Sunday, 14 October 2012 14:41
Do I Know You..? ♥It hurts when people keep saying something bad about you even when they have no idea who you really are but still they throw a words like they know you.. Nevermind, maybe im strong enough to deal with those that.. But it sad me when there are certain people that you think might know you yet they just same like the others no matter how many times you explain a same damn things over and over again to them.. Maybe its my fault,but cant you think maybe the situation are not like what you think..? It is me the loser that will keep quiet and do nothing even with stranger tho im not like it or uncomfortable.. Yeah maybe im too powerless.. But that doesnt even make sense for you am i..? Maybe what they said true,im just a bad wild girl that deserve no one in this world.. Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Friday, 12 October 2012 17:33
Somewhere Only We Know.. ♥
i know it's random but i feel i wanna write about you
thank you for being my friend.. you have no idea how you change me now.. yes i felt it from my bottom and for giving me a warm fuzzy feeling are something i haven't feel for quite long time
we constantly argue and for a moment we back as usual like there is nothing happen between us.. i know we both despited but then just know i love you.. it might heard like a joke to you, no offense cause i don't mind..
thank you for always being with me.. you have no idea how much i thank you for those things you done to me.. every word and action make me sense your love and the sincerity in it.. you kept said that you done nothing to me but for me what i'd got from you are more than enough and i can't ask more than that..
for what happened lately, well may i seek for your apologies..? i know its too random but i just thought if it because of me you loose your friends well i can't apology myself for sure.. they're your treasure you must keep no matter what happen between us between me and your friends between you and them..
but something i want you to know, whatever happen in future i'll always behind your back just like a shadow..
We Play Innocent.. ♥
isn't it weird when people keep misunderstanding by things we say and do..?
what happen recently make me think that people can be misunderstood so easily like they're the only human being alive that related with me.. how can people be to shallow minded when you can think in other perspective that whatever i'm says are something random..? hilarious
to whoever that misunderstood with what i said which was so random.. well can't you be a bit open with what happen around you and be mature as you not living alone here.. there are people surrounding you either in direct or indirect way.. so please..?
the way you act is what you are i can say, the truth of your color.. i'm not type of person that talk behind someone back since it is so not me.. but if you start it first, well i'm not hesitate to talk back especially when you have no idea what happen with my life..
Im a silence haters and i seldom judge people.. but once i did, well everything about you can annoyed me easily.. well this is my privacy and i write what's on my mind
Friday, 5 October 2012 18:11
An Apologies Letter ♥Tidak semua manusia suka dengan apa yang kita lakukan dengan apa yang kita rasakan.. Mungkin kadang kala kita tak sedar yang kita melampaui batas.. Atau mungkin juga sifat manusia yang alpa ini sering kali menimbulkan ketidakrasian antara manusia.. Aku tau ketidaksempurnaan aku menyebabkan banyak pihak berasa janggal dengan tingkah laku ini.. Dalam soal ini,aku tidak salahkan sesiapa kerana aku tahu kehadiran aku memyebabkan sekumpulan manusia tidak seperti dahulu.. Tipu jika aku katakan aku tidak rasa apa-apa.. Perasaan bersalah menghantui aku kerana menyebabkan sebuah persahabatan menjadi kucar-kacir.. Siapa diri ini jika hendak dibandingkan mereka..? Aku cuba sebaik mungkin untuk mengenali mereka.. Walaupun sedikit tetapi mungkin itu tidak cukup.. Tak mengapa diri,lumrah hidup.. Tipu jika aku katakan aku tidak berasa apa-apa.. Terkedu tapi reaksi ku biasa.. Aku cuba memahami situasi dengan memikirkan perasaan mereka.. Tidak mengapa jikalau diri ini terluka,tapi jangan musnahkan apa yang sedia ada.. Berkorban demi sebuah kebahagiaan,itu amat suci bagiku.. Jika suatu hari nanti kata putus diperlukan,pilihlah mereka yang sentiasa disisimu kerana diri ini tidak punya apa-apa sebagai seorang manusia biasa.. Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4 |
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Khairul Ezany ![]() Create Your Badge Scream Love,
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