Friday, 31 December 2010 20:57
♥ Goodbye Two Zero One Zero.. ♥ Well today is a last day for 2010.. And tomorrow 2011 will meet us.. What can I conclude in 2010 is that I learned many things.. In each perspective also angle.. I almost do everything I wanted in 2010 so do not.. Some of it I do blamed myself.. But the rest.. Nope.. Met new people.. Felt in love.. Entered new life.. From high school student for almost 11 years and in 2010 finally am a university student.. And today 2010 will leave us.. Just for few hours.. To be frank, 2010 are one of my tough year so far.. No doubt.. But I think, je tombe à nouveau amoureux before 2010 end.. Holy shit..! It not supposed to be happened.. Because we're conviennent pas pour l'autre.. From every angle.. Am I right..? Yes you are.. - I know *sigh* Well what can I say now GOODBYE 2010 THAT GAVE ME ALOTSA MEMORIES FROM SWEETNESS TO BITTERNESS.. AND HELLO 2011 NICE TO MEET YOU AND I DON'T EXPECT MANY THINGS FROM YOU.. JUST TREAT ME NICELY AND I WILL THANK YOU FOR THAT
♥ Now I'm Out Of Town.. ♥ It's funny how life 'GAME' people around including myself.. But luckily I've a couple of human that can cheer me up.. Even for a while.. I'm not mind.. Cause every time I forget how to smile.. I can call or meet up these people and they'll show me again that its not hard to smile.. It just me, myself who forget.. I do I was extremely stressed up with my life now.. And yes, I need someone to talk with.. I don't mind if I have to walk a miles away just to reload my credit as long I can keep in touch with someone and get back my smile.. I don't shy to cried in front of him at the moment I called him.. Because I really really need to talked with someone who I think can just listen and give respond a bit about thing I thru by that moment.. Thanks for listening and cheered me up okay..? I do appreciate that damn much.. And thanks for playing guitar eventho kejap.. Hihi.. And A BIG THANK TO YOU JUGAK..! Sorry cause I disturbed you.. I had no idea to called whom by that time and I only thought of you.. Sorry okay..? And sorry for creepy talked.. Ignore it okay..? Hihi.. I know how to take care of myself..! So you don't have to worry much about me okay.. Everything going great here as long you don't receive any strange text or call.. That's all for now.. Sleep time.. Adiossssss
Thursday, 30 December 2010 19:36
♥ Nothing.. ♥ Setiap yang terjadi itu ada pasang surutnya.. Tetapi mungkin tidak kali ini.. Tidak mengapa aku mengerti.. Iya, mungkin ini salahku.. Tidak perlu kita bertikam lidah mengenainya.. Biarlah aku mengalah sebelum apa-apa berlaku.. Aku pasrah.. Kedengaran suara lantang dari pelbagai sudut bercakap itu dan ini.. Tidak mengapa.. Bersuaralah kalian sementara aku masih disini.. Akan ku bertahan selagi diri ini mampu bertahan dan jasad serta roh ini masih bersamaku.. Aku pasrah.. Mungkin apa yang berlaku ini menyakitkan hati.. Benar.. Tidak ku nafikan perkara itu.. Mungkin diriku ini tidak berguna.. Benar.. Tidak juga ku nafikan mengenainya.. Kerana sejujurnya.. Aku juga benci dan jijik dengan diriku sendiri dari setiap sudut mata kalian.. Tetapi.. Tidak mengapa.. Sudah ku biasakan diri ini.. Sudah ku kebalkan diri ini.. Agar setidaknya bisa yang berbekas itu dapat ku rawat dengan segera.. kerana ku tau, masih banyak rintangan dan dugaan yang menanti di sana..
Tuesday, 28 December 2010 19:17
♥ Cause I'm Traumarama With L.O.V.E Word.. ♥ ![]() Hello stranger.. What's on your mind now..? Me..? Well I try not to think too much now so I listening to music.. Listen and enjoy the music.. I love do that.. Many people asked me when I'll end up my single status.. Well.. To be frank, I don't have the answer with me now.. But soon maybe.. InsyAllah.. But not now.. I don't think I deserve be 'the only one' to someone.. No matter how hard you try.. Cause I've negative thinking about myself that affected human around.. Such as..? Well I will not write down here.. But what can I say is "you will have a profit loss if you have me full stop" Maybe it sound weird.. But eventho I like you.. Or I fall in love with you.. I will not have a relationship with you.. Even I fall madly in love with you.. Talk about you.. Smile with everything you do.. Sometime maybe I treat someone special but I don't have any intention.. Sorry for that.. Maybe I don't find the suit one for me.. Or maybe I'm the one who not suit em'.. Some of them do make me smile even make me laugh.. But still it doesn't enough.. Why..? Cause I need something more than that actually.. Not all people around me happy with what I'd have done.. Especially thing related to friends.. I do noticed it actually.. But I keep quiet.. I know we're just friend but hey.. I sincere to be friend with you.. No intention to stole your BFF or what.. It's predestination.. Sorry if I had done something you don't like.. My bad.. I can stay away from your friend if you want too.. Just tell me and I'll do it.. No joke..
Wednesday, 22 December 2010 17:28
♥ 2010.. ♥ ![]() When everything look so wrong It's been an aged I didn't update my blogger.. Life to packed with nonsense reason.. But that's what I'd been thru lately.. Excuse..? STFU.. It almost end of year 2010.. Soon 2011 will come and give us a new refresh button and it totally depends on us what kind of art we'll paint on our new paper art that contain 365 papers.. 2010 teach me many things.. New people.. New environment.. New characters.. And lotsa things.. It do teach me on how to deal with what you have around you.. The painfulness.. Gratefulness.. I don't regret with what I'd have done in my 2010 life.. Maybe few of things.. But what I love the most in my 2010 chapter is 'New Characters'.. Why..? Because from that we can see how actually people are and it will give you something memorable.. Sometimes or most of the time I do sorely with some people around.. Not only friends, but people I call human being created by God.. I cried.. I smiled.. I laughed.. I screamed.. I learned about tolerant.. I learned how to do fake smile.. I LEARNED HOW TO DEAL LIFE'S.. |
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