. But he don't joined us.. So we karaoke there until 1 something in the morning.. Ended the karaoke with Nobody songs which was a coolest ending for karaoke.. Then we walked out from there.. Planned to sneak in cinema using back door but unfortunately the door was locked.. So we walked out from there.. The best part was, me Redza Kimi Danny and Afi walked from Alamanda to idk where but in Putrajaya area..! Which was damn far..!!! We walked like 45 or 50 minutes but still in Putrajaya area.. Which far far away from Cyberjaya..! Then after idk for how fucking long we walked,we heard like a bus stopped at us.. And the uncle asked Redza where we wanna go and blablabla and he gave us a ride..! And took us lepak-ed at JS.. He was so nice toward us.. And we thankful for that..! :) He said if we continued our walked maybe we will arrived MMU in 7 o'clock..! =o That's the experience that I think one of the memorial in my life's.. And here I am.. In front of my beloved lappy.. Time had shows 5.18AM and I have class at 8AM today..! Oh Lord..! idk what's gonna happen this morning because I don't plan to sleep now..Otherwise I'll not wake up this morning and skip the class again..! *yawn* That's all I think for now.. Actually there was many things happened but will keep it to myself.. :P Btw, I love being crazy and make fool towards other people..! :D bubbye..! |
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