Saturday, 31 December 2011 02:19
♥ Thanks For Everything 2011.. ♥ We will never meet again but I'll always cherish our memories, 2011 Tonight I'll make a conclusion for my 2011 journey ................................................ There are many things happened this year.. Just like other teenagers out there, I tried to enjoy my life to the fullest.. But you will never see a rainbow without rain right? I lost on my own track most of the time but luckily I've a friends that are supportive and always be there for me.. The girls make me realized that I am lucky to have them in my life.. I make a new friend's and they're nice towards me.. My first not-so-call-date with that guy are one of it.. I never knew that one fine day there will be a men that will send me off to campus like what the heaven! But I do droplet my tears several time especially when I fought with dad and because of my results.. How loser and bullshit yet I need to face the fact.. Oh not to forget, 2011 finally gave me an answer for my own puzzle that I'd been wondering by myself.. It shocked me a bit when I found out who and who but hey I don't judge you just because of that.. But I'll pray for you to change cause I love with all my heart.. Just like other years back then, I still end my year with single status..! Loser much aren't it..? Well I guess maybe I should transform myself first and by that I mean being a ladies and a bit girlish! Haha So goodbye 2011 it really nice to meet you but we'll never meet again.. Hello 2012 I don't hope anything on you but just find me a boyfriend and pass my exam and I will definitely thank you for that..
Friday, 30 December 2011 01:36
♥ When I'm Bored.. ♥ I find that this song's attract me so I make a cover without instrument.. I'm not an artist so don't hope for something :)
Friday, 23 December 2011 01:01
♥ Sometimes Promise Are Make To Be Broken.. ♥ I wonder how life look like without me inside Hello beautiful.. Hope you're fine wherever you are now and stay cool.. I just half way done watching 'Awkward' MTV series.. Kinda cool because it's about high school life as a teenagers and when it comes to that I guess you know how the storyline are.. I'd been thinking lately that my ending for 2011 will not be a good ending.. Don't ask me why I thought in that way cause I've no idea.. It just I sense it that way so please don't blame me for that.. Oh! Besides that, I've no clue why I always wanna say something that not really me but yet I still want to share it with you people.. Sometimes memories haunted me.. I admit that I'm not a good girl because of my past.. What I am now are what I'd through and experienced.. Honestly, I don't think I am a good Muslim as for my religion itself because of my lifestyle.. Even people around me told the same thing that I'm more to West which it not suppose to be like that.. I do realized that most of time but it just me that problem.. Actually I was about to write a conclusion for my 2011 but seem it still early for that so I will continue it in my next post.. Adios!
Thursday, 8 December 2011 03:37
♥ Sorry For Letting You Down.. ♥ This is not who I am It was not my day yesterday.. It started when I woke up until now.. I'm completely lost my way and I just need someone to lead me back to where I used too.. I'm tired faking my emotion when actually I'm dying and screwed inside.. A hug would be okay to me or at least someone shoulder for me to lend and calm myself.. I'm sorry not only to myself but to all who I constantly hurt.. To family especially and whoever that close to me.. I am a loser and that is why I'm being like that.. Apology for my weakness.. Kill me if you want to cause I feel lifeless and nothing here.. Just a piece of trash that should be extinction..
Monday, 5 December 2011 00:11
♥ Twitter... ♥ What you will do when you find out the truth..? Hello world.. I just want to update what happen with me today and I can says that I enjoyed my day like those sweet memories.. Went out with Shida's to Alamanda and I do had fun with her even though she more younger than me.. Well people said maybe because my immature attitude so I easily can adapt kids.. I spent lotsa money maybe almost RM200 for nonsense stuff..! Such as Cluedo Suspect games,cloth,belts and Mac pink keyboard protect.. I hate to admit but I am a shopaholic person.. Then went to Sushi King for dinner.. We ate and talked but suddenly her brothers' came..! OMG I'm effin' nervous and scared don't know why.. So me Shidi and Shida had our chat and their bro with his friend's.. Guess what, abang Jan treated me dinner.. I feel so guilty until now caused you know that was your first time and he treat you suddenly.. So it ridiculous for me to be reluctant right..? Anyhow, thank you abang Jan.. That's all I want to tell you.. Others will be my secret.. Adios
Saturday, 3 December 2011 01:08
♥ Crapppp.... ♥ I guess I'm too lifeless that's why I make a video and upload it here I'm not an artist or professional musician so don't expect much :)
Friday, 2 December 2011 01:57
♥ Give And Take.. ♥ No one knows what will happen next in our life.. So do I.. We can predict or do some plan in future but the question is, are what we predict will be the same when the time comes..? It's 2 December and they probably preparing their last things before fly to Australia.. And I'm stuck here forever thinking how lucky they're.. From nothing to something I guess Lord make His planned well done to some of His creatures.. It is sound of jealousy of me..? Maybe it is.. I asked myself why I can't live happily like them.. They've everything they want even the precious one I love in my life they took it from me.. Still I'm not mad of it yet I thankful to them for make him smile if that what he wants all this whiled.. Caused if that was a price I need to paid then I think maybe it worth it all life time even it hurt sometimes.. Okay enough with my fucking emotional.. I can't want for my end year shopping sales and I'm darn excited to the max..! All this while I just looking through my laptop screen and thinking what to buy.. And seem I will enter twenties zone so I tell myself to buy something ladies outfit else than Ts and sort of things.. For sure Korean style influence me well done with those cute and trendy fashion.. And make up are listed this time for God sake..! Pretty excited to go to Pavilion and Times Square and shop till drop and announce myself bankrupt.. |
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