Friday, 25 November 2011 00:32
♥ I Don't Wanna Know.. ♥ Hola there.. It is just a quick update post so it will be a simple post as I would conclude everything happened to me.. Life treated me well I guessed as I don't faced lot of obstacle and I'd fun with people around.. I wished I could stayed in that moment more than a day but it will never happen so I accepted it.. Oh yeah, I approved one of my friend on Facebook.. Surprise..? No..? It because I rarely approve people on my friend list so I thought she's just lucky person.. Went to Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and I bought F21 jeans and I do love it plus it was cheaper..! Yet, no worries cause December are month that I'll buy anything I want since YES has started so I can buy things I want in cheapest price than normal.. I found out that some of people annoying me and I hate that so I play safe by not replying their text.. Going home tomorrow for holidays but no ticket available.. But I'll find it tomorrow and I hope luck with me.. Adios
Monday, 14 November 2011 04:24
♥ You're My Lifesaver.. ♥ It's 4.25am and I'm still awake from my temporary dead It sucks every time I'd this feeling where you suddenly feel melancholy and blues with any particular reason.. I'd been searching for the answer by myself but honestly I don't find the answer until I saw a post from someone on my Facebook.. It was a quotes that sound 'Sometimes you feel alone and out of mood without knowing why.. Actually you just need a real men to complete the emptiness of your heart..' So I sit and think about it.. Yes it kinda true but what can you do when you still don't found that 'real men'..? People might says that you are choosy or whatsoever that belong to that meaning but somehow isn't that what should we do..? I mean we can't just simplify pick a random people and have a relationship without truly knowing who they are.. Am I..? I do feel envy towards my friends sometimes who are in relationship including my close friend.. I'd ton of crush and none of them become my real partner.. I guess they too good for me so I can just admire them from back or in other words being their shadows and never move forward.. At the same time, I wish that one fine day he will give me a simple text like 'hye' cause I'm tried to the one who sending him a text.. I've my pride to as a woman but most of the time I can't bear it from texting him.. Yeah maybe he have his own reason why but who cares..? Those three letter doesn't take a lots of time to be send.. Yes it sounds of disappointment from heart actually.. Adios beauty creatures
Friday, 11 November 2011 23:19
♥ Nine Things About Yourself.. ♥People might think I'm FUN.. But reality I am a LONER.. You can see INSANE inside me.. That I PRETEND for who I am now.. BOYISH are what they call.. So I SECRETLY hide my woman sense.. CHOOSY is what I am.. Truth I am AFRAID of relationship.. Conclude how LOSER my created world
Tuesday, 1 November 2011 16:03
♥ Don't Hate Me Cause I'm Beautiful.. ♥ Hello creatures may you live in peace Well I'd been home since last week.. It's not that I don't have any class but I skip 'em and here I am now in front of my laptop update my blog from my hometown.. I had an awesome journey last week yet the awesomeness are ruined because of something that probably happened without me knowing it.. The best part when I dreamed bout it and it was totally creepy and sucks and fucking weirdo..! How not it be when suddenly you dreamt about your crush that you doesn't know what your status are with him but yet you got rejected not from him but from his family..! I repeat FAMILY.. It was super funny and I laughed out loud.. Oh I mentioned that I hung around with my friends aren't I..? Yes I do and it our first official met that time.. I was fucking weird when he said 'hey' to me and sat besides me.. I felt awkward but I silence it to myself.. He's should know that I personally uncomfortable with whoever people sit besides me unless you're someone I might like.. Who doesn't to sit beside someone they like am I..? But everything just fine.. I hate being a good stalker.. Yes I name myself a good stalker seem I am good in it.. I don't speak bullshit so I give people fact and that's the fact I hate to have.. Facebook always disappointed me with things I didn't want to know yet I'll know it and it hurt and broken my feeling into a little pieces.. People call it feeling of envious but I call it feeling of bullshit that not suppose to be existent in this mother nature.. |
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