Saturday, 29 January 2011 22:33
♥ You Walked Around And Smiled.. ♥ Today.. I feel like I want to post about someone.. I have no clue why.. But I just want you to get close with her that maybe some of you may not know who actually she is exactly in your own life.. And the story goes.. Some of you may be confused how actually her real spelling name.. Actually it's Khairul Izzani.. Not Ezany or whatsoever sound like that.. The reason why she don't spell her name in a correct way is because she don't think that they should know and it kinda dangerous.. When I said dangerous, it could be in any way.. Well talk about family.. She's not come from what we call a 'Happy Family' family.. She come from 'Unhappy Family' type.. Which mean, her family kinda in chaos and yeah that's it I think.. I lost of word how to explain actually.. So sorry for that.. But she do love her family.. It just, she don't know how to express her love towards her family and I dare to say that she actually an ego person.. Deal with that people.. And I think this is the most interesting part.. Which is HER CHARACTER.. HER BEHAVIOUR.. Well for those who don't know her will say "She such a biggest loser ever in this mother nature.. Pity her right.." Well you are so damn right about her peeps.. She's not a nice person to stranger.. She will give you shit attitude towards everything she do in front of you.. But once you get to know her.. Actually she's such a nice girl.. Maybe not hundred percent but at least she is.. You'll find out that she actually an uproarious human alive.. Annoying.. Love to tease people around her.. And she can talk non-stop if she want too.. Not a serious person but once she does.. You have no idea how.. Fancy.. Lazy.. Well I think she can't do nothing about it.. Cause I personally have no idea how to describe her laziness.. An easy going person.. Don't think much about other especially what happen to the world but deep down inside I know she care about people around her eventho people around her don't.. Sensitive.. Well I can't denial that.. She really are actually even she refuse to confess about it.. And she scare with thing call relationship.. Example, she may not say she love you.. But she is actually.. She'll express it through any way but not by saying ILY.. Cause she will speechless when someone say ILOVEYOU.. Who she is now is actually because of her past.. You may notice she dress up kinda like a men or I should say boy-ish.. To make it simple she act like a boy-ish.. And she more comfortable the way she are now.. Why..? Because she said wherever she go.. No one will look or staring at her.. Heaven right..? You can do whatever you want and people will not look at you.. And one more reason.. She's too attractive if she really a truly girl.. LOL.. Jokes.. Some of people said that she is an outspoken type.. Well for me personally.. I don't think so.. Maybe in certain things.. But she's not actually.. She always motivate herself and will change for one day and then here you go again.. Her old self appear back.. She have too many boy friends and less girl friends eventho she are Convent student's.. I don't know why.. But boys much more easier than girls I think.. She's so in love in charity work.. Especially if she have an opportunity to become a volunteer at any Autism school or any school like that.. Because that's the way she learn how to become a real human being besides she have an Autism little brother.. She's not a morning person.. But I still remember.. She woke up early morning just to followed her mum went to Penang and spent her time at Autism school.. She enjoyed entertained all of them.. But we as human are not perfect.. She'd done too many mistake in her life.. Done too many stupid things.. Rarely defend herself back and I don't know why.. But she always said to herself "This is my way to learn about life.. About world.. By making mistake and learn from it.." Well that's my friend's story.. What about yours..? P.S: Deep down inside she always cried and blamed herself of what she are now.. She too scared with everything she done in her life because she know.. Most of people that she know are not happy with who actually she are.. Because she's not a hypocrite person and just being herself.. You can accept it or leave her.. Because too many people walk out from her life because of her attitude..
Friday, 28 January 2011 23:16
♥ Still I Love You.. ♥ ![]() Hello there..! Hope everything cool and you have an awesome day to remember when you get old later.. I've nothing much to write down here.. Well.. Let's see how my life going on in past few days.. As you may know.. I'd done my second trimester and soon will be my third trimester a.k.a my final year for foundation.. Pretty sad actually because you know as we grow up you'll face alotsa shit out there.. In bad or good way or maybe both.. But somehow, all that things will make us become more mature and make us grow up as a person.. Went out with Izzty.. Followed her to Politeknik then went to JPJ.. Landmark.. And lunched at McD's.. Yesterday went out with Shidi.. First of all treated myself karaoke then bought some stuff and online at Kapitan and had a conversation with Shidi.. Miss my MMU-ians.. Can't wait to see them soon.. But thinking to extend my holidays.. Well.. Lost of word.. Night and beautiful nightmare..
Sunday, 16 January 2011 19:09
♥ JiwaKacau.. ♥ Just done my revision.. But haven't finish yet.. So I take five and read my old post.. And am laughing alone.. Why..? It because when I read back my old post.. I simply can't remember for those or whom that post for.. Stupid enough right..? I know.. Too many people walk into my life until I can't remember who they are.. JUST PRAY TO LORD EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE OR ELSE I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF BECAUSE OF MY STUPIDITY AND BEING SUCH A LOSER
♥ Stars.. ♥ AND YES I MISS YOU NOW (you know who.. YES..! YOU..)
♥ P.I.C.T.U.R.E.S
Friday, 14 January 2011 20:54
♥ Untitle.. ♥ Can you feel it..? This zephyr.. And I lost together with it.. I think of something in my quandary.. Make me zonked all the time.. Sometimes I'm too zealous in everything.. Do things without qualm.. It something quaint.. I wish fairy-tale do exist.. Because most of the time.. Reality makes me exhausted.. Backbiter, calf-love.. Ye gods.. Is this cycle of life..? I awakened from day-dream.. Realize fantasy can't become reality.. I pack my things together with the dream.. And continue the journey of reality..
♥ Coursework Marks..! ♥ ![]() Time already shows 6.20am and I'm still awake for nonsense reason.. Well hello world.. May today be one of your lucky day and I pray for mine tho.. I hate study.. That's fact.. But still I need to study.. And hell yeah.. I need art in my life.. Cause without it, my life is nothing and dull.. Art is my passion.. Art is my soul.. But I lost 'em day by day per second.. Make me feel I'm just a sculpture who live in this mother nature with no enthusiasm of art.. How's bored that could be.. Shit.. I miss my word.. How it can easily come out from my mind and express it through piece of paper.. It makes me alive.. I'm lack of it now.. All I've now is rubbish and I hate it.. Screw you ________ ... Okay enough crap talking.. Study time and sleeping soon.. To be continue..
Thursday, 13 January 2011 01:36
♥ I Thinking About You.. And It's About You.. ♥ ![]() And here you go.. Post about you.. This is not my first time post about someone.. But I don't know why I want to write down something about you.. I knew you when I was at my high school.. Through friend of course.. She's always told me about her classmate and things happened at school.. So from there, I know almost all her classmate stories even though I don't really knew who actually they are in real life.. Until one fine day.. After SPM.. We met with the others at shopping mall.. After almost five years I heard stories about you and finally I met you in real life.. My first expression..? "Oh niy mamat tu.." HAHA! Then, we friend at Facebook.. Start know each other from there including the rest.. You tag my name and the others what happened that day and I thank you for that.. The best part when we start know each other hobbies.. Or activity we like to do.. And we become close a bit.. Transfer to YM and from there if I not mistaken we exchanged our number.. But we rarely text each other.. Just a couple of times.. And we kept quiet for a whiled.. 15th November 2010.. You added my Skype.. We talked about Yuna album and other stuff.. And our first jamming through Skype.. Love it.. One day, I said to you that I'm kinda bored here.. And so you are.. Then I decided to met you and teman you at KL.. And on 27.11.2010 was one first time outing together at KL.. Had a ton of fun with you by that time.. Seriously.. No jokes.. And it continued when you came here, Cyberjaya on 7.12.2010.. OMFG..! I was totally speechless when I saw you at main gate of MMU.. I took you to Alamanda and had dinner at OldTown.. The best part when I asked your permission wanna go to ladies and I knew you can smell something because I'm not good enough in acting.. I bought you SR cake to celebrated your birthday as I promised if you came here.. Then we accidentally went to a same placed which was KL Central.. You sent your mum and your uncle whiled I was there on my way back home and picked my mum from Hajj.. And that was on 16.12.2010.. Met your mum and I do fall in love with your beautiful lady a.k.a your mum.. HIHI..! And lastly was on 25.12.2010.. We spent our whole day at Sunway Pyramid.. Do some stuff and ate lotsa food.. HAHA..! Lunched at Ayam Penyek and hey I will always remember your not-really-Neyo-move okay..! You make me smile every time I remember on that.. Online and I told you about my friends.. Watched Easy A at Starbucks and you finished up our drink..! HAHA.. Even though that's not your favourite but was mine still you finished it.. Camwhore around Sunway Pyramid and I still waiting for the photos.. Sighs.. And we become closer to each other.. And hope will last forever.. So what can I conclude now is "thank you for everything and thanks cause being with me and always layan my nonsense talk.. You are one of my best friend I have and LOVE YOU friend..!"
Monday, 10 January 2011 16:59
♥ Hear Me.. Speak Softly.. ♥ I had through a wonderful day yesterday and suddenly everything changed.. And I wonder why I always think about something which not really a big deal to be think but still I think of it.. I should let it go and act nothing but damn..! I can't do that.. Shit..! Maybe I was embarrassed.. Or whatsoever.. But hey.. People make mistake and that's common.. But why I still can't get rid on it..?? Fuck myself.. Like seriously.. I hate all these fucking feeling.. It makes me uncomfortable and at the same time make me really really pissed off.. I stress of nothing which supposedly I should stress on my final.. Yeah, its final again.. Hell right..? I know.. And as usual.. I don't know what would happen on me this trimester.. Just pray to God everything going fine and I can pass the subjects.. Amen.. People walk in and out.. We get to know them and one day they'll leave us.. That's life's rules.. |
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