Monday, 8 November 2010 13:18
♥ Read.. ♥ ![]() Went out with Tia.. Effy.. and Zac last night.. To Cyberia of course.. Where else kan..? Then, met Abdul and his friends.. Ate and talked.. Then we went to playground.. And I was so fucked myself because I kept thinking about memories I'd with you.. EVERYTHING.. It's pain.. Indeed.. Stupid right..? I knew it.. But why you..? Why not someone else..? Because I already know the fact that we won't be together but still I take that risks for I don't know.. Something that not worthwhile maybe..? Sometime.. Or most of the time I always think that people here always use divertissement of other people to their self.. That make me think.. "Oh..Maybe if I've a car.. People will friend with me.." Sound stupid no..? But that's what I felt.. I do sorely sometimes.. Maybe most of time.. I don't know..
Sunday, 7 November 2010 19:37
♥ Heart.. ♥ ![]()
♥ Picture Explain Everything Without Word To Be Spoken..
Wednesday, 3 November 2010 00:40
♥ Another Night Again.. ♥ Hello stranger.. How the day had been treated you..? Mine..? Great maybe but I'll fall down every time I'd a great day with people I love.. That's how life treat me.. So yeah.. Just went back to my hometown last week.. As my mum had some ceremony because she's will going to Hajj this coming Thursday.. Sad..? Kinda.. But what can I do.. Right..? Friend..? Nothing interesting to I write down here.. But I love them.. They told me about their feeling about how they really feel here.. And it make me realized that I'm not the only one who face the problem about what I felt when I'm here.. At least I know it now.. When to Sushi Workshop with Ash last night.. It was awesome because that's my first time cook something I rarely do.. He's entertained me since a couple day ago or since last week maybe.. Had fun with you dude.. And first time I went out with my classmate which was Vicky.. Kinda funny.. But I'm cool.. Haha.. I'm going back to KL today.. Meet my mum and my sis also my brother.. Then perhaps I'm going back to my hometown again.. And mid-term are coming real soon.. So I need to study now.. That's all I think.. Oh yeah, finally I got my Human Development book.. *continued* Just went back from Cyberia and I'm darn tired..! Went to FCM to gave Karol mask.. Asked him to go third floor.. Then, he's called me said he didn't found me.. (because I don't go upstairs) Then Amar's make a moved to went upstairs.. And the security saw us..! So we walked as fast as we can to ran away from the guard and I oath that I'm shaking all the way..! Because it damn dark inside it and it remind me on something.. So the security tried to find us inside it and luckily we saved from them.. After that, Zac.. Effy.. Amar and me went to Cyberia and met Prav and Payam there.. Had a chat and we make our moved separately.. Because I want to played cradle.. And I saw alotsa star in the sky and make me want to stayed there for a whiled.. Recline with Amar's and had some conversation.. Then arrived MMU and here I am.. Updating my blogger.. That's all I think.. Morning.. |
Yours truly, <![]() Your profile here :D With Loves, Materialistic, Click for my wishlist!
Khairul Ezany ![]() Create Your Badge Scream Love,
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