Wednesday, 27 October 2010 14:42
♥ Good News..? ♥ Today I received a call from my sister.. And guess what..? She's pregnant..! I was so damn happy now.. One of the reasons why I don't really like going out together as a group because you must pay something extra.. For example.. We need to paid RM13 for Pizza Hut yesterday.. And just now k.Aisyah texted me that I need to paid my Carbonara which cost RM10.. Which mean I'll pay RM23 and that will count as a loss profit.. Am I..? I just ate two slides of pizza and the drink.. Which unfair.. It's not that kedekut or what.. But logically.. It clearly unfair..
♥ Up and Down.. ♥ Yesterday.. Since today already Wednesday.. I and all the girls included Tunn and Ezry went out for dinner at Pizza Hut Cyberjaya.. For me personally was a great moment because that's was our first time we went out all together.. Except Aina who didn't joined us.. Then,we'd group discussion at Myra's room.. Whiled all of us talked about it.. Suddenly some one knocked the door.. It is something normal for us to give a password.. So we asked person out there a password.. And she's said "jual burger" and Wii said "salah" and asked her again and she gave the same answer whiled Yan confidently said "Azian cantik".. So Wii opened up the door and guess what..! She's really sold a burger.! HAHA.. They're sale girls who sold burger.. That was damn shamed..! We laughed.. Make fooled around.. And it kinda funny.. You have no idea how it look like.. Evey one's turns crazy by that time.. Then, went to library and accidently met Ery.. Amar.. Dania.. Effy.. Anik and Zack.. Studied with them until 2.30 in the morning and they asked me to joined them lepak.. I don't feel like I wanna go so but they like paksa me so I followed them to car park.. Since Amar don't want to joined them, so we back to hostel together.. Met Kevin's at central market of MMU's.. I hugged him and asked a few question then we make our moved.. Thought he's was online but he don't.. So IM with whoever online by that time.. IM with Amar and Vicky and I felt tired now.. But still I want to update my blog.. So that's it I think.. Bubbye..! Thank You LORD for things happened today
Sunday, 24 October 2010 23:19
♥ Look At Me and Smile.. ♥ Hello people.. Hope you guys had an awesome day.. Mine kinda okay I guess.. No comment about my life.. As you guys know my life was dull with no color paint on it.. I'd through many things in my life lately.. Some of 'em do scared me.. But I can't do nothing about it.. So I hope it won't happen or come in my dream again.. I miss all my friends.. Indeed..! I want to meet all of them again and hug all of 'em like there's no tomorrow.. I miss my school moment and how all of us turned crazy to each other.. I miss the moment we had fun.. study.. lepak-ed and etc.. It's hard to find friends like you girl's here you know..? Because only we understand each other.. Eventho people always kutuk-ing us because of our behavior.. Still we annoying them and don't care what they said.. *tears* I really miss those that.. Here.. I've nothing.. All I have here is sadness.. loneliness.. and painfulness.. They don't understand me either I.. So, I be friend with everyone's.. I don't found my real BFF yet here.. And I don't wish that too.. Why..? I don't know.. But they good towards me.. Eventho sometime they kinda annoying.. But I don't mind.. I still love 'em as my friend.. I told Ery's about my past.. I've no idea what should I consider what I told him as what.. Moron..? Madness..? what the else..? Why I'm so fucking emo shitty that time..? Oh Lord.. What I'd done that day..? How come I told him about that..? I don't want people know about that.. But now..? *sigh* I'm kinda shame with him now.. But for sure I'll not show it infront of him..! Today I went out with Myra.. Yan and I missing someone who I don't who..
Saturday, 23 October 2010 18:17
♥ When I See Your Face..
Saturday, 16 October 2010 04:48
♥ This Is Life.. ♥ I'm so tired right now.. Freaking tired with things around me and people around me and the most I'm tiring is PRETENDING NOTHING'S HAPPEN AND EVERYTHING FINE.. I hurt ALOTSA people feeling.. My bad.. I know that indeedly.. But why Lord don't let me rest in peace for once.. I'm just a human who has feeling and I can't stand with it anymore.. I'M TIRED AND I THINK NO USE I'M STAYING IN THIS MOTHER NATURE ANYMORE
Monday, 11 October 2010 18:21
♥ Penakut.. ♥ ![]() So you decided to see me out of the blue Almost made me move out of town Finding reasons to hate you more than before You left your things at my place I’m all black and white inside
Wednesday, 6 October 2010 12:06
♥ Maybe.. Just Maybe.. ♥ Just woke up around 10 minutes ago.. Then Facebook-ing for a whiled and here I am to talking shit.. Throw some shit here and get nothing from it.. But at least, I let go my feeling.. Last week as I had mention earlier was my semester break.. Do nothing but I still enjoy my breaks with my friends and person I love.. I'll always cherish the moment because it never be the same every time we meet again.. You got what I mean aren't you..? But I just don't understand.. Why people or certain people doesn't feel happy when I'm happy.. We share some stories that for us was a wonderful or something that can make us smile all the time but they give their shit like 'just because of that..?' *sigh* What's wrong with 'em..? Sometime, life isn't fair enough.. I know I should not say like that.. But that's what I felt.. Wrong..? I don't give a shit whatsoever you wanna say or think.. I always surrounded with happy people.. Person who have life or at least better than mine.. I don't blame anyone but I'm not strong enough to bear the painfulness.. It my task or my fate to have all such thing.. BUT I'm tired with it sometime Lord.. I worked harder to deal with it.. With your conjecture.. I'm tired.. Damn tired and make me almost give up sometime.. I have no one here.. Eventho I have.. But sometime or most of the time I think people around me always ignore me.. I do felt that.. And I tried to accept that although it pain.. Who want to live their life alone with no friends around when you'd been separated with your family..? Friend who don't care much about you and what you're doing.. Do something without you or invite you.. No one I guess.. But never mind.. I will try my best to deal with that.. Because it's not my first time.. I'd done that successfully through out my life because I'm the best actress in real world.. Doleful for some people.. And I wish right now all my girlfriends beside me now.. So that we can do everything together.. Enjoy the moment together.. Study together.. And do everything together.. How I hope it so badly now.. So that I don't feel alone here.. I know you girls want the same things too right..? *tears* But I promise.. No matter what.. As long as I can bear the presumption.. I will..I will.. |
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