Saturday, 21 August 2010 19:46
♥ Call me hypocrite.. Because that's me.. ♥ Maybe we all are not meant to be together as a friend..? Do you know how it feel when you need someone around you but they don't even exist..? Or not around you..? It sucks.. Especially someone who you call them as a friend.. Lately, I'd have been thinking about 'em.. And for real sake..! It turn my mood all the way deeply in my heart that only Lord knows how painful I am.. That feeling had successfully dragged me into a shitty mood and make me feel worse like a human don't deserve any good thing in this earth.. Sometime I do felt like you guys had ignored me.. But I tried not to think negative about it.. "maybe they want to do their work.. and am not in their course so maybe im kinda useless if i were with them.." That's what I think every time I'd a negative mind at you guys.. Maybe you don't welcome me.. Never mind then.. But at least.. Just let me know if you guys are not comfortable with me.. I don't mind.. Because I'd through it many times.. Maybe because I don't too open with you guys.. That's my privacy.. Plus, I'm not type of friend who will let my friend in trouble just because of me.. Okay.. Maybe I had.. But I took the risks by covering you guys.. I don't mind if people look down towards me.. I'm used with it.. As long people not say any curse thing behind you.. My friends.. I'd have tried even promised myself not to disturb other people in any problem or any situation.. But if I had.. I'm sorry.. My bad.. I just asked you if you can help me or not.. And I don't hoped too high for your helpfulness since I know maybe you have your own things to do so.. But kept quiet was kinda rude as for me.. Especially when I ask a question.. It's okay if you don't know.. But at least reply..? I spent my weekends by watching a movies.. Sounds lifeless.. But that's the truth.. This are the list of movies I'd watched in 24 hours.. Karate Kid.. The Back Up Plan.. The Notebook.. Confession Of A Shopaholic.. The Girlfriend Experience.. The Proposal.. She's Out Of My League.. The Girl Next Door.. Valentine's Day.. Despicable Me.. Talentime.. Muallaf.. Love Happens.. Setem.. Two Faces Of My Girlfriend.. Love Me Not.. Sex And The City 2.. There will be alotsa quiz next week.. So I'll prepare myself by studying those subject for the quiz.. Adiossss... I deserve an award because I'm a successful actor all the time..
Wednesday, 11 August 2010 09:26
♥ Wind..
Tuesday, 10 August 2010 17:55
♥ Hello.. I'm Glad We Meet Again Ramadhan.. ♥ It's a long journey seems I don't update my blogger.. I've a lots of stories but I would not write down everything here.. I'd went to Malacca with my friends two days ago.. We went there because of Qila because she wanted to met her boyfriend.. So we make her wished come true.. It's a hectic journey because we left MMU around 5 am.. Plus, we didn't slept a whole day because we'd Battle of the Band event where it ended at 1.30 am.. After that, we went to JS lepak-ed and came back MMU to cleaned up ourselves before went there.. So we arrived Malacca around 8 in the morning.. And it was raining day..! :D Met MMU Malacca students there and hung around.. Was so thankful caused I'd my bed in the car which was heaven for me..! :D then went back to Ixora seen Mahkota Parade was full with unknown human..! Then at night we went to mamak stall and had our dinner before back to Cyberjaya.. Was so stressed up because I didn't finish up my assignment yet.. But I'll do it today because May allowed me to borrow her assignment.. :) Tomorrow my first experience Puasa in MMU.. I don't know how it gonna be but hopefully everything will be okay or smooth.. And I'll try to pray five times or not leave my prayer this coming Ramadhan.. And hope that I can maintain it forever.. Amenn..
Thursday, 5 August 2010 01:18
♥ There Something Waiting For You.. |
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