Monday, 28 February 2011 22:22
♥ Weekend Please Be Hurry...! ♥ I'm in good mood.. How about you..? Well.. Remember about my previous post..? Well, I finally make up my mind yesterday and I'll grab it this weekend.. To be true, I personally can't wait to get myself new 'toys'.. But I'm not gonna buy myself Apple product seem I already have one.. After I'd done my survey and asked people opinion.. Finally I choose this 'toys' for myself.. Thanks abah cause allowed me to buy new 'toys'.. I'll take a good care of it once I buy it soon.. I mean real soon..!
Saturday, 26 February 2011 20:15
♥ We Walked And Enjoyed The Moment.. ♥ ![]() Friendship are everything Hello there.. What's up..? Mine kinda bored but awesome.. Got what I mean..? Well, nothing much to write down today.. But I was so happy today because my friend came here and cheered me up..! Thanks a lot dude cause you managed to came here for me and sorry if I make you bored and whatsoever.. My bad.. But seriously, after a year finally we met and we walked around my campus.. Talked about wine and Islamic also about other stuff.. Hope will see you again and it already in my list-to-do..
♥ Part Of Truth.. ♥ I should have ignored it like something i couldn't seeI shouldn't have looked at you at all I should have run away I should have acted like i didn't hear it like something I couldn't hear. I shouldn't have listened to love at all Without a word , you let me know love Without a word, you give me love You made me even hold your breath but you ran away like this Without a word, love leaves me Without a word, love tossed me away what should I say next? my lips were surprised it came without a word Why does it hurts so much? Why does it hurts continuously ? Except for the fact that i can't see you anymore And that you are not here anymore Otherwise, it's the same as before. Without a word, i waited for love Without a word, love hurts me I zoned out. I become a fool because I cry looking at the sky Without a word, fire well finds me Without a word, the end comes to me I think my heart was surprised to send you away without any preparations It came without a word. Without a word, it comes and leaves Like the fever before Maybe all I need to do is endure the hurt for a while Because in the end, only scars are left.
Friday, 25 February 2011 12:05
♥ Hey Man Tell me What Were You Thinking.. ♥ I woke up this morning with odd feeling and bump..! Things had changed I guess..? I think Lord have shown me the way and what I'm supposed to do instead of thinking of you and make me stuck in my own little world.. Thank you Lord.. Well, to be frank it surprised me actually.. Cause it's not an easy thing am I right..? Guess you deserve someone else better and I know we're not for each other.. Maybe that's the main reason or solid reason in my mind now.. We deserve someone's better.. You such a nice guy and etc.. That's why I like you.. But I'm over the limit which make me want to punish myself by study hard and get a good results for final trimester.. *giggle* okay nonsense.. Somehow, I'm kinda funk cause when I make a serious decision.. All the memories might be nothing and no second chance for me to open my heart for someone I use to be 'like'.. I'm not a 'recycle' person and my friends know it well.. That's fact of me.. So for the happy ending.. A ton of good luck from me to you and stay excellent buddy..!! It for my good and for my sake.. Thank you cause accept me the way I am and friend with me.. Alas 'Part of loving someone is learning to let go'
♥ Without A Word I Waited For Love.. ♥ Jeez.. What have I done and why my heartbeat is beating faster when I saw it..? Tell me and don't let me clueless.. I tried so hard to kill those butterflies and all this shitty feeling.. But what happen now..? I'm lost.. I wish so badly someone will appear in my life now so that I'll escape myself from it.. Can you send me one of your angels cause I need it right now.. At least for now.. But suddenly I think, it must be some reasons that I unable to find out.. I wanted to called him.. But I wonder if I bothered him so I ended up called my friend's.. Wished Effy was here beside me cause she the only one who can cheer me up when I face like this situation.. I miss her, indeed.. Fuck..! Wake up girl.. Stop dreaming cause life move on and you have to continue your life no matter how difficult it is..
Saturday, 19 February 2011 22:06
♥ Things I Must Buy Before 20.. ♥ Okay.. I don't know why.. But now I'm in love with Apple's product.. So, I will get myself these 3 things before my age turn 20.. *** Upgrade my phone from iPhone 3Gs to iPhone 4 *** Get an iPad *** Get MacBook when I'm in my Beta year.. That's all for my nonsense.. Thank you..
♥ Aku Sayang Kau Ketat-Ketat.. ♥ We must expect the unexpected.. Well.. Currently I'm at Kulim Kedah Darul Aman which is my hometown.. To be exact, now at McD's.. I'm not in holiday session actually.. Just coming back for weekends and accompany my mum.. Why..? Because my sis and bro-in-law now had moved out to Ipoh,Perak.. That's one.. Then I got a news that my adik a.k.a my BFF had quit from MMU.. Pretty sad actually.. No, I mean positively..! How could you leave me here and the rest without saying goodbye..? I can't imagine my life without you now.. But i can guarantee it must be pretty dull and empty.. No more midnight hangout as usual and activities we always do.. *crying* I may not mentioned this to you.. But girl.. I LOVE YOU and I mean it.. I never thought the last time we met each other was a last time I see you.. It would be totally different when I arrive MMU soon.. *sigh*
Thursday, 17 February 2011 01:16
♥ And She's Smile With Butterfly Inside.. ♥ ![]() When you lost hope of something and things change suddenly.. Hello beautiful monster.. How's life had been treated you lately..? Mine kinda sucks as you can see in my previous post but things getting okay I guess..? Nothing much to update actually so it will be a quick post I think.. Well, yesterday I was chatting with my girl friend's name Jane.. As usual we shared what we'd through lately and I told her what's happened around.. Seems we both have a same minded and way of thinking I told her about things related to guy.. And she got me and gave me an advice which make me think that I can survive without man actually.. She's motivated me and I thank you so much okay girl.. Then I was hung out with 'em.. And I told a same thing to Shaff.. At first he was misunderstood but when I told him what actually happened he said that don't disturb him cause he might be busy with his studies and whatsoever.. And I got his point.. But then..! I received a message.. Thought of nothing who text me.. So I checked it up and it was HIM..! OMG.. I was totally speechless.. He's said sorry for not text me and picked my phone up cause he kinda busy lately.. And he'll text me when he free.. Blablabla.. Seriously.. When I almost give up on something there must be a miracle happen.. Which I thank to God so much.. It make my day actually and how meaningful it could be.. Alas
Tuesday, 15 February 2011 02:05
♥ No, I Don't Want Your Number And Give You Mine.. ♥ ![]() Forgive me Lord for what I've done cause I can't even control myself now.. I just done watching 'Easy A' which for me it was one of my favorite movie.. Not really actually.. There something behind that story that make me wanna watch it over and over again.. By watching that movie it make me had a thought on you.. Shit..! Forgive me Lord for being bastard.. Paraphrase that make me thought about you was "Stay excellent.."-Todd.. Then part where Olive and Brandon had sex..? I mean fake sex.. Oh..! How come can I forgot... Still remember part where Olive father said to his adopted child "Where you from originally..? " That's hilarious.. I hope we can do it again.. Hang out and watch movie for hours at coffee stall.. Am just in love with those moment actually.. Shit you idiot..! He's not gonna read this.. I know you don't read this.. Oh you don't even know my Blogspot aren't you..? Silly me.. Jeez..! Am I too much right now..? Sitting front to my laptop and write down about him..? I feel stupid now.. What should I do..? I promised not to write down about him anymore but look.. I do it again and again but until when..? I don't to fuck up or screw up my life just because of this.. Have a Mercy please Lord.. It's pain enough..
Monday, 14 February 2011 03:09
♥ Jealously Look What You've Done.. ♥ Hello.. I wonder how cruel this life can be.. When too many bad thing happen and people start to begin a war.. I don't understand, indeed.. I can say this reality of life.. But to many obstacle and sometimes it don't make any sense about why and should it be happen..? Sigh Most of the time, I envy with whom are in love.. But at certain point, I don't and even feel sorry for those who in love or relationship.. Too many things need to be care and commitment are important.. I don't thing I'm ready for that thingy things.. But somehow.. I can't lie to myself that I can't delete you from my mind.. My heart beat faster and faster as soon I'd thought about you.. Which something weird for me.. I tried damn hard to remember your channel name and I make it successful.. That's the way I look at you when I miss you.. Numb enough right..? I know.. Maybe there are several people talk about this and that behind.. They don't know the truth and I personally will not talk about this.. Let me keep it to myself.. Alas
Saturday, 12 February 2011 03:44
♥ We Are Human With Devil Inside Heart.. ♥ ![]() You are not perfect enough and you don't have any priority to judge people.. Screw you up bitch.. Take a look around you.. Who you are before and what you are now as servant of Lord.. Maybe things change together with memories and everything we used to be.. But being completely as a bitch and malediction to every each of your friend's doesn't change anything but furor.. Maybe or should I say each of us do not really satisfied with what we have.. Either environment or friends or anything related.. But it's not cool enough for you to talk back about other people's cause that show how pathetic and loser you are as human.. How melancholy that could be.. I'm not God to judge people.. So you are.. But if we find out something that clearly obvious about what people had done to you.. I don't think we should keep quiet and do nothing on it.. Maybe we can commented or the best way.. Face to face with people who you not satisfied with and discuss about it.. They always with you.. Even do almost everything for you.. But you not really appreciate those things.. Sad, you disposed almost everything about your friend's stories.. Don't you have any clemency seem they're your friend..? I'm disgrace with your attitude now.. Nothing much I want to say.. Take a look around you and think about it back wisely.. Meet 'em if you not satisfied and don't talk back cause it's not nice.. Seems you're not a nice person so don't mess up with it.. Hypocrite is what you are.. Oh.. Don't get mad and oath me behind.. I give people fact and that's one of the fact that I found out.. Alas
Thursday, 10 February 2011 03:09
♥ Aku Rindu Setengah Mati.. ♥ ![]() True, we can't understand all.. But things getting complicated each day and it might getting worst.. A lots of backstabber and etc.. And it make me think that drama television are nothing compare to reality or fact of life.. In common life, people act like they like us but the truth is they not.. In other word, hypocrite.. So don't easily trust people eventho he/she being nice with you.. Cause we don't know what that person say about us behind.. Am I right..? I'm sick with it actually.. I'm not perfect.. But at least I don't play hypocrite.. Being myself wherever I go and I don't give a fuck to people who don't like me.. I'm not a nice person and I agree with that.. You can tell me in front cause I hate pretender.. I thank to God because now I can control my feeling.. Unlike before.. But doesn't mean I don't remember you and how things used to be.. That's a memorable memories you gave to me.. Will cherish it always.. But still I want to thank you.. At least I know I'm not a lesbian cause I'd feeling at you once..
Tuesday, 8 February 2011 02:52
♥ Holiday Ends.. ♥ I'd a ton of fun for sure.. Hangout with friends.. 'Yam cha' with them.. That's what actually what I wanted to do once I arrived there.. Special thanks to Izzaty,Shidi,Zul,Adila,Iem,Zik and many more who met me and spent time with me.. And not to forget my family of course.. Problem solved.. New starting for me of course.. But thing always beyond my expected.. So I don't hope too much about anything now.. Live life as I should and I promise to myself family will be my first thing on my list and others can be wait..
Friday, 4 February 2011 14:52
♥ Weed..
♥ Not Anymore.. ♥ ![]() Well.. This may be my last post about you cause after this.. No more you in my mind.. And I'm serious on my word.. Thinking about you and dreaming about you is something out of my control.. I don't know why.. Maybe you treat me nicely and I just love the way are as a person.. Much much different from me for sure.. I love how thing used to be.. Thanks for all the memories.. But there's something bother me.. Why you look different lately..? It's there anything I'd done to you without I realized what actually it is..? Don't leave me blank.. Cause it pain.. Another thing.. Don't worried, I just 'like' you.. Doesn't mean I 'love' you.. Maybe my post looked like I madly fall in love.. But hey, think for one second.. Who doesn't sorely when someone used to be together as friend suddenly acted like they're strangers..?
Wednesday, 2 February 2011 01:11
♥ And We Fly.. ♥ Well.. Hello..! Went out with Adila.. Izzaty and Pakcik a.k.a Zul yesterday.. Kinda hectic day but yet blast (Y)..! Went to JJ at Perda and had a ton of fun with my belevod friends..! Camwhore all the way with DSLR owned by Pakcik.. That's all.. Running of words.. Bye.. |
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